Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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IMPORTANT: The logging function must return None, otherwise

the gradients will be modified, assuming the returned value.

The register_hook() method registers a backward hook to a

tensor for a given parameter. The hook function takes a

gradient as input and returns either a modified gradient or None.

The hook function will be called every time a gradient with

respect to that tensor is computed.

Since we’re using this function for logging purposes, we should

leave the gradients alone and return None.

"Isn’t there a register_backward_hook() method? Why aren’t we

using it?"

That’s a fair question. At the time of writing, this method still has an unsolved issue,

so we’re following the recommendation of using register_hook() for individual

tensors instead.

Now, we can use the new method to log gradients for the linear layer of our model,

never forgetting to remove the hooks after training:

Model Training

1 sbs_adam = StepByStep(model, loss_fn, optimizer)

2 sbs_adam.set_loaders(train_loader)

3 sbs_adam.capture_gradients('linear')

4 sbs_adam.train(10)

5 sbs_adam.remove_hooks()

By the time training is finished, we’ll have collected two series of 50 gradients each

(each epoch has five mini-batches), each series corresponding to a parameter of

linear (weight and bias), both of them stored in the _gradients attribute of our

StepByStep instance.

Learning Rates | 465

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