PQBH Marina Guide 2022 v10

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Artificial reefs

3D printed artificial

reefs in Poole Bay

In March 2021, Bournemouth University (BU)

researchers deployed 3D printed concrete

artificial reef units in Poole Bay.

This research is part of an EU Interreg Atlantic

funded research project called 3DPARE with

collaborators in France, Spain and Portugal.

The aim of the project is to deploy and

monitor 3D printed reef units which have been

fabricated from low impact bio-receptive

materials. These reef units have various

applications including mitigation for loss of

natural reef habitat, fisheries enhancement,

coastal protection and enhanced recreational

amenity through recreational fishing and


The artificial reef units include a variety of

habitats for marine life including different

sized holes, tunnels, ledges and flat surfaces.

Within just 48 hours the reef units were already

providing homes for multiple crab species.


The Poole Harbour and Marina Guide 2022

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