2021-10-31 Howloween

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Skitters n Simon and the Angels Shadow n Lady Bonnie Bonnie n da Boyz comes

tugether ans invites da rest ob da kitties n baby Dragons tu joins dem tu sings:

♫Happy Purrsdae n Gotcha Day tu mew, ♪

Happy Purrsdae n Gotcha Day tu mew, ♪

Happy Purrsdae n Gotcha Day tu mew dears Collin, Simon ans Quincey ♪

Happy Purrsdae n Gotcha Day tu mew wiff our lubs ♫

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty ♪ Happee Purrsdaee an Gotsha daee ta

yaaa... ♫

Gwen Hickford The crew join in the singing.

Liz Reeve Happy Purrsday and Gotcha Day to you!

Wormhole Bistro <Oreo> Happe Gotcha dae an Happe Purrsdae to awl who iz


Susan Siefers Happy Gotcha Day to Simon and Collin, and Happy Purrsday to Quincy.

Wormhole Bistro

Chef Snuffles habs out dun herselfie tuday ans her Main Noms fur tuday bes da

Ghostly Shepherder's Pie plates, Skull Pizzas wiff da toppins ob mew's pickins, Jack-O-

Lantern Cheezie Burger Pie plates, Pirate Pasta plates wiff hot garlicy toasties ans our

Dwink ob da Day bes da Witch's Brew Frappaccinos. BOOOOO!

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