Digital Opportunity Trust Research Project

During the duration of the DOT social entrepreneur project we were tasked with conceptualising a robust set of tools that emerging entrepreneurs in all regions of Africa could use to jumpstart their small businesses. It was pivotal that we understood the localisation of each region in order to find a common ground set of features that would work for each region, while understanding what made each region culturally unique. Once our concepts came to fruition, we then embarked on a month long research project to Tanzania, Ghana, and Jordan to test our ideas with local entrepreneurs. These are our findings.

During the duration of the DOT social entrepreneur project we were tasked with conceptualising a robust set of tools that emerging entrepreneurs in all regions of Africa could use to jumpstart their small businesses. It was pivotal that we understood the localisation of each region in order to find a common ground set of features that would work for each region, while understanding what made each region culturally unique.

Once our concepts came to fruition, we then embarked on a month long research project to Tanzania, Ghana, and Jordan to test our ideas with local entrepreneurs. These are our findings.


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“Entrepreneurs are coordinators,

conductors, not creators; 90 percent

of my time is planning, feeding

fabrics together, getting feedback.”

“You need something that’s real. It’s

about testing. … Your optics change

on the ground. … I’d rather be wrong

today, than wrong tomorrow.”

“If it’s all in [Ideasource], this would

become one of my most used apps.”

Entrepreneurship and the social enterprise scene can

greatly benefit from these offerings.

The practice of social innovation is alive and well in each country

we visited, boasting a spectrum of entrepreneurs from novices to

experts. Well-connected communities of social entrepreneurship

as a craft are still nascent, and users found that the four concepts

tested all contributed to a powerful community-building that

would help social enterprise be self-sufficient, sustainable, and

locally relevant.

The preference is for digital innovation.

The vast amount of networking within social innovation

communities begins digitally, mainly through social media. Users

confirmed their interest in digital tools to increase potential

linkages, curate networks, connect to those interested in similar

causes, provide flexibility to undertake innovation projects out

of the office, and continue using and sharing online resources.

Digital’s opportunity is its omnipresence, which makes users feel

supported and uninhibited.

While digital spaces are all about opportunity, physical spaces

are primarily about legitimacy—having a known place to meet,

connect, share, and dream together helps people understand

what they are making is real, impactful, and tangible.

Entrepreneurialism is coordination and facilitation.

Most of a social entrepreneur’s successes come through wellplanned,

tested strategies and a willingness to tolerate a certain

amount of risk. Helping young innovators understand value,

balance risk, and calculate how to prioritize their time and

energy will enable them to connect the dots more capably as

they build their businesses.

Empower through shrinking.

By moving people towards actionable goals, DOT can help

social innovators get real versions of their ideas out faster. The

ideological challenge will be to help youth understand that

micro-versions of their dreams are even more valid than their

visions because they can actually exist in concrete form. There’s

a power in leanness and making something small, through

research, strategy, piloting, and pivoting.

The system needs to be holistic.

Users want a complete package of everything social

entrepreneurship. While some worried about the application

feeling heavy, the benefit of connecting every aspect of one’s

work is essential for greater success and greater impact. This is

ideal as long as DOT makes informed development choices about

when to use data and leverage existing APIs.




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