The Backporch Review 2022

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Island Connection

By Idalis Santiago, 12

The countryside of Puerto Rico is where mango trees thrive,

I was told by my grandmother--

tales of living off the land, where the poor reside,

and children spent their days running into the forest--

foraging for the sweet nectar of fruit.

As I grew the stories intrigued me,

the island held memories unknown--

ready to be sought without hesitation.

Over the years, the mango slices turned whole,

until the mango trees stood before me.

My hand met the tree--

filling me with generations of memories,

the oranges, reds, yellows, and greens called to me.

Unlike my mother and grandmother, I didn’t climb.

Yet, the tree stood tall with island pride.

The first and last bite of the fruit--

are the most delicious and unforgettable,

the smell, the taste, the surface of the smooth skin--

the blooming freshness of picking one on my own,

a reminder that my family once called this place home.


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