Following Jesus

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As one pastor quipped, “if you know how to worry,

you know how to meditate.” Whereas worry is focused

thinking on something negative or distressing, meditation

is a slow, focused reading of scripture. Distinct from

eastern forms of meditation, which involve emptying

one’s mind, Christian meditation is an invitation to fully

saturate your mind in the word of God; to become like

a sponge soaked in the truth of God’s revelation so that,

when circumstances squeeze you, God’s truth is what

pours out.

Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply

find a quiet space to be alone. Minimize your distractions

by turning off the notifications on your phone. Take a few

deep breaths to quiet your mind and center yourself.

Slow down and embrace the beauty of “wasting

time” with God.

Then pick up your Bible and invite the presence


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