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This crossbody resistance will challenge and improve your hip and core

stability, which are needed to help recover and prevent future injury. Heel

taps are great mobility exercises for athletes at any fitness level but are

especially critical for rehab.

If you’re a runner, they’re also a great pre-hab exercise to add to your

fitness routine.

4. Lateral Walk

Aim for 15 to 20 reps in each direction or a total of 1 minute, and 3 to 4


How To Do a Lateral Walk:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointed forward with a

slight bend in your knee.

Push your hips back slightly as if you are about to squat down. This is

your starting position.

Step to your right with your right foot, followed by the left foot. Repeat for

5 steps to the right, then step left back to your starting position. This is

one rep in each direction.

Pro Tip:

Always ensure your toes are pointing forward and your feet only come

back to hip-width apart when you step back in. It’s common for people to

allow their feet to go almost entirely back together.


Here are three common progressions you can try with lateral walks:

Add a resistance band around your knees. Start with low resistance, but

feel free to increase it if you can do so without pain.

Add weight by holding a YBell up to your chest with a rack grip or top lock

grip (like you’re performing a dumbbell bicep curl), keeping it close to

your body. Push your hips back further to dip into a squat-like position

and remain low for the entire movement.

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