Dwight Hall 2023 Year in Review

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<strong>2023</strong><br />



<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> at Yale nurtures<br />

and <strong>in</strong>spires students as<br />

leaders of social change<br />

and advances justice and<br />

service <strong>in</strong> New Haven and<br />

around the world.<br />


Dear Friend,<br />

At a time when the world suffers from natural disasters, armed conflict <strong>in</strong> multiple locations, social<br />

dis<strong>in</strong>tegration, and environmental devastation, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>s a place that br<strong>in</strong>gs together people<br />

who are <strong>in</strong>spired by visions of a better future and are work<strong>in</strong>g to br<strong>in</strong>g it <strong>in</strong>to reality.<br />

The <strong>Hall</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>ues to adapt to the needs and <strong>in</strong>terests of Yale students and communities <strong>in</strong> New Haven<br />

and beyond, while reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g its student-led mission, vision, and values. In the 2022-<strong>2023</strong> academic year,<br />

• <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> advanced student service and leadership through 74 student-led member groups and<br />

saw student <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>-person service opportunities cont<strong>in</strong>ue to grow;<br />

• The Summer Fellows program provided pre-professional opportunities for 20 students serv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

organizations and agencies <strong>in</strong> the New Haven and nationwide communities, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a cohort of<br />

“<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong> DC” Fellows;<br />

• The Yale Prison Education Initiative held its <strong>in</strong>augural commencement ceremony, award<strong>in</strong>g<br />

associate degrees to <strong>in</strong>carcerated students at MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution,<br />

and celebrated one year of offer<strong>in</strong>g programm<strong>in</strong>g to women at Danbury Federal Correctional<br />

Institution;<br />

Founded by undergraduates <strong>in</strong> 1886, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> at Yale is an <strong>in</strong>dependent, nonsectarian<br />

umbrella organization—the largest campus-based, student-led public service entity <strong>in</strong> the<br />

country.<br />

ENGAGE<br />

Forg<strong>in</strong>g trusted partnerships with New Haven neighborhoods, organizations, and agencies<br />

through community-engaged service.<br />

In <strong>2023</strong>, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s FOCUS on New Haven Camp Yale orientation program <strong>in</strong>troduced 284 students to<br />

community organizations <strong>in</strong> New Haven via multi-day service projects and engagement with neighborhood<br />

landmarks and community leaders. The <strong>2023</strong> Student Executive Committee hosted the first <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Day<br />

of Service s<strong>in</strong>ce 2019.<br />

GROW<br />

Develop<strong>in</strong>g students’ <strong>in</strong>tellectual, moral, civic, and creative capacities to the fullest with<br />

experiential learn<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>ternships, fellowships, mentorships, and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> expanded fellowship offer<strong>in</strong>gs to 165 term-time and summer fellows, and hosted receptions<br />

connect<strong>in</strong>g students with alumni work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> social impact careers <strong>in</strong> New Haven, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC,<br />

San Francisco, Boston, and New York City.<br />

• The Muslim Leadership Lab hosted its annual Dr. Betty Shabazz and Malcolm X lecture with<br />

activist and former NBA star Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, featur<strong>in</strong>g a presentation on faith, sports, and<br />

the necessity of protest;<br />

• The Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II was honored as the <strong>2023</strong> Jane & William E. Curran ’49<br />

Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor and gave a rous<strong>in</strong>g public address on the importance of youth-led<br />

movements for social justice;<br />

• The Alumni Mentorship & Career Development Task Force hosted alumni panels and network<strong>in</strong>g<br />

events <strong>in</strong> partnership with the Yale Office of Career Strategy to illum<strong>in</strong>ate pathways to public<br />

service careers.<br />

As you discover the diverse programs <strong>in</strong> this report and reflect upon your own community service<br />

and social justice efforts, you are <strong>in</strong>vited to email peter.crumlish@yale.edu or visit the <strong>Hall</strong>. Alumni<br />

and friends are encouraged to play an active role <strong>in</strong> expand<strong>in</strong>g equity-centered community service<br />

opportunities, grow<strong>in</strong>g term-time and summer fellowship offer<strong>in</strong>gs, and expos<strong>in</strong>g more Yalies to<br />

clearer pathways to public sector careers.<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> believes a better and more just future lies <strong>in</strong> the hands of people across generations and<br />

life experiences work<strong>in</strong>g to create solutions that allow humanity and our planet to thrive. We present<br />

this vision and opportunities for demonstrable action to offer hope <strong>in</strong> difficult times.<br />

Yours <strong>in</strong> Service,<br />


Support<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tergenerational community-build<strong>in</strong>g collaborative projects and<br />

<strong>in</strong>cubat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>novative solutions that br<strong>in</strong>g about last<strong>in</strong>g change <strong>in</strong> New Haven and around the world.<br />

Full Citizens Coalition, a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Project, advocated for the rights of currently and formerly<br />

<strong>in</strong>carcerated <strong>in</strong>dividuals and pushed the state of Connecticut to reexam<strong>in</strong>e a decade and a half of polic<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

prosecut<strong>in</strong>g that resulted <strong>in</strong> an exorbitant amount of wrongful convictions. The <strong>Hall</strong> also supported studentled<br />

humanitarian fundraisers for disaster relief <strong>in</strong> Morocco, Hawaii, and Afghanistan.<br />

Bradford Williams ’10<br />

Board Chair<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director & General Secretary<br />



2022-<strong>2023</strong><br />







via Support From Volunteer Income<br />

Tax Assistance (VITA)<br />


HOURS<br />

(Equivalent to<br />

nearly 7 years!)<br />



for Capacity Build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

New Haven and Beyond*<br />



Alzheimer’s Buddies<br />

American Red Cross at Yale<br />

Amnesty International Club<br />

Asian American Students Alliance<br />

Black Solidarity Conference<br />

Black Student Alliance at Yale<br />

Bridges ESL<br />

Camp Kesem<br />

Campus Girl Scouts<br />

Cedarhurst School Yale Group<br />

CityStep<br />

Code Haven<br />

Community Health Educators<br />

DEMOS<br />

Elmseed Enterprise Fund<br />

Eng<strong>in</strong>eers Without Borders Yale<br />

University Student Chapter<br />

Environmental Education<br />

Collaborative<br />

FIRST at Yale<br />

First Strokes Ltd.<br />

Funbotics<br />

Girls on the Run<br />

Hear Your Song<br />

Hypertension Awareness &<br />

Prevention Project at Yale<br />

L<strong>in</strong>k New Haven<br />

MathCOUNTS<br />

Matriculate<br />

MEChA de Yale<br />

Migration Alliance at Yale<br />

New Haven REACH<br />

New Haven Urban Debate League<br />

PALS<br />

Partners <strong>in</strong> Health Engage<br />

Peristalsis Dance Group<br />

Project Access at Yale -<br />

A Student Organization<br />

Public Health Coalition<br />

RISE: Refugee and Immigrant<br />

Student Education<br />

Rotaract Club<br />

SheCode<br />

Special Needs Undergraduate<br />

Swim Lessons<br />

STEM & Health Equity Advocates<br />

at Yale<br />

Students Aga<strong>in</strong>st H<strong>in</strong>dutva<br />

Ideology<br />

Students for Sensible Drug Policy<br />

Synapse<br />

The C<strong>in</strong>emat<br />

The New Haven PAWS Project<br />

(Poverty Alleviation through<br />

Wash<strong>in</strong>g Soles)<br />

The Nourish Project<br />

The Urban Philanthropic Fund<br />

The Yale Undergraduate<br />

Ethics Bowl<br />

Ulysses S. Grant Foundation<br />

Urban Improvement Corps<br />

Walden Peer Counsel<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Y2Y New Haven<br />

Yale Association for Small Claims<br />

Assistance<br />

Yale Black Muslim Student<br />

Association<br />

Yale Children’s Theater<br />

Yale College Chess Club<br />

Yale Dhvani<br />

Yale Education Tutor<strong>in</strong>g Initiative<br />

Yale Effective Altruism<br />

Yale EMS<br />

Yale Hunger and Homelessness<br />

Action Project<br />

Yale Interpretation Network<br />

Yale MedSci<br />

Yale Muslim Students<br />

Association<br />

Yale Student Mental Health<br />

Association<br />

Yale Undergraduate Association<br />

for African Peace and<br />

Development<br />

Yale Undergraduate Legal Aid<br />

Association<br />

Yale Undergraduate Prison<br />

Project<br />

Yale Undergraduate Science<br />

Olympiad<br />

Yale Undergraduates at<br />

Connecticut Hospice<br />

Yale Votes<br />

Yale’s Black Men’s Union<br />

YaleBleeds<br />

YEP!<br />




via Events, Workshops, and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Y2Y New Haven is a partnership between Youth<br />

Cont<strong>in</strong>uum, Y2Y Network, and students throughout<br />

New Haven that serves young adults experienc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

homelessness <strong>in</strong> our surround<strong>in</strong>g community. Based<br />

on the youth-to-youth model first employed by Y2Y<br />

Harvard Square, students volunteer at a crisis<br />

hous<strong>in</strong>g center run by Youth Cont<strong>in</strong>uum. Volunteers<br />

provide encouragement and support for residents<br />

by assist<strong>in</strong>g with chores, resume edit<strong>in</strong>g, and job or<br />

apartment searches, as well as simply serv<strong>in</strong>g as a<br />

listen<strong>in</strong>g ear and facilitat<strong>in</strong>g fun activities.<br />

*<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> also supported the fundrais<strong>in</strong>g efforts of Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e and Yale Medical<br />

School’s Hunger and Homelessness Auction, as well as the work of other fiscally-sponsored groups.<br />




FOCUS on New Haven<br />

Alumni Mentorship and Career Development<br />

Community Mental Health Fellows<br />

Community Engagement Resource Development<br />

and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

Crisis Response Network<br />

The Jane & William E. Curran ’49 Dist<strong>in</strong>guished<br />

Mentor Program<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community Commons<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community Response Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Institutional (Days of) Service<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Member Group Advisement<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Member Group Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Public Library Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Public School Interns<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Service Series<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Socially Responsible Investment Fund<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive Committee and<br />

Cab<strong>in</strong>et<br />

Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Project Sponsorship<br />

First-<strong>Year</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Support of New Haven<br />

FOCUS on New Haven<br />

Graduate and Professional Service Support<br />

Harbor Fellows: A <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Program at Yale<br />

Jones-Zimmermann Academic Mentor<strong>in</strong>g Program<br />

The Rev. John G. Magee ’06 Fellowship Program<br />

Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative<br />

Workshops and Skills Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Yale Prison Education Initiative<br />

YANA-<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

FOCUS on New Haven <strong>2023</strong> successfully connected hundreds<br />

of first-years, sophomores, transfer students, Eli Whitney<br />

students, and Yale student leaders <strong>in</strong> service with the New<br />

Haven community. Now a Camp Yale orientation program,<br />

FOCUS was established <strong>in</strong> 1991, operates through <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong>, and is largely student-run. It comb<strong>in</strong>es hands-on service<br />

projects with opportunities for students to hear from New<br />

Haven community partners, spend time explor<strong>in</strong>g the city, and<br />

th<strong>in</strong>k critically about the complex relationship between Yale and<br />

New Haven.<br />

FOCUS on New Haven <strong>2023</strong> featured 59 student leaders<br />

welcom<strong>in</strong>g 284 <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g students and work<strong>in</strong>g at 30<br />

different sites with community partners like Downtown<br />

Even<strong>in</strong>g Soup Kitchen and Bregamos Community Theater.<br />

Additionally, students embarked on an “Exploration Day,”<br />

visit<strong>in</strong>g organizations beyond their primary service project and<br />

<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g students’ exposure to the New Haven community.<br />


Founded <strong>in</strong> 1996, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellows is<br />

an academic-year program whereby Yale<br />

undergraduates work on complex urban<br />

challenges through community-led solutions,<br />

neighborhood empowerment, and economic<br />

development with partners <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Data<br />

Haven, EMERGE-CT, Love 146, Leadership,<br />

Education & Athletics <strong>in</strong> Partnership, and Project<br />

Fresh Start.<br />

Eliana Cortez ’25, a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellow<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ce 2022, leads the Youth Council at Dixwell<br />

Community House (the Q House), facilitat<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

space for young New Haveners to use their voice<br />

and design educational or recreational services<br />

and opportunities for fellow students at the Q<br />

House. Throughout <strong>2023</strong>, Eliana and the Youth<br />

Council’s Youth Directors, supported by<br />

community leaders at the Q House, Higher<br />

Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc., and<br />

New Haven’s Board of Education, worked to<br />

organize a first-annual school-day college and job<br />

fair at the Q House that welcomed 500+ students<br />

from public schools <strong>in</strong> the New Haven area. They<br />

followed up this event with an afford<strong>in</strong>g college<br />

workshop, designed and presented <strong>in</strong><br />

collaboration with the Connecticut Department<br />

of Bank<strong>in</strong>g and the Connecticut<br />

Higher Education Supplemental<br />

Loan Authority.<br />

Whereas other youth councils<br />

often put young people <strong>in</strong><br />

perfunctory or largely symbolic<br />

roles, Eliana is committed to<br />

empower<strong>in</strong>g the voices of the<br />

members of the council.<br />

“I’m only a few years older than them at the end<br />

of the day. And I thought that experience with<br />

community <strong>in</strong>volvement would be really valuable<br />

for them.”<br />

In 2024, Eliana is excited to help the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Youth Directors plan projects connected to their<br />

passions and collective vision for the New Haven<br />

youth community. She is also excited to cont<strong>in</strong>ue<br />

<strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g New Haven community leaders to speak<br />

with council members about the issues they<br />

tackle and the lessons they have learned <strong>in</strong><br />

leadership.<br />

Co-Op After School (CAS) is a partnership between <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> and Cooperative<br />

Arts and Humanities High School <strong>in</strong> downtown New Haven. In its fifteenth year,<br />

CAS offers free and accessible after-school programm<strong>in</strong>g to all Co-Op students,<br />

engag<strong>in</strong>g 350 students–more than half of Co-Op’s student body. Paul Bryant<br />

Hudson serves as Program Director of CAS and Stephen K<strong>in</strong>g serves as Outreach<br />

and Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator.<br />

In the past year, CAS has expanded its Genders-Sexualities Alliance and<br />

grown the LGBTQ+ Resource Center. A highlight of students’ work was the<br />

“Exqueerience,’’ an event featur<strong>in</strong>g live music, food pa<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g projects, and<br />

karaoke that was planned and run by students.<br />

After school programm<strong>in</strong>g cont<strong>in</strong>ues to <strong>in</strong>corporate student feedback and<br />

program design to ensure cultural relevance. In its second year, CAS’s podcast<strong>in</strong>g<br />

program partnered with Teen Takeover, a program of Yale’s undergraduate-run<br />

WYBCx radio station. CAS students were given opportunities to apply the skills<br />

they learned <strong>in</strong> the previous year and were supported by Carmen Lopez Villamil<br />

’25, Sophia Kanga ’25, and <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Community Response Fellow and<br />

Public School Intern Aden Gonzales ’26. Excit<strong>in</strong>g traditions, such as a Broadway<br />

theater trip, also resumed for the first time <strong>in</strong> four years, with 60 CAS students<br />

and family members visit<strong>in</strong>g New York City to experience MJ: The Musical.<br />

Support from the Connecticut State Department of Education After-School<br />

Grant Program, the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School<br />

Emergency Relief Fund, and the Carolyn Foundation is essential to these<br />

programmatic achievements.<br />


<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Students Receive Prestigious<br />

Postgraduate Scholarships and Yale College Prizes<br />

Every year, student w<strong>in</strong>ners of prestigious <strong>in</strong>ternational scholarships and Yale College awards exemplify <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s<br />

mission of advanc<strong>in</strong>g justice and service <strong>in</strong> New Haven and beyond. Many had formative undergraduate experiences<br />

engag<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong>stitutional programs and member groups that <strong>in</strong>spired their postgraduate studies and<br />

lifelong commitment to public service. <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> plays an essential role <strong>in</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>g Yale students’ civic, personal,<br />

and professional <strong>in</strong>terests as illustrated by these stories of young alumni.<br />


The Rhodes Scholarship offers fully-funded post–<br />

graduate awards which enable talented young<br />

people from around the world to study at the<br />

University of Oxford.<br />

More than half of Yale undergraduates who received<br />

Rhodes Scholarships <strong>in</strong> the last five years held<br />

affiliations with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> programs or led <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong> member groups.<br />

Christ<strong>in</strong>a Pao ’20 was awarded a<br />

Truman Scholarship <strong>in</strong> 2019 and a<br />

Rhodes Scholarship <strong>in</strong> 2020. At<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Christ<strong>in</strong>a served as<br />

a Summer Fellow with the<br />

International Rescue Committee<br />

and as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellow<br />

with IRIS and a New Haven alder.<br />

Christ<strong>in</strong>a coord<strong>in</strong>ated <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellows<br />

for their f<strong>in</strong>al two years at Yale. Today, Christ<strong>in</strong>a is<br />

a PhD student at Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton University <strong>in</strong> Sociology<br />

and Social Policy study<strong>in</strong>g population changes <strong>in</strong><br />

social identities.<br />


The Marshall Scholarship is a postgraduate<br />

scholarship for “<strong>in</strong>tellectually dist<strong>in</strong>guished young<br />

Americans [and] their country’s future leaders” to<br />

study at any university <strong>in</strong> the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom.<br />

Over half of Yale’s Marshall Scholarship recipients <strong>in</strong><br />

the past five years held strong <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> affiliations<br />

with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> member groups or programs.<br />

Michael Chen ’23 was awarded a<br />

Marshall Scholarship <strong>in</strong> <strong>2023</strong>. At<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Michael served as<br />

a Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on<br />

the 2022 Student Executive<br />

Committee, an Urban Fellow at<br />

the New Haven Legal Aid<br />

Association, and as a YANA-<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellow at the<br />

Legal Aid Society <strong>in</strong> New York City. Michael is now<br />

pursu<strong>in</strong>g an MSc <strong>in</strong> Migration Studies at the<br />

University of Oxford.<br />


The James Andrew Haas Prize is a Yale College<br />

prize awarded to the senior whose breadth of<br />

<strong>in</strong>tellectual achievement, strength of character,<br />

and fundamental humanity provided leadership<br />

for his or her fellow students.<br />

From 2018 to <strong>2023</strong>, five out of the six Haas prize<br />

w<strong>in</strong>ners were leaders of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> member groups<br />

or engaged with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong>stitutional programs.<br />

Patrick Sullivan ’18 was awarded<br />

the James Andrew Haas Prize <strong>in</strong><br />

2018. At <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Patrick<br />

served as the Head of the Yale<br />

Undergraduate Prison Project, a<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> member group, and<br />

co-founded the Connecticut Bail<br />

Fund as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban<br />

Fellow. Today, Patrick works as the<br />

Director of Operations and F<strong>in</strong>ance at<br />

the Freedom Community Center, a St. Louis-based<br />

nonprofit dedicated to creat<strong>in</strong>g transformative<br />

justice solutions to violence.<br />


The Nakanishi Prize is a Yale College prize<br />

awarded to seniors who, while ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g high<br />

academic achievement, have provided exemplary<br />

leadership <strong>in</strong> enhanc<strong>in</strong>g race and/or ethnic<br />

relations at Yale College.<br />

Over the past five years, half of the Nakanishi Prize<br />

w<strong>in</strong>ners have held strong <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> affiliations.<br />

Kenia Hale ’21 was awarded the<br />

Nakanishi Prize <strong>in</strong> 2021. At <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong>, Kenia served as President of<br />

the Yale Urban Improvement<br />

Corps, a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> member<br />

group and community <strong>in</strong>itiative<br />

through the Yale Afro-American<br />

Cultural Center. Today, Kenia works<br />

as an Adm<strong>in</strong>istrative Coord<strong>in</strong>ator at<br />

the Columbia University INCITE center<br />

where she works on a number of <strong>in</strong>itiatives <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the Assembl<strong>in</strong>g Voices fellowship. Kenia is also an<br />

Assistant Teacher at the New York School for<br />

Poetic Computation.<br />

Alumni Mentorship & Career Development Task Force<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s Alumni Mentorship & Career<br />

Development Task Force (AM&CD) strives to make<br />

the <strong>Hall</strong> a hub of <strong>in</strong>formation, mentorship, and<br />

network<strong>in</strong>g for current students and alumni <strong>in</strong>terested<br />

<strong>in</strong> public service, social justice, and related careers, with<br />

the ultimate goal of expos<strong>in</strong>g students to pathways<br />

to social sector careers. Orig<strong>in</strong>ally conceptualized by<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Board Member Tim Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86, the<br />

task force began host<strong>in</strong>g events <strong>in</strong> fall 2021 under the<br />

student leadership of Hannah Kiburz ’22.<br />

In spr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>2023</strong>, the task force, led by Alvaro Perpuly<br />

’23, 2022-23 Task Force Chair; Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monsky<br />

’24, Alumni Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on the <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive Committee; and<br />

Barbara Mola ’22, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Communications and<br />

Alumni Engagement Associate, hosted a “Summer<br />

Public Service Fellowships Information Session”<br />

which featured representatives of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Yale’s<br />

Office of Career Strategy (OCS), and the Center<br />

for International and Professional Experience, and<br />

a “Public Service & Nonprofit Network<strong>in</strong>g Event”<br />

that brought together alumni and community<br />

partners with undergraduates seek<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternships and<br />

postgraduate opportunities <strong>in</strong> the social sector.<br />

Dur<strong>in</strong>g summer <strong>2023</strong>, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> convened two<br />


Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monsky ’24 is a senior <strong>in</strong><br />

Davenport College who is major<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

Political Science. She was previously<br />

an Outreach Ambassador and Alumni<br />

Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong>’s Student Executive Committee.<br />

Outside of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, Caitl<strong>in</strong> is Vice<br />

President of Yale Model Congress<br />

and a member of the women’s club<br />

lacrosse team.<br />

<strong>in</strong>-person meet-and-greets among Summer Fellows<br />

and alumni <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC and San Francisco,<br />

connect<strong>in</strong>g local alumni and the cohorts of Fellows <strong>in</strong><br />

those cities. The <strong>Hall</strong> hosted additional gather<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong><br />

Boston and New York City <strong>in</strong> fall <strong>2023</strong>, welcom<strong>in</strong>g<br />

alumni rang<strong>in</strong>g from the Class of 1964 to the Class of<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

In fall <strong>2023</strong>, the task force, chaired by Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monsky<br />

’24, partnered with Robyn Acampora, Director of<br />

Strategic Initiatives at OCS, to offer students a Fall<br />

Series on Common Good Careers. The goal of the<br />

events was to help students hone professional skills<br />

useful <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g mentors, <strong>in</strong>ternships, and careers <strong>in</strong><br />

the social impact sector. In total, the series welcomed<br />

265 attendees across seven events and helped<br />

promote two additional events convened by the Yale<br />

Alumni Nonprofit Alliance.<br />

The task force rounded out the fall <strong>2023</strong> semester<br />

with two complementary events: a panel with <strong>2023</strong><br />

Maurice R. Greenberg Yale World Fellows Janah<br />

Ncube, B<strong>in</strong>b<strong>in</strong> Wang, and Naasu Genevieve Fofanah<br />

on lessons they learned <strong>in</strong> public service, and a panel<br />

featur<strong>in</strong>g Cater<strong>in</strong>a Passoni ’18, Ahmad Saleh ’22<br />

M.P.H., and Sophie Cappello ’20, all young alumni<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> social impact careers.<br />

“I feel <strong>in</strong>credibly grateful for the opportunity<br />

to lead the AM&CD Task Force, where I’ve<br />

honed professional skills <strong>in</strong> public service,<br />

built wonderful relationships, and felt the<br />

satisfaction of help<strong>in</strong>g students connect with<br />

supportive alumni and other resources.”<br />

—Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monsky ’24, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>2023</strong>-24<br />

Alumni Mentorship & Career Development Task Force Chair<br />


Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II delivers an<br />

address at <strong>Dwight</strong> Memorial Chapel.<br />

Photos by Dare Kumolu-Johnson<br />

Jane and William E. Curran ’49<br />

Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor Program<br />

“I cannot emphasize how<br />

fitt<strong>in</strong>g it is to learn about<br />

build<strong>in</strong>g a movement from<br />

someone like Reverend<br />

Barber, who has gone<br />

and done exactly all that<br />

throughout his life. The<br />

th<strong>in</strong>gs that he preaches are<br />

at the very core of what<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> stands for.”<br />

—Emily Zhang ’25 (below, right)<br />

Junior Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Student Executive<br />

(ExComm) and Senior Co-<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on 2024 ExComm<br />

Yale Prison Education Initiative<br />

Founded at <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong> 2016, the Yale Prison<br />

Education Initiative (YPEI) br<strong>in</strong>gs a liberal arts<br />

education to students <strong>in</strong> prison, deliver<strong>in</strong>g college classes<br />

and programm<strong>in</strong>g offered by Yale faculty that replicate<br />

the rigor, outcomes, and expectations of courses taught at<br />

the University.<br />

YPEI offered its first credit-bear<strong>in</strong>g Yale courses and<br />

programm<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>carcerated students <strong>in</strong> Connecticut <strong>in</strong><br />

2018. In 2021, a transformative grant from the Mellon<br />

Foundation and a partnership with the University of New<br />

Haven (UNH) allowed the program to expand to beg<strong>in</strong><br />

offer<strong>in</strong>g UNH courses and college degrees to students <strong>in</strong><br />

prison. YPEI also launched programm<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>in</strong>carcerated<br />

women at the Danbury federal prison <strong>in</strong> October 2022.<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> honored the Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II as the<br />

<strong>2023</strong> <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Jane and William E. Curran ’49 Dist<strong>in</strong>guished<br />

Mentor. The Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor program, established by William<br />

Curran ’49 <strong>in</strong> memory of his wife Jane, recognizes leaders who have<br />

made remarkable contributions <strong>in</strong> public service and <strong>in</strong>vites them to<br />

serve as mentors to Yale University students by shar<strong>in</strong>g their expertise,<br />

experience, and <strong>in</strong>sights.<br />

Bishop Barber is a social justice activist, pastor, and professor of the<br />

practice at Yale, serv<strong>in</strong>g as the Found<strong>in</strong>g Director of the Center for<br />

Public Theology & Public Policy at Yale Div<strong>in</strong>ity School, President of<br />

Repairers of the Breach, and Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign:<br />

A National Call for Moral Revival.<br />

As part of his mentorship, Bishop Barber delivered an address to 120<br />

members of the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> and Yale community on April 4, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

The day marked the 55th anniversary of the assass<strong>in</strong>ation of Rev. Dr.<br />

Mart<strong>in</strong> Luther K<strong>in</strong>g, Jr. In his speech, Bishop Barber contextualized our<br />

current moment with<strong>in</strong> a long legacy of change-makers. From Frederick<br />

Douglass to Fannie Lou Hamer, he expla<strong>in</strong>ed how the movements of<br />

today descend from the movements of before, and how, even after his<br />

speech, the works of those men and women will not be complete.<br />

He also emphasized that his work was not partisan, yet <strong>in</strong>stead united<br />

around common values of love and k<strong>in</strong>dness. Though there have<br />

been efforts to sow division <strong>in</strong> our society, Bishop Barber argued that<br />

we must f<strong>in</strong>d “the moral ground that exists beneath our ideological<br />

differences.”<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R., Executive Director of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>,<br />

reflected on Bishop Barber’s speech afterwards, stat<strong>in</strong>g, “the Reverend<br />

Barber’s call to action was <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g…He beautifully filled the role of<br />

the Jane & William E. Curran ’49 Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor, encourag<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the students present to commit themselves to us<strong>in</strong>g their allotted time<br />

on this planet to make the world a better place.”<br />

A poster spread the word<br />

about Bishop Barber’s address.<br />

June 9, <strong>2023</strong> marked the momentous celebration of<br />

YPEI’s first-ever commencement, which took place at<br />

MacDougall-Walker prison. The site graduated seven<br />

students—six of whom were still <strong>in</strong>carcerated—with<br />

associate degrees from the University of New Haven.<br />

Host<strong>in</strong>g the ceremony <strong>in</strong> a visit<strong>in</strong>g room at the prison,<br />

YPEI staff took great care <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g as many<br />

elements of a conventional commencement as possible. The<br />

ceremony <strong>in</strong>cluded awards for outstand<strong>in</strong>g achievement,<br />

speeches from each of the graduates, and a commencement<br />

address from Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, who<br />

called it the most mov<strong>in</strong>g graduation ceremony he ever<br />

attended. In the 2024 ceremony, YPEI anticipates 13<br />

students will graduate dur<strong>in</strong>g the MacDougall ceremony,<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g its first two Bachelor’s degree recipients.<br />

This year also saw YPEI’s Danbury site celebrate its oneyear<br />

anniversary as the only college program offered to<br />

any women <strong>in</strong> any federal prison <strong>in</strong> the United States.<br />

Robust programm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>cluded art classes offered through<br />

YPEI’s partnership with the Yale School of Art’s Art and<br />

Social Justice Initiative, <strong>in</strong> addition to courses <strong>in</strong> English,<br />

philosophy, math, and psychology. In spr<strong>in</strong>g 2024, YPEI<br />

will see its first degree graduates at the Danbury prison.<br />

The work of YPEI is made possible through the<br />

commitment of staff members Zelda Roland ’08, ’16<br />

Ph.D., Found<strong>in</strong>g Director; Vanessa Estimé, Assistant<br />

Director; Tracy Westmoreland, Site Director at Danbury<br />

and Transfer Coord<strong>in</strong>ator; Emme Magliato ’23, Program<br />

Assistant, and hundreds of undergraduate and graduate<br />

student Fellows and volunteers.<br />

Marcus Harv<strong>in</strong> (middle) and his fellow YPEI<br />

graduates meet Governor Ned Lamont.<br />

Photo by Karen Pearson<br />

YPEI <strong>2023</strong> GRADUATE AND<br />



MARCUS HARVIN was released from prison <strong>in</strong><br />

2022 but obta<strong>in</strong>ed special permission to return<br />

to MacDougall-Walker to participate <strong>in</strong> the<br />

ceremony with his former classmates after<br />

complet<strong>in</strong>g his coursework on campus at UNH.<br />

He is currently pursu<strong>in</strong>g his bachelor’s degree at<br />

UNH and serves as a YPEI College-to-Career<br />

Fellow, where he receives professional<br />

development and mentorship opportunities at<br />

Yale and UNH. Marcus also served as a UNH<br />

President’s Public Service Fellow <strong>in</strong> <strong>2023</strong> and<br />

recently founded Newhallville fREshSTARTs, a<br />

food pantry to provide healthy produce and<br />

holistic programm<strong>in</strong>g for neighbors <strong>in</strong> need. In<br />

the future, Marcus hopes to become a defense<br />

attorney.<br />

“[YPEI] literally is the light at the end of the<br />

tunnel that gives the day illum<strong>in</strong>ation. When<br />

you get to those classes, you don’t feel like you’re<br />

<strong>in</strong> prison. You actually go from be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a cell to<br />

be<strong>in</strong>g k<strong>in</strong>d of, sort of on a campus. You literally<br />

feel like you’re not <strong>in</strong> the same place anymore.”<br />




“We had our first<br />

FOCUS on New<br />

Haven students<br />

last year, and it<br />

was an amaz<strong>in</strong>g<br />

experience. The<br />

students work so<br />

hard. . . had it not<br />

been for them, I<br />

would not be where I’m<br />

at today—we would still be beh<strong>in</strong>d like a<br />

year and a half. Those students, for<br />

three days, worked very hard <strong>in</strong> the heat<br />

of the summer. From then on, it sort of<br />

snowballed. . . I organized the 1st<br />

Northeast Disability and Agricultural<br />

Conference <strong>in</strong> February <strong>2023</strong>. . . and<br />

Johnny was able to support us by<br />

<strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g a handful of students to come<br />

rotate and help out with registration<br />

and park<strong>in</strong>g, which was a great<br />

experience.<br />

Each time we needed guidance, support,<br />

or extra hands at the farm, Johnny went<br />

above and beyond. He even came to our<br />

rescue this summer when we had<br />

hundreds of pounds of cucumbers to<br />

donate before they went bad. He found<br />

a group <strong>in</strong> need to donate them to on<br />

our behalf, picked them up promptly<br />

from the farm and personally delivered<br />

them, sent pictures of the happy<br />

recipients we had blessed, and also<br />

completed all of the donations<br />

paperwork. He is truly the embodiment<br />

of a partner and supporter who believes<br />

<strong>in</strong> both me and our mission. We are<br />

extremely blessed and appreciative to<br />

have him and <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong> our corner.”<br />

Heal<strong>in</strong>g by Grow<strong>in</strong>g Farms<br />

Dr. Ivette Ruiz has turned personal pa<strong>in</strong> and struggle <strong>in</strong>to heal<strong>in</strong>g<br />

for herself and her community, advanc<strong>in</strong>g her mission through a<br />

multifaceted partnership with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>.<br />

A bil<strong>in</strong>gual and bicultural third-generation new farmer, firstgeneration<br />

doctoral graduate, and a lifelong humanitarian, Ivette<br />

suffered a traumatic bra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>jury <strong>in</strong> 2020 that altered her life<br />

forever. In the difficult period that followed, she found peace <strong>in</strong><br />

farm<strong>in</strong>g and shar<strong>in</strong>g crops with <strong>in</strong>dividuals experienc<strong>in</strong>g food<br />

<strong>in</strong>security, eventually found<strong>in</strong>g Heal<strong>in</strong>g by Grow<strong>in</strong>g Farms<br />

(HBG), a Green Therapy Based Retreat & Educational Center<br />

located <strong>in</strong> East Haven. The organization is guided by the mission<br />

“Sanando (Heal<strong>in</strong>g) Our Bra<strong>in</strong>, Our Spirit and Our Soil,” where<br />

trauma survivors learn about garden<strong>in</strong>g, heal<strong>in</strong>g themselves, the<br />

environment, and build<strong>in</strong>g community.<br />

Soon after its found<strong>in</strong>g, HBG was awarded the 2022 New<br />

Haven Civic Innovation Prize, which is managed by <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

and provides up to $10,000 annually to the best student- or<br />

community-led venture or project focused on benefit<strong>in</strong>g the City of<br />

New Haven. It was dur<strong>in</strong>g this process that Ivette first met Johnny<br />

Scafidi ’01, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s Director of Community Outreach and<br />

Engagement, who has worked closely with Ivette ever s<strong>in</strong>ce.<br />

As stewards of the Civic Innovation Prize, the <strong>Hall</strong> assisted Ivette<br />

<strong>in</strong> secur<strong>in</strong>g a greenhouse, planters, and other materials. HBG was<br />

also <strong>in</strong>corporated as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Project <strong>in</strong> 2022.<br />

Managed by Johnny, the Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Projects program provides more<br />

formal support to community <strong>in</strong>itiatives through organizational<br />

management, consultations and mentor<strong>in</strong>g, material resources like<br />

workspaces and office supplies, and f<strong>in</strong>ancial support.<br />

The <strong>Hall</strong> has also supported HBG by engag<strong>in</strong>g student volunteers<br />

with the organization’s work through its FOCUS on New Haven<br />

Camp Yale orientation program, which has <strong>in</strong>cluded HBG as a<br />

service project site for the past two years. The <strong>Hall</strong> looks forward to<br />

cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g to grow this partnership, advanc<strong>in</strong>g service and justice<br />

<strong>in</strong> New Haven and beyond through <strong>in</strong>novative collaboration.<br />

Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

The Muslim Leadership Lab (MLL) at <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> was founded by<br />

Abdul-Rehman Malik <strong>in</strong> 2018 to grow civic leadership skills among<br />

Muslim students at Yale and to catalyze new directions for Muslim life<br />

on college campuses nationwide.<br />

MLL held its fifth annual Dr. Betty Shabazz & Malcolm X El Hajj Malik El<br />

Shabazz Lecture on March 6, <strong>2023</strong>, featur<strong>in</strong>g Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, an<br />

activist and former professional basketball player often called “Kaepernick<br />

before Kaepernick” for his decision to not stand for the U.S. national<br />

anthem dur<strong>in</strong>g the 1995-96 NBA season <strong>in</strong> protest of American racism and<br />

imperialism. The event brought together the New Haven<br />

and Yale communities, particularly community organizers<br />

and social justice advocates, and was co-sponsored by Yale<br />

Div<strong>in</strong>ity School’s Diversity Office.<br />

MLL also welcomed Dr. Noor Zaidi as the <strong>2023</strong> Imam<br />

Husse<strong>in</strong> Lecturer on Social Justice, who gave a lecture titled<br />

“Translations of Zaynab: Negotiat<strong>in</strong>g Space, Memory, and<br />

Justice,” <strong>in</strong> April <strong>2023</strong>. Fall <strong>2023</strong> events were similarly<br />

robust, with MLL host<strong>in</strong>g a fall retreat for its student<br />

cohort and welcom<strong>in</strong>g Rusha Latif for a lecture on her book<br />

Tahrir’s Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution.<br />

MLL cont<strong>in</strong>ues to support students through a twicemonthly<br />

Read<strong>in</strong>g Circle which <strong>in</strong>troduces students to key<br />

texts <strong>in</strong> West African Muslim spirituality, and uses the<br />

gather<strong>in</strong>g to encourage robust discussion on the ethics of<br />

social justice and community organiz<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative<br />

and Full Citizens Coalition<br />

“We’ve specifically wanted<br />

to hear from th<strong>in</strong>kers,<br />

artists, activists, organizers,<br />

academics, writers, and doers<br />

who are com<strong>in</strong>g from the<br />

Black Muslim experience…<br />

and from the BIPOC Muslim<br />

experience more broadly.<br />

Our Dr. Betty Shabazz &<br />

Malcolm X lectures every<br />

year have represented, <strong>in</strong><br />

some ways, the cutt<strong>in</strong>g edge<br />

of th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g and research<br />

around the African American<br />

Muslim experience and its<br />

connection to social justice.”<br />

—Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

Founder and Program Director<br />

of the Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

The New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative elevates the work of community organizers <strong>in</strong> New Haven and beyond,<br />

conven<strong>in</strong>g crim<strong>in</strong>al justice advocates, grassroots activists, currently and formerly <strong>in</strong>carcerated people, students,<br />

and professors <strong>in</strong> equitable relationships. Similarly, Full Citizens Coalition (FCC) is a Connecticut-based action<br />

group focused on undo<strong>in</strong>g the unjust harms caused by felony disenfranchisement and ensur<strong>in</strong>g that every citizen<br />

is respected as a full citizen. James Jeter serves as the Found<strong>in</strong>g Director of Civic Allyship and the Director of FCC.<br />

In spr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>2023</strong>, Civic Allyship hosted Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) for a perspectiveshift<strong>in</strong>g<br />

workshop featur<strong>in</strong>g Debra Rid<strong>in</strong>g, IRIS Education Director, and Hossna Samadi, IRIS Cultural<br />

Ambassador. The event underscored the unique challenges that refugees face and opportunities for amplify<strong>in</strong>g<br />

their voices through trauma-<strong>in</strong>formed allyship. The workshop was later repeated to 200 students dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s Camp Yale orientation program, FOCUS on New Haven.<br />

The Children of the Storm project harnessed the advocacy of FCC and research<br />

from the Yale Investigative Report<strong>in</strong>g Lab to document eight wrongful<br />

conviction cases stemm<strong>in</strong>g from law-enforcement corruption <strong>in</strong> New Haven<br />

over four decades, culm<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the publish<strong>in</strong>g of the Hold<strong>in</strong>g Me Captive<br />

website, yirl.org/hold<strong>in</strong>g-me-captive. A “Truth Tour” throughout summer<br />

<strong>2023</strong> raised public awareness by highlight<strong>in</strong>g many examples of egregious<br />

misconduct by police, prosecutors, and trial counsel <strong>in</strong> several cases.<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ally, <strong>in</strong> fall <strong>2023</strong>, Civic Allyship hosted “Through the Eyes of the<br />

Innocent,” a virtual event <strong>in</strong> celebration of National Exoneration Day.<br />


The Long Legacy of<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows is a leadership development program through which Yale undergraduates<br />

advance community-based public service and social justice work <strong>in</strong> New Haven and beyond.<br />

The program was founded <strong>in</strong> 1968 by Dr.<br />

David L. Warren ’70 M.Div., ’70 M.U.S.<br />

<strong>in</strong> response to the tw<strong>in</strong> assass<strong>in</strong>ations of<br />

Reverend Dr. Mart<strong>in</strong> Luther K<strong>in</strong>g, Jr. and<br />

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that year. Hav<strong>in</strong>g spent<br />

years learn<strong>in</strong>g how to address issues us<strong>in</strong>g nonviolence<br />

and community organiz<strong>in</strong>g, David<br />

developed Summer Fellows while serv<strong>in</strong>g as a<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong>tern. (He would go on to lead<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> as General Secretary from 1969 to<br />

1976.) Selected students would receive a sum<br />

of $500 each <strong>in</strong> exchange for go<strong>in</strong>g out <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the community and ask<strong>in</strong>g how their skills and<br />

resources could be best utilized by community<br />

members. Student proposals had to make clear<br />

that whatever <strong>in</strong>itiative they established was<br />

directly respond<strong>in</strong>g to community needs and<br />

would be cont<strong>in</strong>ued <strong>in</strong>to the fall.<br />

Undergraduates and graduate students from<br />

the Yale Law School, Div<strong>in</strong>ity School, School of<br />

Architecture, and School of Drama comprised<br />

the <strong>in</strong>itial cohort of Fellows. Their proposals<br />

comb<strong>in</strong>ed their areas of expertise with the<br />

specific needs of New Haven community<br />

members. Some of the projects that grew<br />

from this cohort <strong>in</strong>cluded the Free School<br />

at Yale, a free university offer<strong>in</strong>g courses on<br />

subjects like race <strong>in</strong> America and the war <strong>in</strong><br />

Vietnam that were open to and taught by New<br />

Haven community members, Yale faculty, and<br />

students; a street theatre where local students<br />

wrote their own drama and performed it;<br />

and legal counsel<strong>in</strong>g for tenants experienc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

landlord conflicts and <strong>in</strong>dividuals seek<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

ga<strong>in</strong> citizenship.<br />

Summer Fellows alumni now comprise more<br />

than 500 professionals and social change leaders,<br />

many of whom highlight this experience as their<br />

most mean<strong>in</strong>gful one at Yale.<br />

Summer Fellows Alumni Through the <strong>Year</strong>s<br />

John Wilhelm ’67<br />

Urban civil disorder swept<br />

the U.S. <strong>in</strong> the 1960s. New<br />

Haven suffered major<br />

disturbances <strong>in</strong> August<br />

1967. Then <strong>in</strong> December<br />

1967, banner headl<strong>in</strong>es<br />

announced the arrest of<br />

New Haven activists <strong>in</strong> a<br />

bomb plot. On April 4,<br />

1968, the Rev. Dr. Mart<strong>in</strong><br />

Luther K<strong>in</strong>g, Jr. was<br />

assass<strong>in</strong>ated. Disorders<br />

aga<strong>in</strong> swept New Haven and the country. Meanwhile the<br />

U.S. escalated the Vietnam War. Yale Chapla<strong>in</strong> William<br />

Sloan Coff<strong>in</strong> became a national leader of the anti-Vietnam<br />

war movement.<br />

This extraord<strong>in</strong>ary time led many Americans, especially<br />

young people, to question all our assumptions. I had<br />

graduated from Yale College <strong>in</strong> 1967 and stayed <strong>in</strong> New<br />

Haven to work on a community organiz<strong>in</strong>g project. I was<br />

fortunate that David Warren, the thoughtful and<br />

passionate leader of <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, <strong>in</strong>vited me to jo<strong>in</strong> the<br />

<strong>in</strong>augural <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellows program <strong>in</strong> summer<br />

1968. The Fellows David brought together had very<br />

different experiences and outlooks. We shared a hope that<br />

<strong>in</strong> some small way each of us could help br<strong>in</strong>g greater<br />

justice to New Haven and our country. I believe the Summer<br />

Fellows shared my gratitude for the opportunity to struggle<br />

with the angst of those profound events <strong>in</strong> a car<strong>in</strong>g group.<br />

We were thankful that David Warren was our leader that<br />

summer, because of his unique ability to synthesize political<br />

and moral viewpo<strong>in</strong>ts and town and gown attitudes.<br />

Another less noticed event occurred <strong>in</strong> New Haven: Yale’s<br />

d<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g hall, custodial, and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance workers went on<br />

strike <strong>in</strong> April 1968, seek<strong>in</strong>g to improve their very low<br />

wages and benefits. They returned to work without<br />

achiev<strong>in</strong>g their objectives. Largely black and Italian-<br />

American, many of them women, they were Yale’s least<br />

prestigious employees.<br />

The follow<strong>in</strong>g year I jo<strong>in</strong>ed the Yale union as its members<br />

strengthened their unity to challenge their wealthy and<br />

powerful employer. I had become conv<strong>in</strong>ced that unions<br />

are necessary to challenge our nation’s economic and racial<br />

divisions. Yale workers struck aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> April 1971. This time<br />

they were unified <strong>in</strong> a quest for greater worker rights that<br />

The <strong>2023</strong> Summer Fellows contributed 6,600 hours of service work with agencies and NGOs <strong>in</strong><br />

New Haven and across the country. <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> also hosted <strong>in</strong>-person receptions <strong>in</strong> Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC<br />

and San Francisco <strong>in</strong> July <strong>2023</strong>, connect<strong>in</strong>g 16 Fellows and undergraduates with 26 alumni <strong>in</strong><br />

those cities. The <strong>Hall</strong> plans to grow opportunities for alumni mentorship and students’ professional<br />

development as the Summer Fellows program cont<strong>in</strong>ues to expand to communities nationwide.<br />

became an <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g struggle for civil rights. They were<br />

successful, but only after a police riot on commencement<br />

day <strong>in</strong>jured many workers and led to global headl<strong>in</strong>es.<br />

My decision to jo<strong>in</strong> the Yale union came out of the Summer<br />

Fellows Program. That decision led to my life’s work <strong>in</strong> the<br />

labor movement. I am forever grateful to <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>, to<br />

the 1968 Summer Fellows, and to David Warren.<br />

Lauren Thompson Starks ’05<br />

Lauren Thompson Starks ’05 served as a 2003 <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellow and as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> student Board<br />

member. Given <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>’s anchor <strong>in</strong> the Yale and New<br />

Haven communities, Lauren was excited to be a part of<br />

mak<strong>in</strong>g a difference with her peers.<br />

As a student, Lauren found<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> to be an excellent<br />

resource for deepen<strong>in</strong>g her<br />

<strong>in</strong>volvement with CARE USA,<br />

an <strong>in</strong>ternational humanitarian<br />

nonprofit she first began<br />

volunteer<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>in</strong> high<br />

school. She founded the<br />

College Council for CARE—<br />

CARE’s first college youth<br />

program—as a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

member group. Then the<br />

organization partnered with<br />

other <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> member groups, such as the Yale<br />

Hunger and Homelessness Action Project, and organized<br />

fundrais<strong>in</strong>g and other efforts focused on fight<strong>in</strong>g poverty<br />

<strong>in</strong> the develop<strong>in</strong>g world.<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce then, Lauren’s public service career has spanned<br />

two Presidential adm<strong>in</strong>istrations and centered on<br />

promot<strong>in</strong>g educational equity and economic<br />

development for the American people. She served as the<br />

first-ever Woodbridge Fellow with<strong>in</strong> Yale’s Offices of the<br />

President, the Secretary and Vice President, and the<br />

General Counsel. A graduate of Columbia Law School —<br />

with tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g that emphasized lawyers’ roles <strong>in</strong> shap<strong>in</strong>g<br />

policy — Lauren served as the Chief of Staff to the Act<strong>in</strong>g<br />

General Counsel of the U.S. Department of Education<br />

(ED). She also served as the senior advisor to ED’s Under<br />

Secretary and the White House Domestic Policy Council<br />

and later cont<strong>in</strong>ued to focus on <strong>in</strong>novation <strong>in</strong> higher<br />

education policy at Southern New Hampshire University.<br />

Prior to her current role as Director of Good Companies/<br />

Good Jobs, an <strong>in</strong>itiative of the Aspen Institute Economic<br />

Opportunities Program, Lauren led the U.S. Economic<br />

Development Adm<strong>in</strong>istration’s $500 million Good Jobs<br />

Challenge program. She loves to meet students and<br />

connect with them about law school, policy, and how<br />

they can see themselves as problem solvers and leaders<br />

<strong>in</strong> many ways throughout their careers.<br />

Kat Moon ’24<br />

Kat Moon ’24 is a senior major<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong> Molecular Biophysics and<br />

Biochemistry and History of<br />

Science, Medic<strong>in</strong>e, and Public<br />

Health. Outside of the classroom,<br />

she serves as an undergraduate<br />

researcher at Neugebauer Lab, a<br />

Social Services Director at<br />

HAVEN Free Cl<strong>in</strong>ic, and also a<br />

soprano for Yale Gospel Choir.<br />

Drawn to medic<strong>in</strong>e as an<br />

<strong>in</strong>tersection of science, service,<br />

and humanity, Kat aspires to<br />

become a physician who can see human lives beh<strong>in</strong>d<br />

cl<strong>in</strong>ical symptoms. The <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Summer Fellowship<br />

was particularly <strong>in</strong>strumental <strong>in</strong> shap<strong>in</strong>g her views about<br />

healthcare and community. As a <strong>2023</strong> Summer Fellow,<br />

Kat undertook various <strong>in</strong>itiatives at HAVEN Free Cl<strong>in</strong>ic,<br />

such as strengthen<strong>in</strong>g community relationships with<br />

local NGOs, <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terdepartmental resources,<br />

and launch<strong>in</strong>g the Food as Medic<strong>in</strong>e (food voucher)<br />

program for patients.<br />

Through these projects, she learned how small systemic<br />

changes can significantly impact patient lives and<br />

experienced firsthand the power of collaboration. For<br />

example, Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services<br />

shared resources that have become <strong>in</strong>tegral to Social<br />

Services’ daily work, while 4CT assisted <strong>in</strong> runn<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ancial services for the Food as Medic<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>itiative. This<br />

is not to mention the effort of countless HAVEN<br />

members who share the same visions.<br />

Kat hopes to apply the lessons learned from serv<strong>in</strong>g as a<br />

Summer Fellow to her medical career, hold<strong>in</strong>g a deep<br />

appreciation for peers, mentors, and the local community.<br />

Specifically, she dreams of cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g to promote<br />

collaboration between healthcare and the community<br />

wherever she goes.<br />



<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> values gifts from each supporter. The <strong>in</strong>dividuals, foundations, bus<strong>in</strong>esses,<br />

agencies, and university offices below contributed between July 1, 2022 and June 30, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Denotes 1886 Society: Ten-plus consecutive years of giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />



Contributions of $10,000 and<br />

above; or gifts of $1,000 or more<br />

for students/alumni with<strong>in</strong> 10<br />

years of graduation<br />

Anonymous<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

& Mr. Jeremy S. Kahan ’04<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Eifler ’70*<br />

Mr. David R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’87<br />

& Dr. Elizabeth R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’89*<br />

Ms. Zoe G. Mercer-Golden ’13*<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82*<br />

Dr. Deborah Rose ’72, ’77 M.P.H., ’89 Ph.D.<br />

The Sassafras Foundation, Inc.*<br />

Stonesthrow Fund of Fidelity<br />

Charitable<br />

Mr. Bradford R. Williams ’10*<br />


Gifts of $2,500-$9,999; or<br />

contributions of $250-$999 for<br />

students/alumni with<strong>in</strong> 10 years<br />

of graduation<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Mohs<strong>in</strong> Ansari P ’24<br />

Ms. Brenda S. Breslauer ’86, ’96 M.S.L.<br />

& Mr. Richard Demak<br />

Mr. Peter G. Crumlish ’09 M.A.R.<br />

& Ms. Sara Armstrong*<br />

The Jane and William Curran<br />

Foundation, Inc.*<br />

Clarence Doolittle Fund of The<br />

Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

Mr. Morgan Eifler<br />

Mr. John A. Jones ’58, ’59 M.S.*<br />

Ms. Sandra Lee ’97*<br />

Lovett-Woodsum Foundation<br />

Ms. Chi T. Nguyen ’98<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Shen ’14<br />

Jane Shepard Fund of The Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />

Mr. Benjam<strong>in</strong> I. Staub ’06*<br />

The Willow Creek Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />


Contributions of $1 - $2,499<br />

Mr. Donald B. Abbott ’63*<br />

Mr. John R. Abelson ’78<br />

& Ms. Kendall J. Rafter<br />

Mr. John R. Adler ’84<br />

& Ms. Sherri Lev<strong>in</strong>e*<br />

Prof. Jean-Christophe Agnew ’92<br />

M.A.H.*<br />

Dr. John M. Agosta ’76<br />

& Ms. Margaret M. Miller ’76<br />

Ms. Nancy Alexander ’79, ’84 M.B.A.<br />

& Mr. Phillip G. Bernste<strong>in</strong> ’79,<br />

’83 M.Arch.*<br />

Mr. Victor B. Alfandre ’88*<br />

Dr. John V. Allcott, III ’67<br />

The Reverend Elizabeth D. Allen ’78, ’87<br />

M.Div.<br />

Mr. James M. Altman ’71, ’75 J.D.<br />

& Dr. Ellen L. Schecter<br />

Mr. William An ’24<br />

Mr. James M. Anderson, Jr., ’91, ’95 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Kate B. Brownlee ’93<br />

Mr. Gregory E. Andrews ’71<br />

Ms. Bethany L. Appleby ’89<br />

Dr. Hugh Auch<strong>in</strong>closs Jr. ’71, ’72 M.A.<br />

Mr. Michael A. Avery ’66, ’70 LL.B.<br />

Imam Omer Bajwa<br />

& Ms. Lisa K<strong>in</strong>ney-Bajwa<br />

Mr. Harold W. Baldw<strong>in</strong> ’63*<br />

Mr. Kenneth C. Bardach ’65<br />

Ms. Susan Learner Barr ’79<br />

Ms. Ravi K. Batista ’96<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Richard Beals ’60, ’64 Ph.D.*<br />

Dr. Andrew F. Beck ’02<br />

Mr. William R. Becklean ’58*<br />

Ms. Frances Be<strong>in</strong>ecke ’71, ’74 M.F.S.<br />

Dr. Allison Jatlow Beitler ’86*<br />

Mr. Richard D. Bel<strong>in</strong>, ’71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Bell ’65<br />

Ms. Abie Benitez, Ed.D.<br />

Ms. Suzanne C. Berl<br />

Dr. Joshua A. Berman ’87<br />

Mr. Howard B. Bernste<strong>in</strong> ’65<br />

Mr. Timothy Bertacc<strong>in</strong>i ’77*<br />

Ms. Christ<strong>in</strong>a M. Berti ’85<br />

& Dr. Peter J. Litw<strong>in</strong> ’86<br />

Mr. Frankl<strong>in</strong> L Best, Jr. ’67<br />

Ms. Barbara L. Bettigole ’78*<br />

Ms. Jessica M. Bialecki ’08<br />

Mr. Donald A. Bickford ’66<br />

Prof. Murray Biggs<br />

Mr. Brian W. Bills ’11<br />

Mrs. Pamela Bisbee-Simonds<br />

& Dr. Bruce D. Simonds<br />

Mr. Jason M. Blau ’08<br />

& Ms. Diana Mosca Blau ’08<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Bonner, Jr. ’72, ’76<br />

M.Div., ’77 S.T.M.<br />

Mr. F. Richard Bowen ’70<br />

Mr. Lewis C. Bowers, II ’75, ’83 M.P.P.M.<br />

& Ms. Susan R. Fries ’84 M.S.N.<br />

Mr. Bruce E. Bradley ’67*<br />

Mr. Robert Bradner ’84*<br />

Ms. Shirley D. Brandman ’83, ’86 J.D.<br />

Mr. Joseph Berkman-Breen ’12<br />

& Mr. Robert Berkman<br />

Mr. Sherman T. Brewer, Jr. ’64<br />

Dr. Laura C.W. Brightman ’90<br />

& Mr. Howard Brightman<br />

Mr. Jay Broderick<br />

Ms. Donna L. Brown ’86<br />

& Mr. Christopher M. Mayer ’84<br />

Mr. Josiah H. Brown ’92<br />

Mr. Carlos Brown ’23<br />

Mr. Charles E. Browne ’65<br />

Dr. C. Scott Brunger, Ph.D. ’68<br />

Ms. Carol A. Buckler ’78<br />

Mr. Andrew L. Bundy ’76<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Frederick Bunnell ’55, ’58 M.A.T.<br />

Ms. Justyna B. Burr ’77<br />

Dr. Michel<strong>in</strong>a M. Cairo ’00<br />

Hon. Guido G. Calabresi ’53, ’58 LL.B., ’62<br />

M.A.H. & Mrs. Anne Tyler Calabresi*<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Campbell ’68*<br />

The Rev. Donald Campbell, II ’48, ’53 B.D.<br />

The Rev. Dr. Robert Carpenter ’65,<br />

’68 Mus.M. & Ms. Martha E. Gale<br />

Ms. Jennifer H. Carter ’08<br />

Ms. Valerie J. Chang ’84<br />

Mr. Daniel M. Chase ’69<br />

Mr. Henry S. Chauncey, Jr. ’57<br />

Mr. Donald T. Chen ’89, ’92 M.E.S.<br />

Ms. Eileen Choi Noh ’98<br />

Ms. Yue-Han Chow ’01<br />

Dr. Mart<strong>in</strong> Christ ’82, ’88 M.F.S.<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Clifford E. Clark Jr. ’63<br />

Mr. Fred D. Clarke, III ’73<br />

Mr. Frank B. Cochran ’69 LL.B.<br />

& Ms. Stephanie FitzGerald<br />

Mr. Henry J. Cody, PE ’74<br />

Mr. Adam P. Cohen ’77<br />

Mr. Gregory W. Coleman ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Colgate ’68*<br />

Dr. J. Michael Collaco ’96<br />

& Ms. Aarti Shah<br />

Bob & Mary Beth Congdon Fund of The<br />

Community Foundation for Greater<br />

New Haven<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Connolly ’73*<br />

Ms. Kathryn Cooney<br />

Ms. Julie Copeland ’71<br />

Mr. Daniel Cotton ’91<br />

Dr. Carl L. Crew, Jr. ’68<br />

Mr. Edmund G. Crotty ’66*<br />

Ms. Nancy E. Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham ’92<br />

& Mr. Thomas Stockdale<br />

Mr. Alexander C. Daberko ’05<br />

& Ms. Larisa Terkeltaub Daberko ’05<br />

The Rev. Teresa M. Danieley, D.M<strong>in</strong>. ’98<br />

Prof. Stephen L. Darwall ’68, ’08 M.A.H.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. Davis Dassori Jr., ’63, ’68 LL.B.*<br />

Mr. Robert S. Day, Jr. ’68<br />

Dr. Juan de la Mora ’80 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Jean-Christophe de Swaan ’93<br />

Mr. Charles Y. Deknatel, Ph.D. ’66<br />

Mr. C. Timothy Delaney ’79<br />

Dr. James E. DeLano, Jr. ’65, ’70 M.D.<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. William H. Dent, Jr. ’58*<br />

Ms. Susan L. DeSilver ’79*<br />

The Rev. Jeanne Dev<strong>in</strong>e ’72, ’76 M.Div.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Dick<strong>in</strong>son ’60*<br />

Mr. Lowell Dodge ’63<br />

Mr. David L. Dodson ’77, ’81 M.Div.,<br />

’81 M.P.P.M.*<br />

Mr. Marc Dohan ’84 & Ms. Marion Magill*<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Draper, ’75*<br />

Mr. William H. Draper, III ’50<br />

Mr. & Dr. Eugene C. Durman ’68*<br />

Ms. Orianne Y. Dutka ’02<br />

Prof. Joseph G. Gall ’48, ’52 Ph.D.<br />

& Dr. Diane M. Dwyer<br />

Mr. Todd E. Edelman ’90<br />

& Ms. Marisa O. Night<strong>in</strong>gale ’90<br />

Mr. Donald B. Edwards ’64<br />

Mr. R. Kemerer Edwards ’49*<br />

Mr. Christopher S. Edwards ’01<br />

& Ms. Silpa S. Pericherla ’02<br />

Mr. William D. Eggers ’66*<br />

Ms. Er<strong>in</strong> Eifler Mulron ’00<br />

Mr. Edward H. Elliman ’85 M.E.S.<br />

Ms. Jennifer C. Elliott<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Ellison ’57<br />

Mr. Aurelio Emanuelli Freese ’88, ’91 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Maria I. Castaner Barcelo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ewell, Jr. ’66*<br />

Mr. David P. Ew<strong>in</strong>g ’62<br />

Ms. Sally Fazzone<br />

Rabbi Robert S. Fe<strong>in</strong>berg ’75<br />

Mr. Robert A. Fertik ’79<br />

& Ms. Antonia E. Stolper ’79*<br />

Dr. Kar<strong>in</strong> E. F<strong>in</strong>berg ’93, ’02 Ph.D., ’03 M.D.<br />

Ms. Carla F<strong>in</strong>kelste<strong>in</strong> ’90<br />

Mr. Joseph B. Foltz, ’75<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Reg<strong>in</strong>ald E. Ford, III ’69<br />

Mr. Michael A. Fotos ’78<br />

& Ms. Claudia F. L<strong>in</strong>dsey<br />

Ms. Erica R. Frankl<strong>in</strong> ’05<br />

& Mr. Jason M. Rogers<br />

Ms. Deborah J. Freedman ’82<br />

& Mr. Ben A. Ledbetter<br />

Mr. Joseph S. Freeman ’66<br />

Mr. Peter L. Freeman ’71<br />

Dr. Gary Friedlaender<br />

& Mrs. L<strong>in</strong>da K. Friedlaender<br />

Dr. Charles P. Gagar<strong>in</strong> ’71<br />

Ms. Anne H. Galv<strong>in</strong> ’07<br />

Mr. Michael Gamzon ’91<br />

& Ms. Rebecca D. Gamzon ’91<br />

Ms. Susan H. Garet ’76 M.Div.*<br />

Mr. Robert M. Garf<strong>in</strong>kle, ’68*<br />

Lt. Col. Charles J. Gaspar Jr. ’65<br />

Ms. Evelyn Q. H. Getman<br />

Dr. David H. Gibson ’78<br />

& Ms. Lizanne M. Cox<br />

Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman ’87<br />

Dr. Doreen S. Gluck<strong>in</strong> ’71<br />

& Dr. Richard A. Kanter<br />

Ms. Judith E. Goldberger ’92*<br />

Mr. John R. Gold<strong>in</strong> ’77 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Brian P. Goldman ’05<br />

& Ms. Zoe L. Palitz ’05<br />

Mr. Henry A. Goodman ’72*<br />

Ms. Julie L. Goran ’00<br />

Ms. Aliza S. Gordon ’08<br />

Ms. Laurie J. Gould ’85<br />

Mr. Roger W. Grawe ’68, ’68 M.A.<br />

Ms. Susan Gre<strong>in</strong>er*<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Griggs ’03<br />

& Mrs. Kerri-Ann A. Griggs ’03<br />

Mr. Douglas M. Griggs ’64<br />

The Rev. Bonita D. Grubbs ’84 M.A.R.,<br />

’85 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. Matthew A. Gubens ’97<br />

Mr. Evan C. Guillem<strong>in</strong> ’87<br />

& Ms. Ricki Stern<br />

Ms. Avni Gupta-Kagan ’00, ’05 J.D.<br />

& Mr. Joshua D. Gupta-Kagan ’00<br />

Mr. Alfred E. Guy, Jr.*<br />

Mr. Philip B. <strong>Hall</strong>en ’58 M.S.<br />

Dr. Jodi L. Halpern ’82, ’89 M.D., ’93 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Steven D. Handler, M.D. ’68<br />

& Ms. Cynthia B. Solot*<br />

Ms. Joan Handschumacher*<br />

Ms. Masarath N. Haque-Khan ’95<br />

Mr. Sean B. Hecht ’88<br />

Mr. Mitchell He<strong>in</strong>eman ’83<br />

Mr. Scott R. Herhold ’71<br />

Dr. Mary E. Hess ’85<br />

& Mr. Eric F. Celeste ’85<br />



Acknowledgments, cont<strong>in</strong>ued<br />

The Rev. Ellen M. Hiatt ’79 M.Div.<br />

Mr. Peter V. R. Hicks ’64*<br />

Dr. & Dr. George J. Hill ’53<br />

Mr. & Ms. Harald Hille ’66, ’70 M.Phil.<br />

Ms. Melissa J. Hilton ’83, ’89 M.B.A.<br />

Mr. Michael J. Hirschhorn ’81<br />

& Ms. Jimena P. Mart<strong>in</strong>ez<br />

Mr. Stephen J. Hoffman ’64<br />

Mr. & Ms. Alan R. Hoffman ’66*<br />

Mr. Jerome L. Hoganson ’58<br />

Mr. Richard P. Holloway ’63, ’65 B.E.*<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Horner ’83*<br />

Mr. Robert A. Horwitz ’68, ’76 Ph.D.<br />

& Ms. Carla M. Horwitz, Ph.D.<br />

Mr. W<strong>in</strong>chester F. Hotchkiss ’52<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Howard ’68*<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Roger E. Howe ’74 M.A.H.*<br />

Mr. William C. Howe ’68, ’79 M.Phil.*<br />

Dr. John S. Hughes ’08 M.A.H.<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D.*<br />

Ms. Amanda R. Ivatorov ’24<br />

Prof. Vicki C. Jackson ’72, ’75 J.D.<br />

Dr. Selby C. Jacobs ’61, ’72 M.P.H.<br />

Ms. Kar<strong>in</strong> T. Jacobson ’95<br />

Mr. John L. Jayne ’70<br />

Mr. Jeffrey A. Johnson, Ph.D. ’74<br />

Mr. Alexander B. Johnson, III ’61<br />

Mr. Ralph C. Jones, Jr. ’64<br />

Ms. Alison Bailey Kaar ’80<br />

& Mr. John F. Kaar*<br />

Mr. Allan N. Karl<strong>in</strong> ’69<br />

& Ms. Mildred C. Karl<strong>in</strong><br />

Mr. Joel Katz ’65, ’67 M.F.A.<br />

& Ms. Trish Thompson<br />

Dr. Stephen R. Kaufman ’81*<br />

Ms. Kather<strong>in</strong>e R. Kaufman ’86<br />

Dr. Richard D. Kayne ’76 M.D.<br />

Mr. Gilbert Keith-Agaran ’84<br />

Dr. Marissa Kellogg ’03<br />

Ms. Carolyn Kenady ’74<br />

Ms. Georgia L. Keohane ’94<br />

& Mr. Nathaniel O. Keohane ’93<br />

Ms. Madel<strong>in</strong>e S. Kerner ’07<br />

& Mr. David Korngold<br />

Mr. Charles H. Kieffer, Ph.D. ’74<br />

Mr. Jeffrey S. Kim ’87 & Mr. Curtis Ch<strong>in</strong>*<br />

Mr. William R. K<strong>in</strong>caid ’88*<br />

Mr. Donald A. Kirshbaum<br />

Mr. Whitman E. Knapp ’62, ’64 M.A.T.<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Koehler ’00*<br />

Ms. Lori S. Kornblum ’79<br />

Ms. Dara Kovel ’91, ’06 M.B.A.<br />

& Mr. Robert Cox<br />

Mr. Hugo E. Kranz Jr. ’59<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Kretman ’05<br />

Dean Ferentz Lafargue ’05 Ph.D.<br />

Prof. Richard B. Larson ’75 M.A.H.*<br />

Dr. Robert L. Leahy ’67, ’74 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Emma F. Ledbetter ’10<br />

Mr. Peter W. Lee ’65<br />

Mr. Robert F. Leibenluft ’73<br />

& Dr. Ellen Leibenluft ’74<br />

Mr. Reid M. Lerner ’99<br />

Rabbi Peter S. Levi ’86 & Ms. Ruth Levi<br />

Mr. Irw<strong>in</strong> T. Levy<br />

& Ms. Rachel Barnett<br />

Rev. David T. Lewicki ’97<br />

Mr. Mark H. Leymaster ’75 J.D.<br />

Ms. Helen M. Ligh ’87<br />

Mr. William E. Littlefield, Jr. ’70<br />

Prof. Katie Lofton, Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Just<strong>in</strong> R. Lor<strong>in</strong>g ’04<br />

Mr. Kenneth K. Y. Luke ’62<br />

Mr. Barry P. Luke ’80<br />

& Mrs. Teresa W. Luke*<br />

The Rev. John S. Luttrell ’65<br />

Mr. Mark H. Lynch ’66<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Madeira, Jr. ’68<br />

Ms. Er<strong>in</strong> Mahoney<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

& Ms. Fareena Alam<br />

Mr. Alan N. Mallach ’66*<br />

Ms. Laura M. Manville ’06<br />

Dr. Richard Marottoli ’80, ’84 M.D., ’91 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. William R. Massa, Jr.*<br />

Dr. David S. May ’69<br />

Mr. Robert A. Mayans ’73<br />

Mr. Oscar H. Mayer ’65*<br />

Mr. Theodore V. H. Mayer ’74<br />

Ms. Melissa Mazzeo ’20 M.B.A., ’20 M.E.M.<br />

Capt. Kenneth G. McAdams ’58<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David M. McCarthy ’67*<br />

Mr. Randall R. McCathren ’71<br />

Ms. Sarah W. McKenzie ’93<br />

Mr. Peter W. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’91*<br />

Ms. L<strong>in</strong>da C. McKoy ’77<br />

& Mr. Samuel M. Maruca ’77<br />

Dr. Robert K. McLellan ’73, ’78 M.D.,<br />

’78 M.P.H.<br />

Dr. Thomas Meola, Jr. & Ms. Judy Kang<br />

Ms. Kristen Meola ’26<br />

Mr. & Ms. John R. Merrick, ’62, ’63 M.A.T.*<br />

Ms. Claudia R. Merson<br />

Mr. Calv<strong>in</strong> M. Mew ’69*<br />

Ms. Stephanie A. Meyer ’95<br />

& Mr. Eric A. Dunn<br />

Ms. Molly Meyer*<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Meyer ’11<br />

Mr. Anthony R. Michel ’59<br />

Ms. Franc<strong>in</strong>e Miller<br />

Mr. Wentworth E. Miller ’69, ’77 J.D.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moggio ’67, ’71 M.D.*<br />

Dr. Juan P. Montermoso ’69<br />

Ms. Julia D. Moore<br />

Dr. Mayumi A. Mori ’86<br />

Mr. Hunter Morrison, III ’70<br />

Mr. Mart<strong>in</strong> L. Murray ’61*<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Murray ’68<br />

Mr. William S. Myers ’64<br />

Mr. Noah R. Neal ’12, ’12 B.S.<br />

Mr. Matthew R. Neely ’91<br />

Mr. Matthew L. Nemerson ’81 M.P.P.M.<br />

Mr. Brian R. Nes<strong>in</strong> ’91<br />

Mr. Scott N. Newman ’77<br />

& Ms. Wendy Newman*<br />

Ms. Tiffany K. Ng ’05<br />

The Rev. Dr. Paula B. Nordhem ’86 M.Div.<br />

Professor Thomas C. Nowak ’65<br />

Ms. Deanna M. Matsumoto ’84<br />

& Mr. Tor H. Ormseth ’84<br />

Dr. Jack H. Ostroff ’76*<br />

Ms. Laura Pabo*<br />

Ms. Susan L. Papa & Mr. David Schatz ’80,<br />

’80 M.S.<br />

Ms. Nilakshi Parndigamage ’06<br />

Dr. Mary C. Pearl ’72, ’76 M.Phil, ’82 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Ethan L. Perry ’95<br />

Dr. McKim C. Peterson ’70<br />

Dr. E. Anthony Petrelli ’61<br />

The Rev. Susan M. Pfeil ’94, ’02 M.Div.<br />

Dr. Lauren P<strong>in</strong>zka & Prof. Steven T. Berry<br />

Mr. Madhu R. Pocha ’01<br />

Mr. Jeremy R. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter ’11*<br />

Mr. James W. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter ’75<br />

& Ms. Sarah C. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter<br />

Dr. Mark J. Polisar ’84<br />

Mr. David J. Pollay ’87<br />

Ms. Nira Pollock ’93<br />

Dr. Stanley Possick & Ms. Barbara Possick*<br />

Mr. Samuel J. Post ’08<br />

Gregory S. Pr<strong>in</strong>ce, Jr. ’61, ’73 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Adler Prioly ’09<br />

Mr. David M. Pritzker ’62<br />

& Mrs. Charlene Pritzker*<br />

Ms. Sharon J. Prober<br />

& Prof. Daniel E. Prober<br />

Prof. Alexander Purves ’58, ’65 M.Arch.<br />

Ms. Diane K. Quan ’95<br />

Mr. Yusuf Rasheed ’25<br />

Mr. Steven D. Redfield ’80*<br />

Mr. Jacob A. C. Remes ’02 & Ms. Mari<br />

Armstrong-Hough ’16 M.P.H.*<br />

Mr. Christopher S. Rhee ’94, ’97 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Jeannie S. Rhee ’94, ’97 J.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Riblet ’65*<br />

Mr. R. Thomas Rich ’72<br />

Ms. Eve B. Rittenberg ’90<br />

& Mr. Jeffrey B. Liebman ’89*<br />

Ms. Ann M. Ritter ’01 & Mr. Leo Kore<strong>in</strong><br />

Mr. Peter E. Rivard ’76*<br />

Mr. John H. Rixse ’63<br />

Mr. James S. Roberts ’66*<br />

Lupi & John Rob<strong>in</strong>son Fund of The<br />

Community Foundation for Greater<br />

New Haven<br />

Mr. Daniel T. Roble ’68<br />

Mr. Philip A. Roden ’62*<br />

Mr. Thomas W. Roderick ’64<br />

Professor Gordon M. Rogoff ’52<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Rosenberg ’63, ’67 LL.B.*<br />

Ms. Michelle J. Rosenthal ’05<br />

& Mr. Isaac M. Klausner ’05<br />

Dr. Ralph A. Rossi ’84 M.P.H.<br />

Dr. Jan L. Roth ’72, Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Randi I. Roth ’79<br />

Mr. Richard L. Rubens, Ph.D. ’68<br />

Prof. David M. Rudenst<strong>in</strong>e ’63, ’65 M.A.T.<br />

& Dr. Z<strong>in</strong>a Ste<strong>in</strong>berg<br />

Ms. Holly Russell ’88*<br />

Mrs. Sandra E. Sanneh ’93 M.A.<br />

Dr. Gabriel T. Sayer ’98<br />

Mr. Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

& Ms. Paige M. Nelson ’04 M.A.R.*<br />

The Reverend Doctor Charles Scalise<br />

& Professor Pamela J. Scalise<br />

Ms. Nancy Scanlon<br />

Ms. Er<strong>in</strong> A. Scharff ’04<br />

The Reverend James A. Scherer ’46<br />

Mr. HJ Schmidt ’70 & Ms. Debora A. Slee<br />

Mr. Duncan M. Schmitt ’81, ’96 M.E.S.<br />

Ms. Deena J. Schneider ’71<br />

Mr. J. B. Schramm ’86<br />

Prof. T. Paul Schultz ’74 M.A.H.*<br />

Ms. Kate Scorza Ingram ’04 M.B.A.<br />

Prof. James C. Scott ’67 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Olivia Sears ’86<br />

Dr. Robert P. Sedgwick, Jr. ’69*<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Selness ’63*<br />

Ms. Aditi Sen ’05 & Mr. Sudhir Muralidhar<br />

Ms. Diana L. Senechal ’89, ’99 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Deborah Frank Shabecoff ’88<br />

Ms. Sarah Hirschhorn Shapiro ’84*<br />

Mr. Arloc M. Sherman ’87<br />

Nellie Shipley Sullivan ’87<br />

Ms. Karen J. Siegel ’02 & Mr. Charles Natt<br />

Ms. Marisa G. Silverste<strong>in</strong> ’92<br />

& Mr. Zachary B. Silverste<strong>in</strong> ’90*<br />

Mr. Richard C. S<strong>in</strong>ger ’70<br />

Ms. Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. Peter W. Sipple ’62<br />

Prof. Kerala J. Snyder ’70 Ph.D.<br />

Dr. Daniel H. Solomon ’86, ’92 M.D.<br />

& Ms. M<strong>in</strong>dy Berman<br />

Mr. T. Reg<strong>in</strong>ald Solomon ’98<br />

Ms. Eliza Sp<strong>in</strong>na ’23<br />

Ms. Andrea M. Sreshta ’06<br />

Mr. Robert M. St. John, ’54, ’59 LL.B.<br />

Mr. Earl H. Stael<strong>in</strong> ’62<br />

Mr. Lawrence H. Staib ’90 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. G. Scott Staniar ’85<br />

Mr. Keith W. Stavely ’64, ’69 Ph.D.*<br />

Mr. Jon E. Steffensen, ’68<br />

Ms. Janet B. Ste<strong>in</strong> ’81<br />

Mr. James Stentzel ’65<br />

Ms. Theresa A. Stephen ’92<br />

Mr. Mark L. Stivers ’91<br />

Mr. Samuel N. Stokes ’63*<br />

Ms. Lisa E. Stone ’78, ’82 M.P.H.<br />

& Dr. Scott B. Cantor ’81*<br />

Mr. Shepard B. Stone*<br />

Ms. L<strong>in</strong>dsay Stradley ’03<br />

Mr. Lee M. Strieb ’86 & Dr. Shari Golan*<br />

Prof. H. Shelton Stromquist, Ph.D. ’66<br />

& Ms. Ann M. Stromquist*<br />

Ms. Maureen Sullivan-Drury<br />

Ms. Leila Y. Surratt ’86<br />

Dr. Roslyn E. Sutherland ’63 M.S.N.<br />

& Mr. Donald W. Sutherland<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Lloyd Suttle ’69, ’75 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Dorothy Sutton*<br />

Ms. Julie Swaney ’83 M.Div.<br />

Mrs. Patricia E. Sweet*<br />

Mr. Philip C. Taff ’07<br />

Ms. Kiran Tahir<br />

Dr. John I. Takayama ’80*<br />

Ms. Sahoko V. Tamagawa ’84<br />

Mr. Stanley Tamark<strong>in</strong> ’77 M.A., ’83 Ph.D.<br />

The Rev. Kenneth J. Thomas, Ph.D. ’53*<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Tifft ’79<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86*<br />

Ms. Abigail L. Trill<strong>in</strong> ’90<br />

& Mr. Brian C. Lee ’88*<br />

Dr. Heather E. Trim ’83*<br />

Mr. Chi Tschang ’98<br />

Mr. Thaddeus F. Tuleja ’66<br />

& Ms. Andree Nolen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tynes ’66<br />

Dr. Stephen C. Updegrove ’74<br />

& Ms. Kathleen M. Hayes ’98 M.S.N.*<br />

Ms. Jane Levy Vance ’08<br />

Mrs. Cassandra D. Vaughan ’87<br />

Ms. Eve Vogel ’87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Boris G. Von York ’59<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Wacht ’65*<br />

Ms. Janna M. Wagner ’95<br />

Dr. Victoria M. Wang ’86<br />

Mr. Thomas E. Weil, Jr. ’70<br />

Mr. G. Harold Welch Jr. ’50<br />

Mr. Samuel R. F. White ’08<br />

Dr. James M. Whitehead ’67<br />

& Dr. Jean C. Cook<br />

Mr. Alan P. Wichlei ’70<br />

& Ms. Janice A. Litw<strong>in</strong><br />

Mrs. Ela<strong>in</strong>e S. Wickstrom<br />

Dr. William H. Wiese ’60*<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wik ’68, ’77 Ph.D.*<br />

Mr. John W. Wilhelm ’67<br />

Mr. David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s<br />

& Ms. Serena Crawford<br />

Mr. John A. Wilk<strong>in</strong>son ’60, ’63 M.A.T.<br />

& Ms. Virg<strong>in</strong>ia T. Wilk<strong>in</strong>son ’62 M.A.T.<br />



Acknowledgments, cont<strong>in</strong>ued<br />

Ms. Martha L. Williams ’84<br />

& Ms. Honora M. Willcutts<br />

Mr. Richard A. W<strong>in</strong>es ’68*<br />

Mr. Michael J. Wishnie ’87, ’93 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Cather<strong>in</strong>e J. Edwards ’87<br />

Mr. Robert S. Withers ’69*<br />

Mr. Stephen Wizner<br />

& Mrs. Rachel Wizner<br />

Mr. Richard B. Wolf, Ph.D. ’69<br />

Ms. Amy D. Woolever ’95*<br />

Dr. Mary L. Woolsey ’80<br />

Mr. Vladimir Wozniuk ’82 M.A.R.<br />

Ms. Marian V. Wrobel ’86<br />

Prof. Robert J. Wyman ’80 M.A.H.<br />

Dr. T<strong>in</strong>g S. Yee ’73<br />

Ms. Elizabeth C. Yen ’76<br />

The Rev. J. Philip Zaeder ’58, ’62 M.Div.<br />

& Mrs. Sylvia L. Thayer*<br />

Dr. Norman Zamcheck ’70<br />

Ms. Emily X. Zhang ’25<br />

Mr. Jack M. Zimmerman ’53<br />

Ms. Emily J. Zuckerman ’74<br />



AmazonSmile Foundation<br />

Christensen Dunn Early Foundations<br />

Fund<br />

The Community Foundation for Greater<br />

New Haven*<br />

Henry F. English Fund of The<br />

Community Foundation for Greater<br />

New Haven<br />

Lostand Foundation, Inc.*<br />

PayPal Giv<strong>in</strong>g Fund<br />



The Charlotte Foundation*<br />

The Rev. Teresa M. Danieley, D.M<strong>in</strong>. ’98<br />

Mr. F. Jay Dougherty ’71<br />

Mr. Hugh R. McCombs ’68*<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David L. Warren ’70 M.Div.,<br />

’70 M.U.S.*<br />

Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance<br />

Yale Club of New Haven*<br />




American Rescue Plan, Connecticut<br />

Elementary and Secondary School<br />

Emergency Relief Grant Program<br />

Ms. Brenda S. Breslauer ’86, ’96 M.S.L.<br />

& Mr. Richard Demak<br />

Carolyn Foundation<br />

Dr. Joshua Chodosh ’76 <strong>in</strong> memory of<br />

Herb & Jean Cahoon<br />

Connecticut Mental Health Center<br />

Foundation<br />

Connecticut State Department of<br />

Education After-School Grant<br />

Program*<br />

Mr. Carl M. Eifler ’70<br />

Mr. Joseph W. Gordon ’78 Ph.D.<br />

& Mr. Mark Bauer <strong>in</strong> honor of John R.<br />

Meeske ’74<br />

Hartford Foundation for Public Giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Mr. William R. Massa, Jr.*<br />

Mr. Steven D. Masters ’81 <strong>in</strong> memory of<br />

Herb Cahoon<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David M. McCarthy ’67*<br />

PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.<br />

Ms. Constance L. Royster ’72 <strong>in</strong> memory<br />

of Kathr<strong>in</strong>e Burdick*<br />

The Sassafras Foundation, Inc.*<br />

Ms. Meghan K. Titzer ’06<br />

United Way of Greater New Haven*<br />

Marie & John Zimmerman Fund*<br />


Office of New Haven Affairs<br />

Office of the President<br />

Tsai Center for Innovative Th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g at<br />

Yale<br />

Yale College Dean’s Office<br />

Yale Div<strong>in</strong>ity School<br />


Herb Cahoon Campus and Community<br />

Fund<br />

The Jane and William E. Curran ’49<br />

Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor Fund<br />

Early Childhood Education Fund<br />

David Magee Fund<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82 Fund<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Socially Responsible<br />

Investment Fund<br />

Summer Fellows Fund<br />


Anonymous<br />

Benevity, Inc.<br />

California Wellness Foundation<br />

Betty & Davis Fitzgerald Foundation<br />

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation<br />

Google<br />

John D. & Cather<strong>in</strong>e T. MacArthur<br />

Foundation<br />

McK<strong>in</strong>sey<br />

Microsoft Match<strong>in</strong>g Gifts<br />

Open Society Foundations<br />

Prospect Hill Foundation<br />

United Health Group<br />

Värde Partners<br />



Mr. Mohs<strong>in</strong> Ansari P ’24<br />

Dr. Saeed A. Bajwa & Ms. Zakira S. Bajwa<br />

John Fetzer Institute<br />

Ms. Masarath N. Haque-Khan ’95<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

& Ms. Fareena Alam<br />

Prof. Intisar Rabb ’06 J.D.<br />

Dr. Ehtisham U. Siddiqui<br />

& Ms. Sadia Siddiqui<br />

Yale University Chapla<strong>in</strong>’s Office,<br />

Muslim Life Program<br />




Anonymous (15)<br />

A.L. Ste<strong>in</strong>er<br />

Alexandra Daum<br />

Alida Engel<br />

Amanda Ehrman<br />

Anna Shechtman ’17 M.A. ’17 M.Phil.,<br />

’20 Ph.D.<br />

Anne Hirschhorn ’08<br />

Ari Stern<br />

Barb & Ernie Moritz<br />

Barbara <strong>Hall</strong><br />

Bonnie Yochelson & Paul Shechtman<br />

Brittany Dixon<br />

Caleb Smith<br />

Charlotte Anastasio<br />

David R.R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’87<br />

& Elizabeth R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’89<br />

Deborah Elk<strong>in</strong> ’90 M.A., ’90 M.Phil.,<br />

’95 Ph.D.<br />

Dust<strong>in</strong> Nguyen ’18<br />

Ela<strong>in</strong>e Chu ’82<br />

Eliza Lord ’24<br />

Ellen Nye ’19 M.A., ’19 M.Phil, ’22 Ph.D.<br />

Ernest Moritz<br />

Ezra Lev<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Gabby Colangelo ’21<br />

Gayle Engel<br />

Hannah Burnett ’08<br />

Hector Jimenez ’18YPEI<br />

Helen Kauder & Barry Nalebuff<br />

Holly Antol<strong>in</strong>i<br />

Isabella Levenson<br />

J. Nick Fisk ’23 Ph.D.<br />

Jade Chown<strong>in</strong>g ’19, ’24 J.D.<br />

James Huffman<br />

Jane Evans<br />

Janis J<strong>in</strong> ’20<br />

Jeanne Lowrey<br />

Jeff Slocum<br />

Jeremy Travis ’70<br />

Jess Fardella ’73<br />

Jesse Zwick<br />

Jessica Sanchez<br />

Jessica Yu<br />

J<strong>in</strong>gchu L<strong>in</strong><br />

Jo Ann S<strong>in</strong>ger<br />

Joanne Brandwood ’81<br />

Jocelyn P<strong>in</strong>eda<br />

John Durham Peters ’17 M.A.H.<br />

Jon Schles<strong>in</strong>ger<br />

Joshua McGilvray ’20<br />

Kate Monaghan ’09<br />

Kather<strong>in</strong>e Sloss<br />

Kathryn Slanski<br />

Keshawnta Johnson<br />

Kim Gittleson<br />

Laura Adler ’08<br />

Laura Wasserson<br />

Laura Wexler ’02 M.A.H.<br />

Laurel Gray<br />

Leonard S. Freedman<br />

Liberty Godshall<br />

Lily Rothman ’08<br />

Lisa Lowe ’07 M.A.H.<br />

Lisbeth Kaufman ’08 <strong>in</strong> honor of<br />

Charlotte Kaufman<br />

Liza Kuritsky<br />

Lucy Hunter ’16 M.A., ’16 M.Phil., ’21 Ph.D.<br />

M. Carlah Esdaile Bragg<br />

Maddie Murphy<br />

Mara Lavitt<br />

Maryanne Ullmann<br />

Masu Haque-Kahn ’95<br />

Maud McInerney<br />

Max Abelson ’06<br />

Megan Marion Kelly <strong>in</strong> honor of<br />

Zelda Roland<br />

Meghan Titzer ’06<br />

Michael Libunao-Macal<strong>in</strong>tal ’20 M.Div.<br />

Michael Mallon<br />

Miko McG<strong>in</strong>ty ’93, ’98 M.F.A.<br />

Mira Debs ’13 M.A., ’13 M.Phil., ’16 Ph.D.<br />

Miranda Popkey ’09<br />

Molly Fischer ’09<br />

Mona Elsayed ’08<br />

Natasha Roland<br />

Olivia Scheck ’09<br />

Paul Spera ’08 & Francesca Toich<br />

Peter Connolly ’73<br />

Peter Wicks<br />

Rachel Mannheimer ’07<br />

Rachel Rose ’09<br />

Rebecca Eisenbrey ’09<br />

Rhonda S<strong>in</strong>ger ’72<br />

Ricky Zacharias ’19 J.D.<br />

Rob Wiesenberger<br />

Robert W. Norris II<br />

Samantha Hennessey ’08<br />

Samantha Mahoney<br />

Sarah Brown<br />

Sarah Leverett<br />

Sarah Mahur<strong>in</strong> ’05 M.A., ’07 M.Phil.,<br />

’11 Ph.D.<br />

Sarah McKenzie ’93<br />

Sarah O’Brien ’09<br />

Shauna Miller<br />

Simone Blaser<br />

Sophia Jackson ’06<br />

Sophia Lear ’08<br />

Sophia Lewis<br />

Steven F. Hecker ’72<br />

Steven McDonald<br />

Suzanna Lee ’08 <strong>in</strong> honor of Zelda<br />

Roland<br />

Tadhg Dooley<br />

Tess Wheelwright ’06<br />

The Morris Foundation, Inc.<br />

Valerie Pierce ’84, ’88 J.D.<br />

Victoria Baena ’18 M.A., ’18 M.Phil.,<br />

’21 Ph.D.<br />

Willa Ferrer ’24<br />

William Glasspiegel ’05, ’17 M.A.,<br />

’17 M.Phil, ’23 Ph.D.<br />

Zoe Rosenbloom<br />




Bard College<br />

Center for the Study of Race,<br />

Indigeneity, and Transnational<br />

Migration<br />

Community Foundation for Greater<br />

New Haven<br />

Jobs for the Future / Ascendium<br />

Education Group<br />

Mellon Foundation<br />

National Philanthropic Trust<br />

Prospect Hill Foundation<br />

Yale Faculty of Arts and Sciences<br />

Yale School of Art<br />

Yale College Dean’s Office<br />

United Way of Greater New Haven<br />

University of New Haven<br />



The <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Legacy Society recognizes and honors alumni, parents, and friends who have <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong> at Yale <strong>in</strong> their long-term f<strong>in</strong>ancial and estate plans through a bequest provision <strong>in</strong> their will, by establish<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a life-<strong>in</strong>come gift, or another form of deferred gift. The Board of Directors, students, and staff extend gratitude to<br />

the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dividuals who have <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> at Yale <strong>in</strong> their wills or estate plans.<br />

Anonymous<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04 & Mr. Jeremy S. Kahan ’04<br />

Mr. Peter B. Bens<strong>in</strong>ger ’58<br />

Mr. Bob Congdon ’72 and Ms. Mary Beth Congdon<br />

Mr. David L. Dodson ’77, ’81 M.P.P.M., ’81 M.Div.<br />

FISCAL YEAR <strong>2023</strong> FINANCIAL STATEMENT<br />

July 1, 2022 - June 30, <strong>2023</strong>: Audited<br />


Individual & Foundation Contributions (unrestricted) $327,232<br />

Restricted Contributions & Program Income 1,270,932<br />

State Grant (Co-Op After School Program) 201,378<br />

Mr. Carl M. Eifler ’70<br />

Mr. Russel H. Goddard ’54<br />

<strong>in</strong> memory of Wendell Converse Goddard & Edward Hume YC ’25 *<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D.<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82<br />

Mr. Charles R. S. Shepard ’51, ’54 M.A., ’84 M.Div. *<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86<br />

The Rev. J. Philip Zaeder ’58, ’62 M.Div.<br />

* Deceased<br />

If you have already designated<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong> your estate plan or<br />

would like further <strong>in</strong>formation, please<br />

contact Director of Philanthropy<br />

David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s at 203-432-2021 or<br />

david.wilk<strong>in</strong>s@yale.edu.<br />

University Contributions 252,386<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Investment Fund Operat<strong>in</strong>g Support 501,247<br />

Other Income (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g fees, bank <strong>in</strong>terest) 47,537<br />

Total Revenue $2,600,712<br />


Program<br />


BOB CONGDON ’72<br />

“When I began my career <strong>in</strong> the<br />

nonprofit sector by provid<strong>in</strong>g<br />

community services for senior<br />

adults <strong>in</strong> Greater New Haven,<br />

I worked with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

students who organized a job<br />

placement service and a<br />

newspaper for older adults. Then I<br />

collaborated with a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> student to publish<br />

an evaluative guide to nurs<strong>in</strong>g homes <strong>in</strong> the area.<br />

I’ve witnessed how <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> offers Yale students<br />

valuable opportunities to provide community<br />

service, develop new programs that meet emerg<strong>in</strong>g<br />

needs, and ga<strong>in</strong> exposure to people and issues<br />

outside of Yale. That’s why I have <strong>in</strong>cluded a gift to<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>in</strong> my estate plans.”<br />

Community Engagement 370,946<br />

Co-Op After School Program 200,440<br />

Leadership & Professional Development 451,201<br />

Macropartnerships & Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Projects 427,491<br />

Yale Prison Education Initiative 685,832<br />

Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e 76,908<br />

Adm<strong>in</strong>istration & Management 153,303<br />

Development 183,937<br />

Total Expenses $2,550,058<br />



<strong>2023</strong> STUDENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE<br />


William An ’24<br />

Senior Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Emily Zhang ’25<br />

Junior Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Paola Flores Sanchez ’25<br />

Institutional Service<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Kristen Meola ’26<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ancial Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Josie Jahng ’24<br />

Deputy F<strong>in</strong>ancial Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Sevi Burget-Foster ’23<br />

Programm<strong>in</strong>g Fellow<br />

Alex<strong>in</strong>e Casanova<br />

Operations Manager<br />

Kaley Casenhiser<br />

’25 M.E.M./M.Div.,<br />

Reverend John G. Magee ’06<br />

Fellow<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R.<br />

Executive Director and<br />

General Secretary<br />

Amadie Gajanaike ’26<br />

Communications<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Catal<strong>in</strong>a Mahe ’26<br />

Communications<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Nikhe Braimah ’25<br />

Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Vanessa Estimé<br />

Assistant Director, Yale<br />

Prison Education Initiative<br />

Mark Fopeano<br />

Director of Programm<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and Evaluation<br />

Paul Bryant Hudson<br />

Program Director,<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

James Jeter<br />

Program Director,<br />

New Haven Civic<br />

Allyship Initiative<br />

Stephen K<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Outreach and Engagement<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator, Co-Op After School<br />



DAY OF SERVICE <strong>2023</strong><br />

Avery DeWitt ’26<br />

Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monksy ’24<br />

Engagement Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Rosa Anderson Barrera ’25<br />

Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

In November <strong>2023</strong>, <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong><br />

held its annual Day of Service,<br />

where Yale students build deeper<br />

relationships with the New Haven<br />

community by volunteer<strong>in</strong>g at<br />

local organizations like New<br />

Haven Reads, CitySeed, Integrated<br />

Refugee & Immigrant Services,<br />

and the New Haven Tutor<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Initiative.<br />

Emme Magliato ’23<br />

Program Assistant, Yale Prison<br />

Education Initiative<br />

Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

Director, Muslim<br />

Leadership Lab<br />

Claudia Merson<br />

Education Advisor<br />

Morad Mokhtari<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ance Manager<br />

Hiroko Kawase ’26<br />

Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Rena Liu ’26<br />

Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Joseph<strong>in</strong>e Cureton ’24<br />

New Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

This year marked the first Day of<br />

Service s<strong>in</strong>ce the outbreak of the<br />

COVID-19 pandemic and was<br />

organized by Paola Flores<br />

Sanchez ’25, the Institutional<br />

Service Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on <strong>Dwight</strong><br />

<strong>Hall</strong>’s Student Executive<br />

Committee (ExComm), and<br />

supported by fellow ExCommers,<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Catal<strong>in</strong>a Mahe ’26<br />

(pictured on the right).<br />

Barbara Mola ’22<br />

Communications and Alumni<br />

Engagement Associate<br />

Zelda Roland ’08, ’16 Ph.D.<br />

Director, Yale Prison<br />

Education Initiative<br />

Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

Director of Community<br />

Outreach and Engagement<br />

Tracy Westmoreland<br />

Danbury Site Director and<br />

Transfer Counselor, Yale<br />

Prison Education Initiative<br />

David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s<br />

Director of<br />

Philanthropy<br />



Mr. Bradford Williams ’10, Board Chair<br />

Ms. Sandra Lee ’97, Vice Chair<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D., Secretary<br />

Ms. Madel<strong>in</strong>e Kerner ’07, Treasurer<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Meyer ’11, Chair of Investments<br />

Mr. Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R., Ex-Officio<br />

Ms. Rena Liu ’26, Student Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator,<br />

Ex-Officio<br />

Ms. Emily Zhang ’25, Student Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator,<br />

Ex-Officio<br />

Mr. Mohs<strong>in</strong> Ansari P ’24<br />

Imam Omer Bajwa<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

Dr. Abie Benitez<br />

Ms. Anna Bland<strong>in</strong>g ’03, ’09 M.B.A.<br />

Mr. David Dodson ’77, ’81 M.P.P.M., ’81 M.Div.<br />

Ms. Paola Flores Sanchez ’25, Student Member<br />

Ms. Hiroko Kawase ’26, Student Member<br />

Dean Ferentz Lafargue ’05 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01<br />

Prof. Katie Lofton<br />

Ms. Kristen Meola ’26, Student Member<br />

Ms. Nilakshi Parndigamage ’06<br />

Mr. Yusuf Rasheed ’25, Student Member<br />

Ms. Randi Roth ’79, Audit Committee Chair<br />

Mr. Benjam<strong>in</strong> Staub ’06<br />

Ms. Kiran Tahir<br />

Mr. Tim Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86, Development<br />

Committee Chair<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> extends its appreciation to William<br />

An ’24, Carlos Brown ’23, Carl Eifler ’70, and Eliza<br />

Sp<strong>in</strong>na ’23, who completed their terms <strong>in</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />


LAURA HUIZAR ’06, ’12 J.D.<br />

Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D. became <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> as a first-year<br />

student through Bridges ESL, a <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> student-led member group that<br />

teaches English as a second language to New Haven residents. She loved<br />

connect<strong>in</strong>g with students and learn<strong>in</strong>g about their life as immigrants <strong>in</strong><br />

New Haven. Laura also served as a Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator on the <strong>Hall</strong>’s Student<br />

Executive Committee <strong>in</strong> 2005. After college, Laura worked closely with<br />

the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Urban Fellows as a community liaison while work<strong>in</strong>g for<br />

Junta for Progressive Action, a nonprofit <strong>in</strong> New Haven.<br />


You are <strong>in</strong>vited to advance programs like Summer Fellows by contact<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Executive Director Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R. at 203-432-2428 or peter.<br />

crumlish@yale.edu. Opportunities for engagement <strong>in</strong>clude shar<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

names of people <strong>in</strong> your network at public service organizations that hire<br />

recent graduates, discuss<strong>in</strong>g professional advice with current students, or<br />

participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a career development panel. You may also complete the<br />

<strong>Hall</strong>’s alumni engagement survey by scann<strong>in</strong>g the QR code to the right.<br />


@dwighthallatyale on Instagram, Facebook, and X. You may also share your<br />

<strong>in</strong>terests by scann<strong>in</strong>g the QR code to the right.<br />

Laura is now a political appo<strong>in</strong>tee with the Biden-Harris Adm<strong>in</strong>istration <strong>in</strong><br />

the U.S. Department of Labor. She is a Senior Counsel <strong>in</strong> the Office of the<br />

Solicitor, a job that allows her to work on a wide range of worker rights issues,<br />

such as misclassification, overtime protections, and child labor.<br />

Laura has been part of the <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> Board for thirteen years. Look<strong>in</strong>g back, Laura sees her<br />

undergraduate experience with <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> as a critical <strong>in</strong>troduction to the world of public<br />

service and social justice. The skills and community she developed through <strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> have<br />

helped her pursue a career <strong>in</strong> the nonprofit and government sectors focused on immigrant and<br />

worker rights issues.<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />

Contribut<strong>in</strong>g Writers: Barbara Mola ’22, Emma Yanai ’25, Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R., Sevi Burget-Foster ’23<br />

Back Cover Art: Hannah Turner ’24<br />

Illustrations: istock<br />

Design: Jenny DuVander<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g: GHP on 100% post-consumer recycled paper<br />


Change Happens Here<br />

<strong>Dwight</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> at Yale<br />

67 High Street<br />

P.O. Box 209008<br />

New Haven, CT 06520<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director<br />

(203) 432-2428<br />

peter.crumlish@yale.edu<br />


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