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The Corporate Finance Institute Excel


Find the absolute value of a number

range criteria sum_range

What is the SUMIF Function?

The SUMIF function is categorized under Math and Trigonometry functions. It

will sum up cells that meet the given criteria. The criteria are based on dates,

numbers, and text. It supports logical operators such as (>, <, <>, =) and also

wildcards (*, ?). This guide to the SumIf Excel function will show you how to use

it, step-by-step.

As a financial analyst, SUMIF is a frequently used function. Suppose we are

given a table listing the consignments of vegetables from different suppliers.

The names of the vegetable, names of suppliers and quantity are in column A,

column B, and column C, respectively. In such scenario, we can use the SUMIF

function to find out the sum of the amount related to a particular vegetable

from a specific supplier.


=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

The formula uses the following arguments:

1. Range (required argument) – It is the range of cells that we want to apply

the criteria against.

2. Criteria (required argument) – It is the criteria which are used to

determine which cells need to be added.

When we provide the criteria argument, it can either be:

• A numeric value (which may be an integer, decimal, date, time, or

logical value) (e.g. 10, 01/01/2018, TRUE) or

• A text string (e.g. “Text”, “Thursday”) or

• An expression (e.g. “>12”, “<>0”).

3. Sum_range (optional argument) – It is an array of numeric values (or cells

containing numeric values) that are to be added together if the

corresponding range entry satisfies the supplied criteria. If the [sum_range]

argument is omitted, the values from the range argument are summed


How to use the SUMIF Excel Function

To understand the uses of the SUMIF function, let us consider a few examples:



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