Greater Vancouver Baby Guide 2023-2024

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3. Drown Out the Noise: As you have<br />

probably already experienced, everyone from<br />

your best friend to your elderly neighbor is<br />

more that happy to hand out their share of<br />

advice. Some of it might be helpful, some of it<br />

will not be. I encourage you to thank them for<br />

their input, but also to listen to your own inner<br />

voice. Your own motherly instinct. What works<br />

for one person’s baby, may not work or be the<br />

same for yours and that is okay.<br />

4. Stop Comparing Your <strong>Baby</strong> to<br />

Everyone Else’s <strong>Baby</strong>: This is a tough one,<br />

believe me! You’ve got Susie down the street<br />

whose baby has slept through the night from<br />

night one, to Julie at Mother Goose whose<br />

child is already saying “words” at 6 months!<br />

It can be very discouraging and upsetting at<br />

times to hear what everyone else’s baby is up<br />

to! I encourage you to let it go. Your baby is<br />

special and unique. All babies will develop<br />

differently and that is the beauty of it. I know<br />

that I used to compare my first baby in the<br />

beginning, as she was colic. She was always<br />

the only baby at the playgroup in a carrier,<br />

screaming … and I had to stop comparing her,<br />

and that was tough. But I had to remember that<br />

I was doing my very best, and she was being<br />

her unique wonderful little self (although very<br />

loud!). Your baby will develop perfectly in his/<br />

her own time and remembering that can take a<br />

huge load off your shoulders!<br />

5. Take “Me Time” Without <strong>Baby</strong>:<br />

This a SO important for your mental health.<br />

A break, time away, a time to restore. This could<br />

look like 5 minutes in the bathroom by yourself<br />

(it’s a start!) to a weekend away with your<br />

girlfriends or partner. There is no specific right<br />

answer when it comes to what “me time” should<br />

look like. It should be unique to you, and it<br />

should help you to walk back into the room,<br />

ready to go again as a mom. Find something<br />

that helps you to reset and something that you<br />

can commit to. Maybe it a walk alone with the<br />

dog or listening to a few of your favorite songs.<br />

Don’t be afraid to ask for help to make this “me<br />

time” happen! Hire a sitter, ask Grandma, or<br />

your partner! Remember most friends and family<br />

are more than happy to help, you just have to<br />

be willing to ask!<br />

6. Get Adequate Sleep (You and <strong>Baby</strong>!):<br />

This is an extremely important one. It has<br />

become very normalized that Mom’s should just<br />

be exhausted all the time, and that is part of<br />

motherhood. While it is true that parenthood is<br />

exhausting, it is also completely normal to want,<br />

need and deserve sleep. It is a vital part of our<br />

health and well being, and a vital part of your<br />

baby’s development as well. It starts with<br />

making sure baby is getting the rest that they<br />

need! Make sure that you are following correct<br />

awake windows for your baby’s age, are<br />

following safe sleep guidelines, are making<br />

sure that their sleep environment is dark, cool,<br />

and comfortable and establishing and<br />

following a bedtime routine. If they are getting<br />

the daytime and nighttime sleep that they need,<br />

you are more likely to get the rest that you need<br />

as well. Make sure that you also have a<br />

bedtime routine, a comfortable sleeping<br />

environment and turn off those screens before<br />

bedtime! The benefits of sleep for both you and<br />

baby are incredible, so make sure to make this<br />

a priority.<br />

7. Get Outside: Take a walk, go to the park,<br />

play in the yard! Getting fresh air has many<br />

benefits for both you and baby! It can improve<br />

your mood and has numerous health benefits!<br />

Plus, if your baby is getting fresh air and<br />

physical activity (once they are moving around)<br />

it is wonderful for baby and even promotes<br />

sleep! Many people do not realize that the sun<br />

is a source of blue light that can help with<br />

melatonin production, leading to better sleep for<br />

you and baby!<br />

8. Give Yourself Some Grace: This is a key!<br />

Parenting is a magical and rewarding<br />

experience, but it is also the most difficult job<br />

out there. You are going to make mistakes, you<br />

are going to be tired, you are going to be<br />

overwhelmed. These feelings are all completely<br />

12 • www.modernmama.com | GREATER VANCOUVER | A RESOURCE GUIDE | <strong>2023</strong>/<strong>2024</strong> Edition

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