The Backporch Review 2022

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Pink Bic Lighter

By Madison Cuoco, 11

My mother used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

Each one lit by a pink Bic lighter

And the smell of menthol would fill the room

Teachers, parents, priests would judge her for smoking near a child

Saying my clothes stunk of the stench of tobacco

Yet they never knew that the stench smelled like home to me.

My mother and I would go outside,

She would light up a smoke and I’d pluck some flowers

And we would talk for hours

This memory lit by a pink Bic lighter

My mom would take me on long drives,

Just to stare at the southern countryside

In her black Hyundai, with cigarette ashes in the cup holders,

And a pack of Marlboro Lights sitting on the dashboard

This memory lit by a pink Bic lighter

And now my mom’s light is gone.

Her black Hyundai was taken to the car dealer

And I was taken away from that southern countryside.

But one thing they never took away from me was that pink Bic lighter

As the lighter she once used to light cigarettes with now allows me to

light candles that give me light to see my brighter future.


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