G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association

G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association

G[mloulnal - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Chapter Reports<br />

Tennessee in bad weather. Luckily the planes occupants<br />

were not seriously injured and he was able to<br />

communicate via 2-meter radio to John WB4ANX.<br />

They were able to walk part way down the mountain<br />

where they discovered an unoccupied mountain cabin.<br />

The temperature was in the 20's, so they gained access<br />

to the cabin to get warm as they had been walking<br />

through snow. When they regained their composure,<br />

they transmitted, via 2-meter radio, the number<br />

on the power pole near the cabin. From that information,<br />

the local rescue squads were able to pin point<br />

their location and affect an immediate rescue.<br />

William PficeW CZ, spoke of his contact with the<br />

amateur station at the Jonestown Colony in Guyana<br />

only weeks before the mass suicide.<br />

Bob Lane KI4V, spoke of his attempt to contact his<br />

church's missionaries in the Belgian Congo from his<br />

home station as a demonstration for some local French<br />

students. As it happened this day, the band dropped<br />

out to Africa and he turned his antenna towards California<br />

to attempt to save the demonstration. He did<br />

locate a station that could speak French and his students<br />

had a chance to practice what they had learned<br />

in their French class. At the end of the demonstration,<br />

the California station stated that the French was<br />

not too bad, however, he could detect a distinct "Southern"<br />

accentl Hi Hi.<br />

Others offered more discussions of their "early"<br />

days in amateur radio. AIso discussed was the need<br />

for us, as "old timers", to support and "educate" the<br />

new ones entering the hobby. AII related their very<br />

memorable experiences gained by them as their<br />

"Elmers" gave up their valuable time to graciously and<br />

patiently teach them the "ropes" oftheir new hobby of<br />

amateur radio.<br />

The meeting was closed at 1:20 PM.<br />

William D. Price W4CZ - Secretary-Treasurer<br />

Ghapter l9l, Monterey Bay<br />

The final regularly scheduled luncheon meeting of<br />

the old year for QCWA Chapter 191 was held on Saturday,<br />

October 28,2000 at the Country Waffles Restaurant<br />

in Watsonville, CA. There was a good turnout, and<br />

after luncheon and a fifty-fifty drawing, the speaker,<br />

Robert J . Buzzard., W3RRV, who is a railroad hobbyist,<br />

gave a talk about a short-line railroad back in Pennsylvania<br />

that he and other hobbyists purchased, refurbished,<br />

and put back into operation. The talk included<br />

details of the rebuilding of the steam locomotive engine,<br />

and was illustrated with many interesting photographs.<br />

The QCWA Chapter 191 Board of Directors met at<br />

lunchtime at Phil's Fish Market in Moss Landing, CA<br />

on Saturday, November 18, 2000. The attendees were<br />

Phil KeIIen K6CJ, Len Rosen N2LR, Elliott Sperling<br />

KBBLY, Mary Sperling, Noel Hammond KK6AL, Len<br />

Gentry W60PI, and Lloyd Cabra 4A6T. The meeting<br />

was informal, and after everyone had had a chance to<br />

partake ofthe delicious seafood served there, Phil, the<br />

chapter president, invited discussion of old business<br />

38 QCWA fournal - Summer 2001<br />

and new business. The regularly scheduled chapter<br />

meeting dates for next year were established, and<br />

speakers were proposed for each one. Assignments<br />

were made for writing a column for the QCWA Journal<br />

and for inviting the speakers to give talks at the<br />

chapter meetings.<br />

The first regularly scheduled luncheon meeting of<br />

the New Year for Chapter 191 is to be held Saturday<br />

January 27, 2001, at the Country Waffles Restaurant<br />

in Watsonville, CA. Chapter member Dave Harbaugh<br />

will discuss Commercial Broadcasting. Dave is a veteran<br />

broadcaster and ham.<br />

The first regularly scheduled luncheon meeting of<br />

the New Year for QCWA Chapter 191 was held on Saturday<br />

January 27,2001, at the Country Waffles Restaurant<br />

in Watsonville, CA. Dave Harbaugh W6TUW,<br />

was sick and didn't attend the meeting, so we had to<br />

do without our scheduled talk on Commercial Broadcasting.<br />

On February 17,2001, the Naval Postgraduate<br />

School Amateur Radio CIub held a Radio Fest, sometimes<br />

known as Winterfest, on what used to be the old<br />

Fort Ord. Naturally, Chapter 191 of the QCWA was<br />

represented. Max Cornell KAMC, sold a table full of<br />

radio equipment to benefit the Chapter, and Phil Kellen<br />

K6CJ, and Len Rosen N2LR, manned a QCWA table<br />

for signing up new members. By mid-morning, they<br />

had already signed up two new members.<br />

We recently had tragic news. Our Chapter President,<br />

Phil Kellen K6CJ, suffered a stroke on March<br />

12,2001. We are given to understand that he is para-<br />

Iyzed on his right side, unable to speak or swallow,<br />

and is being nourished through a tube to his stomach.<br />

Ghapter 194. Hawaii<br />

Chapter 194 welcomes the new Chapter 206, Honolulu<br />

to the QCWA family. We look forward to joint<br />

meetings and exchange of information on a frequent<br />

basis. The elected offrcials are recognized supporters<br />

of the association. Chapter 194 will miss their participation,<br />

but the organization wiII be greatly assisted<br />

by their administering the new chapter.<br />

The accompanying photo shows Harry Nishiyama<br />

KH6FKG addressing the members and guests at a recent<br />

meeting. Harry is a top DXCC honor roll member<br />

and is one of two ARRL QSL card checkers in the State<br />

Harry Nishiyama KH6FKG addressing the members and<br />

guests at a recent meeting"

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