2020 Chris Hill Testimonial Brochure

2020 Chris Hill Testimonial Brochure

2020 Chris Hill Testimonial Brochure


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From Hilly’s first day, it was clear we had picked up a

special talent. He had plied his trade for a number

of years with Leigh, earning a reputation as the best

forward in the second tier, so came with a bit of a wrap.

Pre-season is a tough gig, and Hilly would have

been allowed time to get up to speed, but he didn’t

need it, his fitness was unbelievable, with big, thick

forearms and a neck like a bull, he was always one

to avoid when wrestling!! These physical attributes

and a desire to consistently improve, formed the

foundation of his career to date. A career where his

performances have had a very narrow gap

between his best and worst.

Hilly just went from strength to strength, and quickly

became an important player for Wire and England.

It was always a pleasure to play with Hilly, his

consistency was reassuring, providing confidence

to those around him in the same way

Super Benny and big Moz did. This had him down as

the first name on the sheet for me.

Off the pitch, Hilly is a good family man with Kathryn

and the kids ever present, along with his mum and dad,

enjoying the highs and getting him through the lows.

He comes a very close second when it comes to the

tightest I’ve played with - Higham is still the master!!

Congratulations on your testimonial Chill, much

deserved mate.

Simon Grix

Chris initially played for Wigan St Pats, a year above

his age group, in the under 8’s and played that well

that no-one would have known he was only 6 at the


When I started to coach the Wigan St. Pats Under

7’s, it took me several years before I could persuade

Chris to play at his own age group, and join my

under 13’s team, where he then played alongside

his current team mate Stefan Ratchford.

Chris was a welcome addition to strengthen our pack.

He always gave it 100%, and his determination to

succeed was evident in those early years. Chris played

for me for 2 years before joining New Springs Lions in

Aspull, where he went on to sign for Leigh. My cousin

was an avid Leigh fan and would report back that

Wigan had missed out on a very good player that was

improving all the time.

He got his deserved Super League debut with

Warrington following in the footsteps of the great

Mike Gregory. I have met up with Chris several

times, the last being at a MENCAP charity do where

he was the guest speaker. It’s nice to know that

Chris has not just had a very successful Rugby

League career that has resulted in England and

Great Britain honours, but that he is a great person

both on and off the pitch.

Oh, and by the way, my wife Carol said thanks for

sorting the new bathroom lol.

Mike Carney - Former Wigan St.Pats Junior


I first met Chris when he signed for Leigh at

16 years old, I was coaching the under 18s

Academy at this time. Chris had signed for the club,

along with 20 other players who were meant to be

the club’s under 16s Academy, but unfortunately,

the team was refused entry into the under 16s

academy league and all the players had to step up

and play for the under 18s, which was a massive step

up, playing against lads two years older than you.

Unfortunately quite a few of the players found this

step up hard , but not Chris - he was made captain

of the team and always lead from the front

playing in the front row at 16 years old at that level was

unbelievable, especially when he signed for the

club as a centre. He went from strength to strength,

and it was clear at an early age what he was going

to achieve later in his career. It did not surprise me

one bit when he soon got into the first team at Leigh

Centurions and all coaches at the club knew that it

was only a matter of time before one of the big clubs

came in to take him to another level. That club was

Warrington, where it has been a privilege to watch

him turn into one of the finest props the country has

produced. It has been fantastic watching him win

silverware at Warrington and also represent his

country. This has made all the coaching staff that

worked with him at Leigh very proud.

I am delighted that he has been rewarded with a

testimonial year and I hope it is very successful,

despite these testing times. Many congratulations

Chris and good luck for your future.

Kevin Anderton Leigh u18 Coach

I met Chris as a 16-year-old at Leigh in 2005. He was

a very shy lad around a group of super league players

who had already achieved in their careers. The thing that

struck me with Chris is that he wasn’t phased by anything.

He exhibited confidence in his own game and his

physical ability.

I remember after completing a very eventful

preseason warm weather camp in Spain, we played a

near full strength Wigan side at a packed out Hilton

Park. On the way to the match, a car full of players had

a car crash and were unavailable for the game. Chris

had to step up, and in typical Hilly fashion he absolutely

smashed it. He was my stand out player, leading from

the front, setting a great platform for a young Leigh team.

It’s been a pleasure to watch Chris grow as a player,

husband and father over the years.

I had the pleasure of spending time with him at the

World Cup in 2017 and was extremely proud to witness

him play for England in the final, and how he handled

things in typical Hilly fashion, still leading from the front.

I’d like to congratulate Chris on his achievements in

the great game of Rugby League and wish him all the

best for his testimonial. Although I can’t be there, I’ll

certainly be raising a beer in his honour from

New Zealand.

Tony Benson

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