Senior School Welcome Booklet - June 2023

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Reporting and Grade Cards<br />

The core aims regarding reporting at Eltham College include:<br />

• Enabling teachers to provide parents with effective, timely<br />

feedback on their child’s progress in both their academic<br />

studies, extra-curricular activities and personal development;<br />

• To give students consistency in the way their development is<br />

assessed and reported as they advance through the College;<br />

• To provide parents with appropriate opportunities to<br />

understand the nature of the curriculum in terms of the<br />

knowledge, understanding and skills required so that they<br />

can provide informed support to their child at home including<br />

when a student is preparing for public examinations;<br />

• To have a balance between direct contact with teachers such<br />

as parents’ evenings, grade cards and written feedback.<br />

Every student at Eltham College has a Form Tutor who is the<br />

first point of contact for parents. The Form Tutor is best<br />

positioned to understand and comment on a student’s<br />

performance and wellbeing. They are the person who will make<br />

contact with parents should there be any concerns about a<br />

child. Parents are welcome to contact their child’s Form Tutor by<br />

telephone, email or it may be appropriate to meet together at<br />

the College. Details about how parents can contact their child’s<br />

Form Tutor can be found on the College website:<br />

www.eltham-college.org.uk/contact-us/senior-school-staff/<br />

However, in addition to contact with the Form Tutor there is an<br />

annual cycle of reporting with the following key features:<br />

• Each student receives at least one full written report per<br />

year from their subject teachers, Form Tutor and Head of<br />

Section. This will also include a comment from the<br />

Headmaster or one of the Deputy Heads. A comment<br />

about co-curricular commitments will be published at the<br />

end of the academic year.<br />

• Grade cards are issued towards the end of most half-terms<br />

to provide information about students application in class. In<br />

Years 10, 11 and in the Sixth Form these also include a ‘On<br />

Track to Achieve Grade’ and a ‘Challenge Grade’.<br />

• A ‘Challenge Grade’ is a GCSE or A level grade that teachers<br />

believe a student could realistically be expected to aspire to<br />

with consistently strong application. The ‘On Track To<br />

Achieve Grade’(OTTA) is the grade a teacher believes the<br />

student would achieve at the end of the course if the current<br />

level of application is maintained. When OTTA grades are<br />

published they are colour coded to indicate progress and<br />

whether a student is above, meeting, or below the Challenge<br />

Grade set.<br />

• A Parents’ Evening is held once per year for each year group<br />

which provides an opportunity for parents to meet with their<br />

child’s teachers. In addition, for older students there are<br />

further opportunities throughout the year for parents to<br />

meet with tutors, Heads of Section and the <strong>Senior</strong><br />

Leadership Team to discuss upcoming key stages, mock<br />

examination results, preparing for university and careers<br />

advice. Details of these events can be found in the <strong>School</strong><br />

Calendar on the website and in the key date card sent home<br />

at the beginning of the year.<br />

Stationery<br />

Students are expected to have the following stationery:<br />

• Scientific calculator:<br />

Year 7 – Casio fx-83GT CW, or fx-85GT CW<br />

Year 12 – Casio fx-991 CW, or Casio fx-991 EX<br />

• Protractor and a compass<br />

• Pencils, sharpener, rubber and ruler<br />

• Pens: black, blue, red and green<br />

• Highlighter<br />

• Scissors (labelled)<br />

• Glue stick<br />

*Students will have the opportunity to buy a scientific calculator<br />

from the College at the beginning of the academic year. Other<br />

equipment can be bought from the Library.<br />

Mervyn Peake Library<br />

The Mervyn Peake Library is at the heart of the College and is an<br />

open space for students to read, work on computers, use books<br />

for information gathering, work alone or collaboratively, or revise.<br />

The Library is used by Sixth Form during lesson times, and so is<br />

a quiet working area. During break and lunch time, however, the<br />

library is a buzzing hub of activity, with students working,<br />

revising, choosing books and reading. The Library also opens<br />

before and after school.<br />

The Library provides resources in the form of books, eBooks,<br />

journals, and magazines. The Librarian is available for help and<br />

consultation on a range of subjects from which books to read<br />

next to which resources to choose for your essay. Reading for<br />

pleasure is also extensively catered for, with a large fiction library<br />

for students and staff. There is an extensive selection of eBooks,<br />

with access to the public library collection through the school<br />

library app.<br />

The Library Catalogue is also accessible online and via the app<br />

so that students can quickly find out if the resources they need<br />

are held in the library, and if so, reserve them to pick up at their<br />

convenience. In addition, there are several online databases<br />

which are accessible to students inside or outside of the College<br />

via this website. Access to all the library online resources can be<br />

found on the school SharePoint site.<br />

Mrs Roche, in collaboration with the English Department, invites<br />

authors, poets, illustrators and other relevant guests to visit the<br />

College throughout the year to speak to both Junior and <strong>Senior</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> students. A wide range of authors, covering both reading<br />

for pleasure, and enhancement of English topics, are invited to<br />

speak either in person or online.

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