Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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We can set the parameter a using the functional version (argument weight in


dummy_z = torch.tensor([-3., 0., 3.])

F.prelu(dummy_z, weight=torch.tensor(0.25))


tensor([-0.7500, 0.0000, 3.0000])

But, in the regular module (nn.PReLU), it doesn’t make sense to set it, since it is going

to be learned, right? We can still set the initial value for it, though:



tensor([-0.7500, 0.0000, 3.0000], grad_fn=<PreluBackward>)

Did you notice the grad_fn attribute on the resulting tensor? It shouldn’t be a

surprise, after all—where there is learning, there is a gradient.

Deep Model

Now that we’ve learned that activation functions break the equivalence to a

shallow model, let’s use them to transform our former deep-ish model into a real

deep model. It has the same architecture as the previous model, except for the

activation functions applied to the outputs of the hidden layers. Here is the

diagram of the updated model.

320 | Chapter 4: Classifying Images

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