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1) Criticizing in public- This is a major characteristic about a manipulator,

they target the victim in public and criticize them openly. This is the best

way according to them to make you feel embarrassed in front of everyone

and feel supreme. They would never offer any help to you or provide any

solution instead they would always criticize in front of others and remind

you of your flaws. They just need to show their importance and want to be

in good books of others. To avoid this, you should maintain a distance with

them or change the subject if they start talking about you.

2) Make you feel comfortable- These people are smart enough to realize

where you can open up and discuss the personal matters or office grudges.

They would try and take you to your favorite restaurants, cafes, parks, etc.

Where you feel more comfortable and secure so that they can be more

dominant on you and influence to take out the thoughts and discuss the

issues in a relaxed manner. So, ensure that you meet these kinds of people

only in business meetings or in a neutral setting.

3) Push you to be the first one- Manipulators know how to start the

conversation. They would always want you to share your views, thoughts,

and points first so that they know about your drawbacks and strengths first.

They always try to assess you so that they can dominate you or make you

feel low when the time comes. This is the easiest method for them as you

yourself tell them about your weakness which becomes their strength. If

people like this ask your views, always talk to them in a general context and

do not share your points, till the time they tell their points.

4) Administrative Hindrances- Being manipulators, they very well know

how to influence people and use against you. They would try to exploit

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