G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association

G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association

G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Chapter Reports are a very important part of the<br />

f ournal and we would like to see regular reports<br />

from all chapters. lf your chapter is not represented<br />

on these pages, please ask your secretary to file a<br />

special report for the fournal. Please send the reports<br />

to General Manager, f im Walsh, to arrive no<br />

later than the following dates: fuly 1, October'1,<br />

lanuary 1, and April 1 .<br />

Ghapter 1, Cleveland<br />

A brief history of Cleveland Chapter No. 1. During<br />

the year 1950 several active Cleveland Ohio radio<br />

amateurs discussed having local meetings of the <strong>Quarter</strong><br />

<strong>Century</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Association</strong>. They were members<br />

but could not attend the regular meetings held in New<br />

York. Therefore they petitioned the offrcers of QCWA<br />

who then agreed that local meetings could be held.<br />

In order to permit these Cleveland radio amateurs<br />

to associate their local meetings with the QCWA, the<br />

<strong>Association</strong> officers by letter, authorized the formation<br />

of a local Chapter in Cleveland, Ohio. Since some<br />

of the amateurs was then in the "communications business,"<br />

word soon spread about the Cleveland Chapter<br />

to other localities.<br />

Because the officers of QCWA began to received<br />

requests for the formation of other local Chapters, the<br />

officers decided to assign each chapter a number, based<br />

on when it's application was made to form a local Chapter.<br />

Because of this decision, the Cleveland Chapter<br />

became and has been Chapter No.1.<br />

Many of the Cleveland amateurs were also members<br />

of the Cleveland Shrine radio CIub. The facilities<br />

at the Shrine Headquarters in Cleveland were made<br />

available for the early Chapter No. 1 meetings. The<br />

Cleveland Chapter No. 1 members met in these facilities<br />

for years until a fire destroyed the meeting place.<br />

This fire not only destroyed the Shrine facilities but<br />

also some of the records of Cleveland Chapter No. 1.<br />

Despite this loss, The Cleveland Chapter No. 1<br />

members continued to meet at least once a year for a<br />

dinner meeting. The Chapter continued to grow. During<br />

1981, the Cleveland Chapter No. 1 was host to the<br />

QCWA convention, headed by the then Cleveland<br />

Chapter No. 1 President, Fred Collins, W8ADW.<br />

As would be expected, many of the original members<br />

of Cleveland chapter No. t have become silent<br />

keys. Others of these farsighted radio amateurs, who<br />

are still alive, have moved to other parts of the country.<br />

Some of the original members included W8AF,<br />

No.284, W8AVH, No. 290, W8BSS, No.292, W8LY, No.<br />

282, and. W8RN, No. 274. The Chapter's first radio<br />

amateur to be elected Chairman of the Cleveland Chapter<br />

No.1 was W8AF and the frrst Secretary was W8RN.<br />

All of the above are now Silent Keys.<br />

Two prominent long time members of the Cleve-<br />

18 QCWA fournal - Summer 2001<br />

Iand Chapter No. 1 are WSBU, SK, No. 4757, and<br />

W8FAZ, No. 8294. Jim Russell. W8BU, made the first<br />

transatlantic transmissions as 8BU from Cleveland,<br />

Ohio to Paul Godley in Scotland during tests in 1921.<br />

Cleveland chapter No. t honored Jim for his 84 years<br />

in amateur radio at its award luncheon meeting on<br />

October L4,7995.<br />

Joe Zelle on the other hand was the frrst in the<br />

world to receive and record the signals of Sputnik-1,<br />

and have them broadcast over a local radio broadcast<br />

station as the satellite passed over Cleveland on Friday<br />

night, October 4,1957.<br />

At the present time the Cleveland Chapter No. 1<br />

holds luncheon/members meetings four times a year.<br />

The Chapter holds on-the-air meetings each week during<br />

the Chapter's Wednesday evening 2 meter net at<br />

8PM ET using the 146.88-.28MHz repeater. This net,<br />

in which 50/60 members participate at each net meeting,<br />

has been on the air every week for more than 20<br />

years.<br />

Every year the Chapter staffs an "eye ball QSO"<br />

table at several of the local hamfests. The Chapter<br />

maintains a picture history of Amateur Radio in northern<br />

Ohio. It includes pictures that go back to local<br />

amateur radio activities before 1920. The Chapter also<br />

maintains a collection of pre-Wor1d-War II radio tubes.<br />

They are used as a display at the Chapter's hamfest<br />

tables as well as at other amateur radio activities.<br />

by Joe Zelle WSFAZ - Editor emeritus<br />

The Cleveland Chapter report<br />

At our January 13,2001 meeting the Cleveland Chapter No.<br />

I celebrated it's 50th anniversary.<br />

In the year 1950 a letter authorizing the formation<br />

of a local QCWA Chapter arrived from National<br />

Headquarters and from that time forward the Cleve-<br />

Iand Chapter No. t has been open for business.

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