Fall 2022 Adult Christian Formation
This brochure outlines the various classes and forums at All Saints' this Fall. From sustainability to public life, deep listening to theological study, there is something for everyone here! Take a look at the various classes and we hope you'll join us for a few.
This brochure outlines the various classes and forums at All Saints' this Fall. From sustainability to public life, deep listening to theological study, there is something for everyone here! Take a look at the various classes and we hope you'll join us for a few.
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All Saints' Episcopal Church<br />
FALL <strong>2022</strong>
<strong>Adult</strong> <strong>Formation</strong><br />
at All Saints’ seeks to<br />
invite the Holy Spirit’s<br />
transformation in our lives,<br />
deepening our <strong>Christian</strong><br />
faith for the sake of the<br />
FALL <strong>2022</strong> CALENDAR<br />
Jesus on the Front Page<br />
Session One: An Altar for the World<br />
Youth Pilgrimage Presentation<br />
Living Faith in Public Life Through the Power of Empathy<br />
Saints and Service Sunday<br />
What's God up to? Dwelling in the Word<br />
Session Two: America the Beautiful<br />
A Bigger Table<br />
A conversation with Naomi Tutu (Online)<br />
Sustainability and All Saints'<br />
Seeking Shalom (Online)<br />
What's God up to? Spiritual Storytelling<br />
A Dialogue with Bishop Wright<br />
Georgia Voices<br />
The Future of a Greener Atlanta<br />
Session Three: Foundations of our Faith<br />
Saints and Service Sunday<br />
What's God up to? Dwelling in the World<br />
A Conversation with Jenny McBride (Online)<br />
Advent Book Study<br />
Advent-Adventure<br />
Legacy and the God of our Future<br />
What's God up to? Dwelling in the heart of God<br />
A Conversation with Natosha Reid Rice (Online)<br />
O Holy Night<br />
Every Sunday<br />
<br />
<br />
August 21<br />
August 28<br />
September 4<br />
September 11<br />
<br />
<br />
September 18<br />
September 18 & 25<br />
October 2<br />
October 2, 9, 16, 30<br />
October 9<br />
October 16<br />
October 23<br />
October 30<br />
<br />
<br />
November 13<br />
November 20<br />
November 20 & 27<br />
November 27<br />
November 27<br />
December 4<br />
December 11<br />
December 18<br />
December 18
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
Every Sunday P 305/306<br />
2<br />
Join this weekly discussion of the news of<br />
the day as we reflect on how we are called<br />
as <strong>Christian</strong>s to respond in the public<br />
arena, in our private lives, and in our<br />
prayers. For more information, contact<br />
Ethel Ware Carter.<br />
SESSION ONE: An Altar for the World<br />
What does our faith look like when we experience it in new and unexpected places? How<br />
are we to interpret our ancient scriptures and faith traditions in light of present day<br />
events? From pilgrimage to politics, imagine with others how an altar is set for us in the<br />
world around us.<br />
Youth Pilgrimage Presentation<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
August 21<br />
August 28<br />
Hear our youth pilgrims speak about their<br />
experience of Greece as they recall for us<br />
the ways by which God is visible to them in<br />
the world near and far. Listen to their<br />
stories and imagine how your everyday<br />
journeys might become acts of pilgrimage.<br />
Living Faith in Public Life<br />
Through the Power of Empathy<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
The art and ministry of conversation lies at<br />
the heart of our identity as people of a<br />
broad and spacious tradition like the<br />
Episcopal Church. Join fellow parishioners<br />
for table conversations as we explore<br />
together how our faith matters in the<br />
public square.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
3<br />
Saints and Service Sunday<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
September 4<br />
Join saints of all ages as we turn ourselves<br />
to service as one community this Labor<br />
Day Weekend.<br />
September 11<br />
What's God up to? Listening for the<br />
heart of All Saints' and our Neighbors<br />
Dwelling in the Word<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
Where has God most been present to you<br />
these past few years in your daily lives and<br />
in the life of All Saints’? Join members of<br />
the vestry and parish as we explore such<br />
questions and listen deeply to one another<br />
for how the Spirit is moving in our lives<br />
and through this church.<br />
SESSION TWO: America the Beautiful<br />
What does it mean to value diversity in all its forms? Join the conversation as we explore<br />
how issues ranging from biodiversity to the plurality of our voices and visions for the<br />
world create the tapestry of life together we enjoy in America today.<br />
September 18<br />
A bigger table<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
Join co-chairs of the Peoplestown<br />
Partnership, Nadia Fountain and Joe<br />
Crespino to engage in conversation with<br />
saints of all ages and backgrounds as we<br />
learn to listen to the stories of others and<br />
how they can change us and our views of<br />
the world we share.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m. 4<br />
September 18 & 25<br />
A Conversation with Naomi Tutu<br />
Online<br />
Join our new priest associate, Rev. Naomi<br />
Tutu, and her daughter, Mungi Ngomane<br />
author of Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better<br />
Together, the African Way, as they explore<br />
the theme of Ubuntu and faith.<br />
Please scan the QR code to register at<br />
Onrealm.org.<br />
Jeff Ross-Bain<br />
Tamara Graham<br />
Sustainability and All Saints'<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
Engage in conversation with a panel of All<br />
Saints' parishioners, each of whom shares<br />
a passion and expertise in building a more<br />
sustainable Georgia. The panel will imagine<br />
the possibilities for us as a greener church<br />
in the coming years.<br />
Tully Blalock<br />
Paige Martin<br />
October 2<br />
October 9<br />
What's God up to? Listening for the heart of<br />
All Saints' and our Neighbors<br />
Spiritual Storytelling<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
What is your sacred story? What story<br />
does All Saints' tell us of the presence of<br />
God's grace and love in our lives? Drawing<br />
upon our baptismal promise that each of us<br />
is a bearer of God's image, join fellow saints<br />
in listening to the stories of wonder and<br />
longing we each inhabit.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
October 2, 9, 16 & 30<br />
Seeking Shalom<br />
Oniline<br />
The Hebrew word, shalom<br />
encapsulates God's dream for the world.<br />
Shalom describes a vision of creation<br />
redeemed and restored not just through<br />
individual faith but through the cultivation<br />
of flourishing communities, just societies,<br />
and the healing of our social fabric. Join<br />
Emory professor, Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio, for this<br />
four-part course that examines the Biblical<br />
concept of shalom and how it can<br />
transform the way we think about<br />
discipleship and the mission of the church<br />
today.<br />
5<br />
Scan the QR code to register, and use the promotional code (AllSaints) to register for free.<br />
A Dialogue with Bishop Wright<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
October 16<br />
What should a public faith look like in<br />
America today? And how should the<br />
Episcopal Church's voice in the public<br />
square sound different to others? Join<br />
Bishop Rob Wright and a panel of youth as<br />
we explore together these essential<br />
questions for faith in our time.<br />
Mary Margaret<br />
Oliver<br />
Matthew<br />
Wilson<br />
Georgia Voices<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
Join a panel of four parishioners who serve<br />
as Georgians in public life as they dialogue<br />
with one another and with those in<br />
attendance about the matters of most<br />
significance for Georgia in the upcoming<br />
election.<br />
Elena<br />
Parent<br />
Edward<br />
Lindsey<br />
October 23
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
October 30<br />
The Future of a Greener Atlanta<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
Join Atlanta Botanical Garden president<br />
and CEO Mary Pat Matheson as we<br />
explore the possibilities for how civic<br />
organizations and the church might<br />
practice environmental stewardship for<br />
this generation and for the generations to<br />
come.<br />
6<br />
SESSION THREE: Foundations of our Faith<br />
Over the past couple of years, we have all had the opportunity to ask what is most<br />
important to us in our lives, including our faith lives. This season invites us to examine<br />
what we hold to be foundational for ourselves, from service and spiritual study to the<br />
stories of our ancestors and the gift of sacred song.<br />
November 13<br />
Saints and Service Sunday<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
This Veterans Sunday, join saints of all<br />
ages in a parish-wide service project as<br />
we remember the service of others in our<br />
lives.<br />
November 20<br />
What's God up to? Listening for the heart<br />
of All Saints' and our Neighbors<br />
Dwelling in the Word<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
What are the pressing concerns and<br />
hope-filled aspirations of the neighbors<br />
around us, near and far? How might we<br />
listen to our neighbors as we imagine a<br />
church that learns how to dwell in the<br />
world trusting God is already ahead of us<br />
in the places where people live and work<br />
and have their being? Join fellow<br />
parishioners as we explore these and<br />
other questions.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m. 7<br />
November 20 & 27<br />
A Conversation with Jenny McBride<br />
Online<br />
Join our new associate for formation,<br />
Jenny McBride, as she explores the<br />
question of how the practice of our faith<br />
has changed through the years of the<br />
Covid pandemic.<br />
Scan the QR code to register.<br />
Advent Book Study<br />
Ross Room<br />
Take a deeper dive into your faith journey<br />
this Advent by joining fellow saints for a<br />
book study reading Walter<br />
Brueggemann's Celebrating Abundance.<br />
Following the first session which will be in<br />
person, the study will continue online.<br />
November 27<br />
Advent-Adventure<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
November 27<br />
Join fellow saints of all ages for an<br />
Advent wreath-making extravaganza as<br />
we prepare our hearts and homes for the<br />
coming of Christ.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
8<br />
Legacy and the God of our Future<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
December 4<br />
Join Natosha Reid Rice and Naomi<br />
Tutu for a unique conversation as they<br />
reflect on the meaning of family legacy<br />
and how those sacred memories have<br />
been the impetus for their ministry and<br />
a call to action for us all.<br />
December 11<br />
What's God up to? Listening for the heart<br />
of All Saints' and our Neighbors<br />
Dwelling in the heart of God<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
How might our spiritual lives be<br />
nurtured daily by attending to what is<br />
life-giving and to where we might ask<br />
for God’s help? Join your fellow saints<br />
as we explore these practices and hear<br />
about what to expect of this listening<br />
process in the new year.
S U N D A Y S<br />
10:20 - 11:05 a.m.<br />
9<br />
A Conversation with<br />
Natosha Reid Rice<br />
Online<br />
Join Rev. Natosha Reid Rice as she<br />
invites us to make room in the inn of<br />
our hearts in an exploration of the<br />
presencing of Advent in our daily lives.<br />
Scan the QR code to register.<br />
December 18<br />
O Holy Night<br />
Ellis Hall<br />
December 18<br />
Join All Saints' very own Bob Edge and<br />
journey through some of the most<br />
glorious music this holy season has to<br />
offer as we remember the gift of the<br />
sacred in our every day.<br />
To explore previous adult formation offerings please visit:<br />
634 W. Peachtree St. NW | Atlanta, GA 30308 allsaintsatlanta.org | 404.881.0835