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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>JIMMY</strong> <strong>DANIELS</strong>, <strong>JR</strong>.<br />
<strong>HUMANITARIAN</strong> <strong>COMMUNITY</strong><br />
<strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>FOUNDATION</strong><br />
Mayor Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Inaugural<br />
Ceremony & Reception<br />
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024<br />
12:00 - 4:00 PM<br />
American Camellia Society<br />
100 Massee Lane | Fort Valley, GA 31030
E.P.I.C<br />
Encouraging Positive<br />
Inspiring Careers<br />
Mission Statement<br />
E.P.I.C., established August 3, 2016, is<br />
dedicated to providing services and<br />
support to youth. We establish<br />
educated leaders by incorporating<br />
college prep course material,<br />
recreational activities, and a direct<br />
approach to life learning skills.
May 18, 2024<br />
E.P.I.C.<br />
It is with much gratitude that I bring greetings to the board of<br />
directors, participants, and to the honoree scholars of the Jimmy<br />
Daniels, Jr. Humanitarian Community Service Foundation’s<br />
First Scholarship Ceremony and Reception.<br />
As Founder of the organization I am humbled to be able to<br />
develop leaders, promote academic excellence and service to<br />
our community. Our non-profit is honored to be able to award<br />
financial scholarships to deserving high school seniors but we<br />
couldn’t do it without the support of our sponsors, patrons and<br />
of you, attendees to this event.<br />
I would also like to acknowledge the parents and families of the<br />
young people we serve. Your support is invaluable.<br />
Lastly, I would like to congratulate our three amazing scholars.<br />
You are our legacy and our future and we are hopeful that our<br />
organization has made a significant and lasting investment in<br />
your lives. You have courage and strength within you. You will<br />
make a difference. You will succeed. You are EPIC!<br />
Best wishes,<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Founder<br />
May 18, 2024<br />
E.P.I.C.<br />
On behalf of the board of trustees, I welcome you to the<br />
Inaugural Jimmy Daniels, Jr. Humanitarian Community Service<br />
Foundation’s Scholarship Ceremony and Reception. This<br />
special event promises to celebrate achievement and excellence<br />
and I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your support on<br />
behalf of the board of directors.<br />
Today we celebrate three distinguished honorees for their<br />
tremendous outcomes, the board of directors for their<br />
commitment and dedication, the parents/villages of the honorees<br />
for a job well done, and our founder, Jimmy Daniels, Jr. for his<br />
leadership and vision. We also celebrate each and every<br />
sponsor, patron and supporter. As we gather here today we ask<br />
for your firm commitment to our mission to support Macon<br />
County students by providing programming and scholarships for<br />
today and in the future. You help makes this possible.<br />
Thank you again for your presence today and I look forward to<br />
working together to ensure that the future of our organization<br />
and the scholars continues to shine bright<br />
2<br />
Best wishes,<br />
Charles J. Ivey<br />
Charles J. Ivey<br />
Board Chair
The City of Oglethorpe<br />
115 Chatham Street<br />
Oglethorpe, Ga 31068<br />
Phone: 478.472.6485<br />
Fax: 478.472.1241<br /><br />
May 18, 2024<br />
Good afternoon attendees,<br />
It is my distinct honor to bring greetings to you, the scholars,<br />
participants, and supporters, of the Inaugural Scholarship<br />
Ceremony & Reception of the Jimmy Daniels Jr. Humanitarian<br />
Community Service Foundation!<br />
My fellow council members and I are so very proud of our Mayor for<br />
the work that he does to uplift our young people. We recognize<br />
and realize that this spectacular event is the culmination of years of<br />
hard work, dedication and collaboration on behalf of him, his board<br />
of directors and of the very honorable scholars and their family<br />
members. We wholeheartedly support his vision and look forward<br />
to bearing witness to greatness on today and for years to come!<br />
We are even more excited about the bright futures of the young<br />
people being spotlighted today and expect nothing less than<br />
excellence from them as they begin this new phase of their lives.<br />
My advice to the young scholars comes from the late, great Maya<br />
Angelou, “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” Please<br />
know that the City of Oglethorpe is proud of you and we are thrilled<br />
to be part of the “village” that pours into you. Congratulations on<br />
your many successes and on those to come.<br />
God bless you on your journey!<br />
Jill Harrison<br />
City Council Member<br />
City of Oglethorpe<br />
ABOUT<br />
E.P.I.C.’S<br />
4<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Founder<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr. is a native of Macon County, Georgia and a 2008 graduate<br />
of Macon County High School. He graduated with his Associates Degree from<br />
Reedley Community College in 2010, his Bachelors Degree from Alabama<br />
State University in 2013, and his Masters Degree from Georgia College and<br />
State University in 2021.<br />
He currently teaches middle school ESE students and is Varsity Girls Head<br />
Basketball Coach for Macon County High School. Upon returning to his<br />
hometown, Jimmy started his mentoring program called E.P.I.C - Encouraging<br />
Positive Inspiring Careers. The program is community based and works<br />
diligently with surrounding schools to promote education, tutoring, community<br />
service, and mentorship. The mission is dedicated to providing services and<br />
support to youth to establish educated leaders by incorporating college course<br />
prep material, recreational activities, and a direct approach to life learning<br />
skills. Along with E.P.I.C, Jimmy is a high school varsity football coach,<br />
middle school athletic director, head middle school football coach, head<br />
middle school girls’ basketball coach, and founder/sponsor of a middle school<br />
club called the G.E.N.T.S. - (Growing. Evolving. Nurturing. Teenagers). The<br />
G.E.N.T.S. increase positivity within young males in the school system<br />
through active mentoring. The club works to actively identify and recruit<br />
young males to join. It is school based and the recruits must meet certain<br />
grade, attendance, and behavior requirements to earn a spot.<br />
Jimmy is the fourth child of seven and enjoys reading, hunting, fishing,<br />
coaching, being an advocate for kids, and helping others! Jimmy was granted<br />
the “Making a Difference” Award by the NAACP for the 2019-2020 year; 40<br />
Under 40 Rural Leader Award Recipient out of 3 states for 2022-2023; and the<br />
2023 -2024 Georgia Good Samaritan Honoree Award.<br />
Jimmy wants everyone to to know that the journey may be difficult, but never<br />
give up! Everyone has a story and not everyone wants to listen, but paint your<br />
picture and manifest your gift. His favorite quote is, “It’s easier to raise young<br />
men, than repair grown men”.<br />
Motivational Speaker Coach Life Coach<br />
Mentor Mayor Friend Father
Charles J. Ivey<br />
Board Chair<br />
E.P.I.C.<br />
Originally from Warren County Georgia, he is a graduate of Warren<br />
County High School. He has a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural<br />
Science and a Master’s Degree in Middle Grade Education from<br />
Fort Valley State University. He received his Educational<br />
Specialist Degree from Columbus State University and did Doctoral<br />
studies through Nova Southeastern University. He taught Agricultural<br />
Science in the Macon County School System at the Historical D.F. Douglass High School<br />
and Macon County High School and and was the National FFA Chapter Advisor, spending<br />
34 ½ years in education. He was also the Head Coach for Boys Basketball for 26 years. He<br />
is a member of the Fred Douglas Masonic Lodge of Fort Valley, the Georgia Vocational<br />
Teachers Association, the National Teachers Association, the Georgia Association of<br />
Educators, the National Agriculture Teachers Association, and The Phi Beta Sigma<br />
Fraternity. He is also a member of the West Central Georgia Community Action Council<br />
Executive Committee and is President of the Macon County Chapter of the Fort Valley<br />
State University National Alumni Association. He is a member of Union Baptist Church,<br />
where he is an ordained deacon, Sunday school superintendent and Adult Class Teacher,<br />
and Vice Chairman of the Deacon Board. He currently is employed with the Georgia<br />
Department of Corrections as a GED Instructor with an emphasis in TIER and<br />
SEGREGATION Education. Mr. Ivey has a true passion for educating. He and his wife<br />
Darlene have been married 28 years. They have three children, Brandon 26 of Greensboro<br />
N.C., Darneisha 23, and Breonna 22<br />
Chelsi Duncan<br />
Vice Chair<br />
Chelsi Duncan is a native of Ideal, Ga. Chelsi earned a Bachelor of<br />
Science in Public Health degree from Georgia Southern University in<br />
2014 and a Master of Health Administration degree from Clayton<br />
State University in 2017. In concurrence with her Master’s degree she<br />
is a member of The American College of Healthcare Executives and<br />
Eta Sigma Gamma Honor Society. Chelsi earned a Bachelor of Science in<br />
Nursing degree from Emory University’s Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing in<br />
2020. She currently serves as Charge Nurse for Piedmont Health System. She is currently<br />
enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing program at Georgia Southern University in hopes of<br />
becoming an Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner. Her ultimate goal is to provide<br />
preventive care and health education to rural areas such as her hometown of Macon County,<br />
GA. Chelsi’s motto is a quote from the great Nelson Mandela “It always seems impossible<br />
until it’s done”. She has lived and concurred many obstacles by keeping this quote in mind.<br />
Rehkeya Rice<br />
Treasurer<br />
Born and raised in Marshallville, Georgia, Rehkya graduated from<br />
Macon County High School in 2008. A wife and mother of two<br />
daughters, she retired from the US Navy as a mechanic engineer and<br />
holds a bachelor's degree in Business Management. She is the owner of<br />
Flawless Shopping by Keya. She is tailored to clients of all<br />
backgrounds. From a large company to a small family. This personal shopper<br />
empowers others to believe in their dreams of what they want to be. She is a passionate<br />
advocate for community service, she is inspired by her grandfather Julius Rice's devotion to<br />
giving back. She also believes in empowering the younger generation to explore the world<br />
beyond their horizons. With experiences spanning across military service, parenthood, and<br />
entrepreneurship, she has the refined expertise that empowers individuals with confidence<br />
and motivation to succeed.<br />
E.P.I.C.<br />
Briuna Green<br />
Secretary<br />
Briuna Green is a native of Macon County, Georgia and a 2009<br />
Honor graduate of Macon County High School. After high school,<br />
Briuna pursued her undergraduate studies at Fort Valley State<br />
University, graduating in the fall of 2020. Following her passion for<br />
education, she began teaching in the Macon County School system in<br />
2021.<br />
While working in the school system, Briuna decided to further her education and enrolled<br />
in a Master's program at Georgia College and State University. She is set to graduate Spring<br />
of 2024 with a Master's in the Art of Teaching Middle Grades Education. Her dedication to<br />
learning and commitment to her native community makes her a valued member of the<br />
education sector in Macon County.<br />
Joseph Daniels<br />
Parliamentarian<br />
Joseph Daniels attended Macon County High School where he<br />
graduated in 2015 and attended Georgia Military College and<br />
graduated in 2017. After graduation, Joseph attended Georgia<br />
Southern University and graduated in 2019 with bachelor’s degree in<br />
sports/business management. His favorite quote is “If you can’t stop<br />
thinking about it, don’t stop working for it,”<br />
Jeffery Daniels<br />
Member-At-Large<br />
Jeffery Daniels is the President and Senior Director of Daniels and<br />
Sons of SE Ga Trucking LLC. He is also the co-owner of Residential<br />
Brokerage LLC, a boutique real estate company based in Southwest<br />
Atlanta. Jeffery began his logistics career in 2006 with one of the<br />
largest meat distribution companies in Atlanta. Professionally, this led to<br />
him forming his own company in 2009. He currently has several contracts<br />
with some of the largest distributors of food, batteries, and meat companies throughout<br />
Southeast Georgia. Jeffery is a member of the Million Dollar Club for residential real estate<br />
in Georgia. He is devoted family man and Deacon at his church. He enjoys volunteering with<br />
youth at the local schools and churches.<br />
Mistress of Ceremonies<br />
Ja’Meriyah Baldwin<br />
Scholar & Entrepreneur<br />
Ja’Meriyah Baldwin is a 15 year old, 9th grader at<br />
the Macon County High School. She is a proud<br />
member of the Fort Valley State University Upward<br />
Bound and currently holds the second highest g.p.a.<br />
of her class. Miss Baldwin’s hobbies include<br />
cheering, reading, hanging out with friends, & spending<br />
time with family. She is an entrepreneur and small<br />
business owner of “nailedByJ”.<br />
Keynote Speaker<br />
Dr. Sandra Smith<br />
Mercer University<br />
As a Professor, Practitioner, Advocate, Author,<br />
Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist, Dr. Sandra<br />
Smith, PhD, has always believed and taught,<br />
“Your service and advocacy begins when no on is<br />
looking.” Dr. Smith's advocacy, consultancy, scholarship, and service expands<br />
two decades, forty-two states, hundreds of state and local education agencies,<br />
BIA/BIE Tribal Schools, ten territories, and three countries. Dr. Smith is a<br />
practicing medical/disability services specialist and serves as Professor of<br />
Disability Studies in Education/Critical Disability Studies with expertise in<br />
Critical Disability and Health/Physical Disabilities Diagnosis and Treatment.<br />
Professor Smith has served as Chief Education Officer, Research Professor,<br />
Academic Program Manager, Principal Investigator, and Director of Research,<br />
Training, and Technical Assistance.<br />
Dr. Smith is an expert in the field of Special Education, Urban Special<br />
Education, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, School-Wide Positive Behavioral<br />
Supports and Interventions, Dropout Prevention for Students with Disabilities,<br />
and Vocational Rehabilitation. Located in Henry county and presently within<br />
its inaugural year, Dr. Smith co-founded the SMITH Academy of Excellence<br />
for Exceptional Scholars. The Academy is founded on the principles of<br />
excellence in <strong>SERVICE</strong>, ADVOCACY, and Education, especially when no one<br />
is looking. Dr. Smith's leadership is established on strategic alliances, a broad<br />
range of expertise, evidence-based practices, intensive technical<br />
assistance, high-leverage practices, engaged home-school partnerships,<br />
and community collaborations. 7
The Scholars<br />
Zy’Kemma Brown<br />
Scholar - Class of 2024<br />
Macon Co. High School<br />
Kamira Harris<br />
Scholar-Class of 2024<br />
Macon County High School<br />
8<br />
Makayla McQueen<br />
Scholar-Class of 2024<br />
Macon Co/ High School<br />
Daughter of : Sharonda Brown<br />
Activities: Marching Band, Chorus, and FBLA<br />
Favorite Subject: Social Studies<br />
School attending: Fort Valley State University<br />
Scholarships Secured: REACH Ga Scholarship | Alpha<br />
Kappa Alpha Rho Sigma Omega chapter scholarship |<br />
FVSU Macon County Area Alumni Chapter scholarship |<br />
Greeks of Macon County Scholarship | Barks Scholarship<br />
Future Plans: To be a school counselor<br />
Favorite Quote/Scripture: “I will praise thee; for I am<br />
fearfully and wonderfully made: Marvellous are thy works;<br />
And that my soul knoweth right well.”Psalm 139:14 KJV<br />
Daughter of: Kembrial & Johnny Harris<br />
Activities: Mentoring at STEM Atlanta Women, Montezuma<br />
Public Library Volunteer, Usher at Shade Arnold Baptist<br />
Church, Youth Department Leader at Shade Arnold Baptist<br />
Church, FBLA, Soccer/Captain, Band, Chorus, Beta Club,<br />
FFA, Student Body President, Talent Search, and Peer<br />
facilitator for school library.<br />
Favorite Subject: Science<br />
School attending: Savannah State University<br />
Future plans: To pursue a degree in marine biology.<br />
Scholarships secured: United States Marine Corps<br />
Scholastic Excellence Award, Certificate of Scholarship<br />
Greeks of Macon County, PMN 2024 Scholarship Award,<br />
The Grow SWGA 2024 class scholarship<br />
Favorite Quote/Scripture: Trust in the lord with all your<br />
heart and lean not on your own understanding. -Proverbs 3:5<br />
Daughter of: Tommyka and Love McQueen<br />
Activities: Fbla, Njrotc<br />
Favorite Subject: Science<br />
School attending: Georgia Southern University<br />
Scholarship secured: Njrotc John Poole scholarship<br />
Future plans: To become a dermatologist<br />
Favorite Quote/Scripture: “It’s the possibility of having<br />
a dream come true that makes life interesting”
The Program<br />
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024<br />
12:00 pm<br />
Ja’Meriyah Baldwin<br />
Mistress of Ceremonies<br />
Welcome ...........................................................<br />
Prayer ...............................................................<br />
History of E.P.I.C. & Occasion ......................<br />
Introduction of Founder .................................<br />
Mistress of Ceremonies<br />
Charles J. Ivey<br />
Chair<br />
Mistress of Ceremonies<br />
Mistress of Ceremonies<br />
Recognition of the Board of Directors ..........<br />
Introduction of Keynote Speaker ..................<br />
Keynote Address..............................................<br />
Video Presentation of Honorees<br />
Introduction of Honorees<br />
Scholarship Presentation<br />
Recognition of Special Guests.........................<br />
Acknowledgements ..........................................<br />
Benediction .......................................................<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Founder<br />
Chelsi Duncan<br />
Vice Chair<br />
Dr. Sandra Smith.<br />
Professor, Mercer University<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Founder<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr.<br />
Charles Ivey<br />
Board Chair<br />
Reception with refreshments immediately following program in The Gallery Room 9
Jimmy Daniels Jr. &<br />
Board of Directors of<br />
E.P.I.C. Mentoring on a<br />
Successful<br />
Scholarship Event!<br />
Tom Coogle<br />
Proprietor of<br />
Tifton Piggly Wiggly<br />
10<br />
Congratulations<br />
Jimmy Daniels, Jr<br />
& Honorees!<br />
Jim & Jessica Lacey<br />
2<br />
God bless you on your<br />
road to success!<br />
Best wishes,<br />
<strong>JIMMY</strong> <strong>DANIELS</strong>, <strong>JR</strong>.,<br />
& SCHOLARS<br />
Susan<br />
Easterlin<br />
Michael<br />
Mahone<br />
14<br />
Congratulations<br />
2024 Scholarship Recipients!<br />
May God continue to bless all of<br />
your future endeavors!<br />
Join the Woodards<br />
for an<br />
Food, Drinks & Fellowship<br />
will be provided!<br />
5 - 9 PM<br />
15<br />
LAWN <strong>SERVICE</strong><br />
Make your lawn the envy of the<br />
neighborhood with our<br />
professional lawn care services<br />
Owner<br />
16<br />
Contact Us:<br />
Congratulations!<br />
MAYOR <strong>DANIELS</strong><br />
& <strong>THE</strong> DESERVING HONOREES<br />
ON A SUCCESSFUL <strong>INAUGURAL</strong><br />
<strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong> AWARDS PROGRAM!<br />
<strong>THE</strong> <strong>JIMMY</strong> <strong>DANIELS</strong>, <strong>JR</strong>.<br />
<strong>HUMANITARIAN</strong> <strong>COMMUNITY</strong><br />
<strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>FOUNDATION</strong><br />
& The Board of Directors of<br />
would like to thank all of our donors,<br />
patrons, program participants and everyone<br />
who made this program possible!<br />
Tom Coogle<br />
The Daniels Family<br />
Susan Easterlin<br />
Golden Events This is Love, LLC<br />
The Laceys<br />
Michael Mahone<br />
Richard Martin<br />
City of Oglethorpe<br />
Wiggins Lawn Service<br />
Matthew Woodard<br />
Souvenir Journal designed by<br />
Lloyd Rochelle Marketing & Consultants<br />
770.896.8723 |