Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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By the way, the two new parameters r and z are called

gates—respectively, reset and update gates. Both of them must

produce values between zero and one, thus allowing only a

fraction of the original values to go through.

Every gate produces a vector of values (each value between zero

and one) with a size corresponding to the number of hidden

dimensions. For two hidden dimensions, a gate may have values

like [0.52, 0.87] for example.

Since gates produce vectors, operations involving them are

element-wise multiplications.

GRU Cell

If we place both expressions next to one another, we can more easily see that the

RNN is a special case of the GRU (for r=1 and z=0):

Equation 8.5 - RNN vs GRU

"OK, I see it; but where do r and z come from?"

Well, this is a deep learning book, so the only right answer to "Where does

something come from" is, a neural network! Just kidding … or am I? Actually, we’ll

train both gates using a structure that is pretty much an RNN cell, except for the

fact that it uses a sigmoid activation function:

Equation 8.6 - Gates (r and z) and candidate hidden state (n)

626 | Chapter 8: Sequences

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