Ganbei Fall 2020 Nostalgia

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■ Ganbei Zine is Northeastern University’s first arts

and literary magazine focused on the Chinese American

experience. Our name means “Cheers!” in Mandarin, used

when people put their drinks together at celebratory

feasts; thus, our name is an expression of celebration and

unity. Ganbei aims to bring together Chinese-American

students on campus in the same way that people would

when saying Ganbei at the table. Ganbei Zine uses the arts

to uplift and diversify the voices heard at Northeastern.

For the Fall 2022 semester, we chose the theme of

Nostalgia. As one of the strongest emotions we experience,

nostalgia gives us a chance to tell stories of childhood

and reflect fondly. Through a submissions form, Ganbei

encouraged contributors to think about the parts of

Chinese culture they have gained, lost, and reclaimed

over the years, and share their stories through vessels of

creative writing, photography, and illustration, with the


This magazine was an idea born from Aleks Dawson’s

Graphic Design 1 class, a concept for an assignment to

create three magazine covers. At that time, Ganbei was

called General Tso & Me, a result of my wish to use editorial

design to compile stories to better understand my own

culture and the people around me. Using design as a vessel

to explore and visualize the intricacies of the Chinese-

American narrative, Ganbei’s talented team has brought this

idea to reality.

With much to anticipate, Ganbei would like to share its first

edition, Nostalgia. ■

China Qin

Logistics & Design at Ganbei Zine




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