Carols for Choirs 6

for SATB, accompanied, and unaccompanied To celebrate the centenary of the Oxford University Press Music Department, this volume of 50 new carols complements the five previous volumes, bringing new names and styles to the series while providing a complete resource for choirs from Advent to Epiphany. Featuring newly commissioned carols and arrangements of classic melodies, the collection showcases some of today's most exciting names in choral composition.

for SATB, accompanied, and unaccompanied
To celebrate the centenary of the Oxford University Press Music Department, this volume of 50 new carols complements the five previous volumes, bringing new names and styles to the series while providing a complete resource for choirs from Advent to Epiphany.
Featuring newly commissioned carols and arrangements of classic melodies, the collection showcases some of today's most exciting names in choral composition.


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20 A Present <strong>for</strong> the Future<br />

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Tempo I<br />

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Tempo I<br />

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that you bring? Is that your pres - ent <strong>for</strong> the King? Is that your<br />

that you bring? Is that your pres - ent <strong>for</strong> the King? Is that your<br />

<strong>for</strong> online perusal only<br />


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