Rajah News - June 2022

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presiding. The facility had accommodations that would serve as the rehearsal hall for the Chanters and the bands, plus meeting

facilities for several of the Rajah Units and Clubs and other functions.

With interest in youth sports a priority, work was started on the installation of a regulation-sized soccer field across Orchard

Road from the main entrance into the Complex. As a tribute to the youth in the

area, a second soccer field was added later near the Banquet Hall. These are in

use almost every day from April through October.

Construction of Banquet Hall

underway in 2009

visiting nobles from other Shrine temples.

Since the time we first purchased the property in 1997, there

have been many changes, additions, and remodeling to the original

buildings in order to keep the area in good repair and to make a firstclass

addition to the region.

As we look to future, we are always looking for ideas to improve

our property and make it available for use by all of our members and

their families. It is our sincere hope that this property will serve as

a lasting tribute to all of the Nobles of Rajah Shrine that helped to

ensure that this piece of land will be in our possession for many years

to come, serving the needs of the entire community.

In our next article we will present the history of Shriners Hospitals

for Children, how they began, what services they offer, the location

of each hospital and what the future holds for these vital places of

treatment for our children.

In 2009, ground was broken and work started to add to the All-Purpose

meeting room with an addition of a Banquet Hall to accommodate 299

persons. The newly constructed facility would have restrooms accessible from

the exterior to accommodate those attending functions at the picnic pavilion. It

would also have an enclosed entrance across from the main parking lot, which

would serve both of the meeting and banquet rooms. Finished in 2011, it is

used several nights a week, including Thursday nights for the Rajah sponsored

Bingo fund raiser.

A few years later, several members of the Rajah Caravanners made a

presentation to the Rajah Board of Directors to build a fully functional

Recreational Vehicle Park to accommodate the needs of our members and

Aerial view of Rajah Shrine complex today

Walter Lamm,



The Caravaners first campout was held in April, and the weather cooperated this time. Despite all the

cold and wind in the preceding days, the weekend at the Oasis was pleasant.

We held our first meeting since October of 2021. That is a long time between meetings, but we only

conduct meetings during our campouts, so we had a lot to talk about. A lot of ground was covered during

that meeting, which was attended by Ill. Sir Joe Hagan. He commented that it was the longest meeting he

had attended in quite a while, but it was very productive.

Thank you, Ill Sir and Lady Joyce, for joining us at our meeting. It was an honor and a privilege to

have you with us.

Our plans for a New England tour were cancelled. Reasons given were cost of fuel being unpredictable,

COVID still proving to be a menace and many of the campgrounds are already booked for the season.

Once again, come and join us for an evening around the campfire, communal breakfast and dinner. Or

just relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Be safe, be healthy, be a happy camper. And camp on!


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