2021-10-31 Howloween

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Gwen Hickford Good morning Auntie Johanna the crew dance over and give her big

hugs as Pumpkin continues to fly overhead.

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty ♪ Wun aeed ♫ wun horned ♫ flaeein purkel

peepelz eeta... ♪ ♫ - Good mornin, sisfur an brofurz! HUGS! Oh, uz LUB dat


Gwen Hickford Good morning Pookie, Starlie, Troubie and Dusty the crew give

them big hugs. We've heard Mom humming this song so often we just had to do it

today, Pumpkin laughs as he finally lands.

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty


It shoor be da purrfakt song ta start DIS

Wormhole Bistro Ooooo guds mornin Crew ans Gramma Lilie It bes sew guds tu

sees mew dis mornin as da Boyz gibs dem awl huggies n cheekie kissies ans

Simy gibs Gramma Lilie extwas ans offers him's paw ans dem goes tu da Grate Room

tu habs dem's Nip Tea ans hot Budda Scones while dem watch da Bistro wakie ups

Gwen Hickford Good morning Shad, Skits and Simy the crew and Gramma Lilie

purr as they give them hugs and cheekie kisses back. Gramma Lilie gives extra to

Simy as she takes his arm. This is going to be fun to watch, she chuckles. And it will

be even better as we have our hot nip tea and hot buttered scones.

Eileen Murphy Great song! Here I come to dance!

Gwen Hickford We like it Auntie Eileen the crew purr. It's fun. They make room for

her to dance with them.

Eileen Murphy Let's do this! I feel energized!

Gwen Hickford So are we Auntie Eileen the crew purr. Let's get it on.

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