Daniel Voigt Godoy - Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step A Beginner’s Guide-leanpub

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The mask guarantees that the predicted x 2 (in the first step)

won’t change the predicted x 2 (in the second step), because

predictions are made based on past data points only.

trg_masks = subsequent_mask(2)

out = decself(inputs, trg_masks)



tensor([[[0.4137, 0.3727],

[0.4132, 0.3728]]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)

These are the predicted coordinates of both x 2 and x 3 . They are very close to each

other, but that’s just because we’re using an untrained model to illustrate the

mechanics of using target masks for prediction. The last prediction is, once again,

concatenated to the previous "query."

inputs = torch.cat([inputs, out[:, -1:, :]], dim=-2)



tensor([[[-1.0000, 1.0000],

[ 0.4132, 0.3728],

[ 0.4132, 0.3728]]], grad_fn=<CatBackward>)

But, since we’re actually done with the predictions (the desired target sequence has

a length of two), we simply exclude the first data point in the query (the one coming

from the source sequence), and are left with the predicted target sequence:

inputs[:, 1:]

756 | Chapter 9 — Part II: Sequence-to-Sequence

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