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445 North Orchard . Boise, tD 83706 . (208) 373-0550 Brad Little, Governor

John H. Tippets, Director

November 5,2079

The Honorable Rich Sykes

Mayor, City of Mountain Home

150 South 3rd East

Mountain Home, ldaho 83547


City of Mountain Home - Facility Plan - DWG-204-2019-8 (Elmore County)

Technical Approval of the City of Mountain Home Drinking Water Facility plan

Dear Mayor Sykes:

The Department of Environmental euality (DEe) has completed its review of the technical portion of the City

of Mountain Home (city) Drinking water Facility Plan DWG-204-2oLg-g (Facility plan)and has no further

comments' This letter shall be considered approval of the technical portion of the Facility plan. please submit

preliminary engineering reports (PER) to DEQ for review and approval prior to preparing and submitting

detailed plans and specifications for any of the proposed projects in the Facility plan. plans and specifications

cannot be reviewed until a corresponding PER is first approved; furthermore, no construction can begin until

the detailed plans and specifications have been reviewed and approved by DEe except for those projects

subject to review by a eualified Licensed professional Engineer.

The City has chosen to opt out of the requirement to complete an Environmental lnformation Document (ElD)

as part of the Facility Plan. Thus, at this time, the city is not eligible for federal funding through DEQ s state

Revolving Fund (SRF) Program. Please note that if SRF funding will be pursued, an EID must be prepared in

order to qualify for those funds. Generally, SRF loan money can be used to pay for the preparation of an EID as

part of a loan-funded project,

lf you have any questions regarding the technical portion of the Facility Plan, please feel free to contact me at

208-37 3-028 1 or via ema i I at Da n. M.Sm ith @deq. ida ho.gov.


n Smith,

Staff Engineer




Approval Stamped Facility Plan Cover page


James Bledsoe, P.E., Keller Associates (w/ enclosure)

Charlie Parkins, DEQState Office


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