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Clinton Christian Academy Seniors Q&A

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom

would you want as a dinner guest, and why?

Laney Walters

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I would choose my grandma. She knows how to cook my

favorite foods and loves to talk with me about football.

Her meals taste better than most restaurants.

Ally Noone

I would want to have dinner with Elon Musk. I am not

particularly a big fan of his, but I would love to sit with

him and hear his ideas. It would be extremely interesting

to understand his thought process and the way his mind

works. He intrigues me.

Ryan Spears

I would choose Tiger Woods. Golf is my favorite sport

and I believe there would be a lot for us to talk about.

I would like to ask him many questions and thank him

for the way he changed the sport forever.

Connor Tatum

Tim Tebow. I would love to discuss sports with him.

I really admire him for his strong stance for Christian

values and his determination.

Natalie Toups

It would be AJ Andrews. She is a softball player who

played at my dream school, LSU. She has been a role

model of mine since I was about 13 years old. I look

up to her in so many ways. I would ask her how she

became the athlete she is today. She is a sensation

in the softball world!

Joe Thomas

The person I would like to go to dinner with is Tom

Holland. I would like to go with him because I would

like to know about being an actor and his experience.

It is impressive how well he hides his British accent.

He seems cool and I think we would laugh a lot and

have a good time.

Robin Neblett

I would choose Dolly Parton. I think she is such a great

role model. I would love to talk to her about all her

success in life. She has such a positive outlook in life,

and I know she would brighten my day.






Kaymen Wilson

I would love to have dinner with Drew Brees. I have

always been a fan of him and the Saints. I would like to

ask him why he chose to retire when he did and how it

felt to be the spotlight of every game. I would also tell

him how much I enjoyed watching him play and throw

game-winning touchdowns with barely any time left.

Cindi Shafer

I would love to have dinner with Johnny Depp. I enjoy

his acting skills and movies along with his quirky personality.

I would ask a lot of questions and of course get his


Anne Maree Crechale

I would want to have dinner with Kyrie Irving. He is a

good basketball player. He plays point guard, which is

the position I play as well. I would love to get advice

from him.

AJ Johnson

I personally would like to go to dinner with Steph Curry.

I look up to him and hope to be a successful man like he

is. He is an amazing basketball player but also just a great

guy who gives a lot to his community. He is someone

I just really respect.

Audrey Bryson

Given the choice of anyone to have as a dinner guest,

I would choose Donald Trump. I would like to tell him how

much I appreciate all that he has done for our country.

I admire his brave attitude and I‘d like to also get some

tanning tips from him.

Jayy Whitehead

I would love to go to dinner with the actress that plays

Sarah Cameron on the show Outer Banks. I think she is

a great actress and really enjoyed her role on that show.

I would like to tell her that I think she is beautiful and

really talented.

Hometown CLINTON • 27

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