The Backporch Review 2022

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Bioluminescent Bay

By Idalis Santiago, 12

Hues of a setting sun infused the sky:

Oranges, blues, purples

Faded into night--

Until only moonlight shown above.

The rocky shore was infested with sharp rocks,

Cutting at the softened feet--

The warm salty sea healed those wounds

As the groups climbed into kayaks.

On the journey, a warm tropical breeze

Took over the night air--

Working hard in the dead of night,

Soon stumbling upon a shore.

The journey continued across land--

Groups lost in the dark,

Finding their way to the hidden bay,

While carrying a hefty load.

Placing the kayaks down--

In a narrow, salty pathway,

Water was the only route to the secret bay--

Where then the touch of water glowed.

Specks of blue light rippled through the water--

Hands now dragged, eyes glimmered,

The beautiful phenomenon left children in awe

as brilliant fish swam by with a flash of light.


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