Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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every step of the sequence, the hidden state is always within these boundaries.

Given that we have only one linear layer with which to transform the hidden

state, regardless of which step of the sequence it is being used in, it is definitely

convenient to have its values within a predictable range. We’ll get back to this in

the "Journey of a Hidden State" section.

Now, let’s see how an RNN cell works in code. We’ll create one using PyTorch’s

own nn.RNNCell and disassemble it into its components to manually reproduce all

the steps involved in updating the hidden state. To create a cell, we need to tell it

the input_size (number of features in our data points) and the hidden_size (the

size of the vector representing the hidden state). It is also possible to tell it not to

add biases, and to use a ReLU instead of TanH, but we’re sticking to the defaults.

n_features = 2

hidden_dim = 2


rnn_cell = nn.RNNCell(input_size=n_features, hidden_size=hidden_dim)

rnn_state = rnn_cell.state_dict()



OrderedDict([('weight_ih', tensor([[ 0.6627, -0.4245],

[ 0.5373, 0.2294]])),

('weight_hh', tensor([[-0.4015, -0.5385],

[-0.1956, -0.6835]])),

('bias_ih', tensor([0.4954, 0.6533])),

('bias_hh', tensor([-0.3565, -0.2904]))])

The weight_ih and bias_ih (i stands for inputs—the data) tensors correspond to

the red neurons in Figure 8.7. The weight_hh and bias_hh (h stands for hidden)

tensors, to the blue neurons. We can use these weights to create two linear layers:

596 | Chapter 8: Sequences

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