2021 Allevia Annual Report

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“I must step back to let the people whom

I support to be independent”

“I have experience taking Paul to go

out in the community. Paul clearly at the

beginning, has a degree of hesitancy to

communicate. We recognised that it was

creating barriers to his social inclusion.

When I supported Paul in the community,

he sometimes struggled to comprehend

community people. We still encouraged

and supported Paul to participate in the

community and to communicate using

his unique verbal/ nonverbal techniques.

Knowing the proverb, ‘Slow and steady

wins the race’. I needed to step back and

let Paul communicate and interact directly

when on outings. I am committed to

implementing NDIS values of respecting

every person’s right to autonomy,

encouraging them to exercise their

independence. That included me stepping

back. Even though sometimes I feel like

I perhaps have not done my job not

advocating on behalf of Paul, encouraging

him to interact directly. I was aware that

Paul may struggle to communicate at the

beginning but due to repeated attempts

communicating for himself he became

more confident to speak with community


“Janice was faced with many challenges

and numerous visits to the bank when

embarking on opening a bank account

so she could have a debit card. The

challenges were due to the lack of

identification documents, a common

barrier for people in similar circumstances

as Janice. Considerable support was

needed from her formal support network

to gain enough identification documents

to satisfy the Bank’s requirements. The

process was time consuming for Janice

and involved the local branch of the bank

needing Janice’s personal details verified

from their head office.

As a result of the many visits to the bank

Janice became acquainted with the staff.

The staff responded warmly to her on

each visit and were sad that they weren’t

going to have further interactions with her

when the account was finally opened. It

took quite a long time to achieve what she

needed however, with great determination

Janice successfully was presented with

her new account details and debit card.”

Tia Ru, Living Services Manager

Paul is now confident to go out, talk, make

friends in the community where he feels

he is a valued member of the community

team. Seeing the changes in people makes

us feel that perhaps we have made some

positive changes.”

Swasti Subedi, Support Worker

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