Volume 27 Issue 4 - February 2022
Gould's Wall -- Philip Akin's "breadcrumb trail; orchestras buying into hope; silver linings to the music theatre lockdown blues; Charlotte Siegel's watershed moments; Deep Wireless at 20; and guess who is Back in Focus. All this and more, now online for your reading pleasure.
Gould's Wall -- Philip Akin's "breadcrumb trail; orchestras buying into hope; silver linings to the music theatre lockdown blues; Charlotte Siegel's watershed moments; Deep Wireless at 20; and guess who is Back in Focus. All this and more, now online for your reading pleasure.
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FROM JAN 16 ON: Sundays at 7pm, In-Home Concert<br />
Series curated by Donavon LeNabat of Donavon’s Anti-<br />
Social Gathering, Porch Side Concerts and In-Home Open<br />
Mic. Livestreamed Sunday nights, and available on demand<br />
following the livestream. The first concert featured musical<br />
theatre star Charlotte Moore with LeNabat at the piano. Other<br />
guests booked include musical theatre artists, as well as jazz/<br />
pop singers and musicians. FREE (tips welcome).<br />
JAN <strong>27</strong> to FEB 6, 7:30: Sweetheart: A One Woman Musical<br />
by Dean Burry. Sweetheart Productions. Recorded presentation<br />
of the December 2021 production of Sweetheart.<br />
Melissa Morris; Clare Marion (piano); Greg Wanless, director.<br />
www.events.eply.com/SweetheartAOneWomanMusical.<br />
$10. ONLINE<br />
JAN 30 to FEB 7: (with possible extension TBC), Ursa: A<br />
Folk Musical. The Next Stage Festival. Tickets $15 plus fees.<br />
Festival passes also available.<br />
Show will be available to view on demand once released.<br />
fringetoronto.com/next-stage/tickets-passes<br />
Marie Bérard, violin<br />
Winona Zelenka, cello<br />
Rémi Pelletier, viola<br />
With guest artists<br />
Sheila Jaffé, viola<br />
Amanda Goodburn, violin<br />
<strong>February</strong> 20 th <strong>2022</strong> at 3pm<br />
Trinity St.Paul’s Center, 4<strong>27</strong> Bloor St. W.<br />
Quintessence<br />
Viola quintets by Mozart and Mendelssohn<br />
Limited in-person audience-$40 (includes online access)<br />
Concert on Demand, 2-week online access-$20<br />
Questions? Contact admin@trioarkel.com<br />
https://trioarkel.eventbrite.ca<br />
FEB 11 to 19: The Quest, a new Canadian musical by Murray<br />
Foster and Kieren MacMillan at the Canadian College for the<br />
Performing Arts in Victoria, Live and ONLINE across Canada.<br />
www.ccpacanada.com/the-quest<br />
FEB 13, 7pm: Kindness, INNERchamber 7pm, Revival<br />
House, pre-show chat 6:30 pm (free), Concert tickets $10-40.<br />
innerchamber.ca<br />
ONLINE (also live if allowed, please see website for updates)<br />
FEB 16 to MAR 16:<br />
Via Kanana, Harbourfront Centre in partnership with<br />
Digidance. As a highlight of Kuumba, Harbourfront Centre’s<br />
longest running Black Futures Month Festival, Via Kanana is<br />
a non-stop torrent of energy. The hour-long work condemns<br />
the corrosive effects of corruption in South Africa and<br />
expresses frustration at how little has changed for the better<br />
for Black people since the end of Apartheid.<br />
Video on Demand Streaming in Canada only. From $15 +<br />
applicable taxes. www.harbourfrontcentre.com<br />
Via Kanana<br />
Jennifer Parr is a Toronto-based director, dramaturge, fight<br />
director and acting coach, brought up from a young age on a rich<br />
mix of musicals, Shakespeare and new Canadian plays.<br />
thewholenote.com <strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | 17