
A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.

A baseline study on aging and health has been done in Suryabinayak Municipality Ward Number- 2 Bhaktapur, Nepal with the aim to know the health and well-being status of older citizens.


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Nepal Red Cross Society Ageing & Health Project Baseline Study Report

Step 1: The ward was divided into four sector/cluster arbitrarily using ward map as follows. Along this

line, a more practical clustering for the ease of data collection was done in consultation of

local people and NRCS sub branch Balkot in ward no. 2

Step 2: In each sector, at the time of interview starting from one end, every alternate household was

contacted and checked if there was a eligible member of 60+ age group to be interviewed. In

a situation where there were more than one member of 60+ person, the oldest one was

interviewed irrespective of sex.

Step 3: After eight consecutive interviews, sex ratio of interviewee was checked to see if equal or near

equal number of male and female were interviewed. Interview preference were adjusted in

next set of interview to create a balance of the sex ratio. During the interview, some

adjustment in the household selection had to be made to include respondents from Dalit


Figure 1: Cluster division

Qualitative: Focus group discussion in each cluster

In total eleven focus group discussions were conducted for under 60 years age group and for 60 above

age groups equally from each cluster. Efforts for conducting FGD of only women or only men did not

work as the tendency for aged couple was to walk together or have someone to assist with same age

group. All FGD were recorded as well as notes were taken simultaneously by a note taker. All the

notes were expanded, rechecked for any inconsistency and unclear statement and verified with

recorded note as required.

Four Key Informant interviews were also carried out with the municipality mayor, ward chair and

health staff of the ward number 2. Additionally KII was also carried out with other senior citizens of

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