2021-10-31 Howloween

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Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, may we please have two Polar Geist drinks - hopefully

without weird side effects?

Gwen Hickford Hewe yew awe Auntie Johanna an' Unkie Big Beaw, Jake races over.

two Powaw Geist dwinks fow yew.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Thank you very much, Jake! - No, we'll NOT

give you an interview, sorry.

Eileen Murphy I would like the Howleen shakie please without the kicker

Gwen Hickford Jake rushes over, Here yew awe Auntie Eiween. A Howeween shake

wiff out a kick fow yew.

Eileen Murphy Oh thank you Jake! It looks spookilishes!

Audra Gednalske Send a round of drinks to all

Gwen Hickford Hi Auntie Audwa, Jake races over. A dwink fow yew an' Aiz wiw take

awe da uddews awound.

Audra Gednalske Thank you much Jake

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