April 2022 Newsletter
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Membership Luncheon Dates for <strong>2022</strong>:<br />
<strong>April</strong> 13th<br />
September 14th<br />
November 9th<br />
Locations and menu’s are to be announced. Watch<br />
our weekly email blast for up-to-date luncheon<br />
information.<br />
Are you interested in Volunteering at the Chamber of Commerce or know someone who<br />
might? We would love to have you! Volunteering consists of answering phones,<br />
interacting with guests, and having FUN! We currently have just a few openings, and<br />
would love the opportunity to talk with you about it!<br />
Interested individuals should contact Jennifer or Nicole at 863-465-4331 or email us at<br />
information@lpfla.com.<br />