This is our L.I.T. Issue.. "Legends..Influencers and Talent!"..Are you READY for the best people in the THICKKMedia Universe and Entertainment Industry? All 140 pages designed by FOUNDER, Xa'vonni IG: THICKKMEDIA (scroll down for more!) over 1 YEAR of production! We feature...New York Fashion Week! Miami Swim Week! A Sold Out "Divine Women in Biz" Women Empowerment Event in Miami! A Sold Out Trip to Egypt with the CLICK TRAVEL CLUB. Enjoy Issue #4 of our exciting luxury, avante-garde cultural arts publication called THICKK MAGAZINE and show love for ALL the diverse ARTISTS and LEGENDS in this publication. -Featuring 1 YEAR of projects, press passes, luxe art shows & photoshoots from Chicago-based Publicist, Emily aka "Xa'vonni" our HOT "L.I.T." Ready to FEEL the heat? "Explore the mind of a Latina Millennial Creative Entrepreneur as she reaches the depths of her mind, body and soul for art, love and adventure"..
This is our L.I.T. Issue.. "Legends..Influencers and Talent!"..Are you READY for the best people in the THICKKMedia Universe and Entertainment Industry? All 140 pages designed by FOUNDER, Xa'vonni IG: THICKKMEDIA (scroll down for more!) over 1 YEAR of production!
We feature...New York Fashion Week! Miami Swim Week! A Sold Out "Divine Women in Biz" Women Empowerment Event in Miami! A Sold Out Trip to Egypt with the CLICK TRAVEL CLUB.
Enjoy Issue #4 of our exciting luxury, avante-garde cultural arts publication called THICKK MAGAZINE and show love for ALL the diverse ARTISTS and LEGENDS in this publication.
-Featuring 1 YEAR of projects, press passes, luxe art shows & photoshoots from Chicago-based Publicist, Emily aka "Xa'vonni" our HOT "L.I.T." Ready to FEEL the heat?
"Explore the mind of a Latina Millennial Creative Entrepreneur as she reaches the depths of her mind, body and soul for art, love and adventure"..
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ONLY IN <strong>THICKK</strong>!<br />
Yes, it's issue <strong>#4</strong><br />
SHOOTS<br />
Our Gangsters<br />
and ICONS Luxe<br />
Photoshoot...<br />
our SCI FLY<br />
Shoot..<br />
Bang BANG!<br />
XA'VONNI<br />
SHARES<br />
HER<br />
WORLD"...<br />
our L.I.T. issue...
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IG: Robert.D.Cobb<br />
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Mention <strong>THICKK</strong><br />
Did you miss our Celebrity<br />
Cereal Shoot?<br />
Explore Issue #2!<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 44
www.<strong>THICKK</strong><br />
/EXPLORE<strong>THICKK</strong><strong>MAG</strong>AZINE<br />
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"What advice do you have for other creatives<br />
pursuing your field?"<br />
Kindness and Respect.<br />
My advice to everyone is to not ever stop being yourself<br />
and always be yourself make good choices and do whats<br />
right no matter what make your choices wisely and accept<br />
others equally.<br />
If you do nice things for someone and treat right with love<br />
and acceptance they'll treat you right exactly how you<br />
would want to be treated. don't ever let someone tell you<br />
your not good enough.<br />
All humans are capable equally. We are all have<br />
differences.<br />
If your ever in a position to choose when it comes to<br />
witnessing or knowing that someone committing wrongful<br />
doing dont ever allow them to, dont ever choose to get<br />
involved in someone's bad choices, don't ever defend<br />
wrongful doing because even if it wasn't you that start<br />
trouble originally any type of bad behavior can make you<br />
just as guilty as the suspects in the same way and can<br />
ruin your own life because of your own bad choices.<br />
We all must do what's right and treat others equally with<br />
love, kindness, respect and acceptance in order to make<br />
all communities a better place for everyone.<br />
- Demetri Landell<br />
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Swim<br />
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SCI FLY<br />
Photography by IG: <strong>THICKK</strong>Media / Xa'vonni<br />
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IG: Wicked_Doll
SPARK me up<br />
IG: nevaeh.lotus<br />
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IG: hinamisu<br />
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2x<br /><br />
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Barbie Universe! Xa'vonni Style...
<strong>THICKK</strong>Magazine Founder, Xa'vonni
Xa'vonni is Back<br />
4 years of creating content for these issues<br />
of <strong>THICKK</strong> Magazine that only comes out<br />
ONCE a year...maximizing 150 pages<br />
each...phew! Now 600 pages of content..<br />
No one can ever call me Lazy!!<br />
Now with Issue <strong>#4</strong>...our BEST <strong>ISSUE</strong> yet..<br />
I have brought together my new collection<br />
of experiences over the last year of this<br />
"publicity" life...from designer fashion shows<br />
like New York Fashion Week and Miami<br />
Swim my own creative luxe<br />
photoshoots like SCI FLY and Gangstaers<br />
and ICONS (coming up next!) passes<br />
to awesome events..working with our<br />
incredible sponsors like Naked Taco and<br />
Opera Restaurant...<br /> our many talented artists nationwide<br />
who invested in my PR services to be in this<br />
YEAR's the key MUSIC<br />
INDUSTRY LEGENDS in this issue like<br />
Isaac Morris, Big Angie and Ras Kass...our<br />
Celebrity Influencers like UNEEKint...IG<br />
Barbie of Instagram with 20 Million<br />
Followers Susana Damouni.. Hollywood<br />
Actor Tyler Gallant...<br />
Talk about ALL in a YEAR! And I have captured it ALL for my fans &<br />
network in Issue <strong>#4</strong>! So when I have gone "quiet" guess where I have<br />
been?<br />
All I can say is this year has been a YEAR of new friendships &<br /> PASSION Projects...and new passions like global travel with<br />
the CLICK TRAVEL CLUB to EGYPT with more trips to come.<br />
As I think of where to go next with Issue #5 for 2024...I know it's time to<br />
reach new heights and travel to more partner, and work with<br />
investors, and collaborators and celebrities, and talent agencies and<br />
more sponsors so this emerging magazine and PR/media company can<br />
really SHINE brighter in the future of this industry...with truly the best<br />
UNDERGROUND, INDY Creative Talent I can discover!<br />
As I show you more of my DESIGN work in these pages..YES,<br />
I designed it ALL.....let's join forces in this MATERIAL WORLD ;)<br />
"A Barbie<br />
needs a lil<br />
time to rest...<br />
so INVEST<br />
"xoxo<br />
-Xa'vonni<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 62
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Special offer!<br />
Want to become certified as a Life Coach in my private<br />
12-week digital course "The Path of SHE"?<br />
"I taught 250<br />
clients!<br />
- Xa'vonni<br />
IG: DivineWomeninBiz
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 66
Mention <strong>THICKK</strong><br />
<strong>MAG</strong>!<br />
IXSponsor:<br />
Itelluci Restaurant<br />
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Miami Swim Week Part 2<br />
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IG: carissadez
"Mindset can<br />
make or<br />
break you.<br />
Step out of<br />
your<br />
comfort<br />
zone and<br />
failure is<br />
inevitable.<br />
Don’t quit.<br />
Use your<br />
mistakes to<br />
improve"<br />
- Carissa Dez<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 90
Gangsters and<br />
Photography by Saad Salman<br />
Produced by Xa'vonni<br />
Luxe Photoshoot<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 92
Hinako<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 93
Jerald<br />
MCCAIN<br />
IG: JeraldrMcclain<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 94
watch<br />
"Slutbug was created with the mindset of<br />
shamelessly expressing yourself. Whether<br />
that be physically, sexually, mentally, or<br />
creatively." - HINAKO MIZUTA<br />
AUDREY<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 99
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Working with Audrey, Hinako, Jerald and UNEEK was one of the most fun shoots I<br />
have ever brought a playful, "inner criminal" out of each of us that we all<br />
secretly have...or do we not?<br />
The sexy, photography by our incredible <strong>THICKK</strong> Mag photographer<br />
Saad Salman blew my mind..<br />
It also tied in my delicious concept called "SNACK"...combine both..then Gangsters<br />
and Icons & SNACK produced the DISH seen in this full spread layout..Enjoy! ;)<br />
-Xa'vonni<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 101
BITE ME..<br />
<strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 102
Music artist "Tha Day" has been<br />
described as many things, but<br />
above all else, he’s homegrown.<br />
An alt/R&B Hip Hop artist hailing<br />
from Portland, Oregon, Tha Day<br />
has been releasing music since<br />
2016. His releases have ranged<br />
everywhere from west coast rap<br />
to alt rock, all with a through line<br />
of catchy sincerity. Tha Day seeks<br />
to be an entertainer and creative<br />
in every avenue of his career,<br />
from playing bass in a band side<br />
project to bringing his own<br />
visuals to life through his work in<br />
film, Day’s sheer tenacity and<br />
talent makes him an up and<br />
coming performer to<br />
watch out for.<br />
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IG: /onlytha_day
@officialghippiellc <strong>THICKK</strong> SIZE 105
IG: itsreallybwilly<br />
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J A P A N<br />
in 2024....<br />
IG: ClicktravelClub<br />
but first Egypt!
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Mention <strong>THICKK</strong><br />
<strong>MAG</strong>!<br />
My "Awaken your Light Retreat" was an exploration of my Divine<br />
Feminine Energy as a 10 year veteran of the Life Coaching Industry...<br />
A way to recenter my purpose to give to my fellow sisters and thought<br />
leaders, who were empaths, lightworkers, beauty gurus, influencers,<br />
entrepreneurs or maybe a little bit of it all, just like myself..who all<br />
bravely wanted to travel to my first Awaken your Light Retreat to share<br />
their truths...their business acumen...<br />
and get SEEN in their Goddess Given Light! Life-changing and<br />
uplifting..the next retreat is up in a few months!<br />
kae.lockhart<br />
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Melissa Delaney:<br />
: melissa_wellness_beauty
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ARTIST to watch<br />
@instaandrebland<br />
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Andre Bland is a<br />
professional<br />
caricature artist<br />
and illustrator of<br />
over 12 years.<br />
He’s worked for<br />
some of the<br />
biggest<br />
companies in the<br />
country ranging<br />
from Coca Cola,<br />
to Paramount, to<br />
fairs, festivals,<br />
amusement<br />
parks, birthday<br />
parties,<br />
weddings,<br />
celebrity events,<br />
etc.<br />
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Missed your spot in Issue <strong>#4</strong>?<br />
Want to be in Issue #5? Book YOUR SPOT asap..<br />
Sponsors..<br />
Investors<br />
and<br />
Partners,<br />
let's talk!<br />
Issue <strong>#4</strong> (<strong>2023</strong>)<br />
DM me to grab a<br />
last minute feature<br />
or ad!<br />
Issue #1 (2020) Issue #3 (2022) Issue #2 (2021)<br />
2 0 2 3 | I S S U E N O . 4<br />
by Xavonni<br />