2021-10-31 Howloween

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Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Thank you very much, Boyz, and yes,

that's really us... after Troubie's VERY special Howloween cocktail! - And don't

look that surprised, YOU don't look THAT normal, either!

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Johanna ans Unkie Bear ???? mew boff bes bery


Uz not lookie normal as dem awl lookie at each udders ans bursts outs laffin!

Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty <Troubie> (sticks his head through the door

of his herbs kitchen and looks at the Boyz.) OOOPSIE... Sorree fur dat, Shad, me do ma

bestest ta figger owt hau dat kood happen!

Wormhole Bistro Troubie, mew comes backs here n fix dis messie dat mew makie


Pookie, Troubardix, Starlight & Dusty <Troubie> Me be WURKIN on it, Shad!!!

Me hab ta faind owt WUT hab gonn rong, if me wanna fiks dat, or me maeet maek it

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Well, I can give you some good advice right away: Next

time, just USE LESS MAGIC on your "special drinks"!

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