2021-10-31 Howloween

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Gwen Hickford Gramma Lilie and Simy come out of the Great Room laughing together.

Pumpkin frowns. It's not funny what's happening, he mutters. I only had a little sip

thank goodness but my ears won't stop twitching. He trots off to help Snuffles bring out

dinner for five and their drinks. Jake is still running around interviewing anyone he can

find and Muffin is madly taking photos. Pumpkin shrugs and sits down to have dinner

with Simy, Gramma Lilie and Snuffles.

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty Endshoee yawr dinna, Gramma Lilie,

Snuffles an Pumpkin! HUGS! Oh... ya look graet, Snuffles - ah... did ya

hab da littul sip of Troubie's kocktaeel, too?

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hm... you look pretty Marilyn today, Snuffles... - At least

you don't run around with a camera or a microphone!

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