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4 Exercises for Rehabbing a Knee


Posted by Casey Stenehjem

Having an injury is tough, especially when you use that specific joint or

muscle in nearly everything you do.

A rehab workout program can be complex. This blog will simplify it for you

by breaking down some exercises that may help you recover from a knee

injury or knee pain.

The Structural Complexity of the Knee Joint

Your knees are supposed to move forward and back but also have the

ability to move side to side. This movement is controlled by the hips,

ankles, and feet. That said, it’s natural to think, “I have knee pain, so I

should work on my knee.” But your knee is heavily controlled by the

neighbouring joints.

Try this out:

1. Get into a squat stance and generate outward tension, like you’re

trying to rip the floor apart without taking your heels off the ground.

What do your knees do? They turn outwards.

2. Now start to slowly lower your squat, keeping the tension in your

feet. You should notice your hips and glutes engaging as you lower.

All of these joints work together. Which means they need to be trained

and rehabbed together to help rehab the knee.

There are many reasons why someone may have knee pain or a knee

injury. Creating more stability and mobility in these neighbouring joints

and muscles is highly likely to improve pain and help you recover from an

injury so you can get back to doing what you love.

As always, we recommend speaking to your doctor or physical therapist if

you have ongoing knee pain. Remember, pain is a signal, and it will get

louder if you keep pushing through it rather than fixing the root cause.

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