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Chopter 85, Ark-lq-Tex (LA)<br />

We look forword io our next meeting ot the Bossier History Center<br />

on Beckett Street in Bossier City on the lost Soturdoy of October.<br />

Election of officers for 2008 is one of the moin oddendo iiems.<br />

We ore very hoppy io welcome three new members to<br />

Chopter 85: Robert Aorsted, N6NKZ; Andy Lord, WSMFS; ond<br />

Johnny O'Dell, KA5BOM. These members resulted from o moss<br />

moiling to oll QCWA members in the oreo. We hope to engoge in<br />

further recruiting efforts over the coming yeor.<br />

Mike McCrory, WB5Ua reports thot W5SHV the oreo's firsi<br />

D-Stor repeoter, is now fully operotionol. Mike demonstroted the<br />

copobilities of D-Stor ot severol recent club meetings, including<br />

ACWA Chopter 85. Locol interest in D-Stor is growing ropidly.<br />

We would like os mony people os possible to porticipote in<br />

our weekly 2 meier net. Our nei is conducted on the 146.67<br />

repeoier eoch Mondoy evening. The net begins oi B PM during<br />

DST ond Z:30 PM during CST.<br />

We invite everyone to join our informol meeting,/luncheon ot<br />

'l I AM eoch Thursdoy ot Luby's Cofeterio on Texos Skeet in<br />

Bossier City.<br />

tohn Stewort, AASKV<br />

(L to R): Roger Ley , WA9PZL; Jerry Tanner, WASNSU; Richarul Norman, WSZUA;<br />

Charles Dockery WSLAX; and lom Brown, KSU|C.<br />

Chqpter 89, Pqlmetfo (SCl<br />

Chopter 89 September 2002 meeting wos unusuol in thot with the<br />

instollotion of the officers for the yeor 2008 Jenny Myers,<br />

WA4NGV is to be presiding Officer for the New Yeor. Jenny's<br />

instollotion hos the distinciion of being the first femole President<br />

our Chopter hos ever hod. ln foct, Jenny wos the first femole member<br />

of Chopter 89. She served os Secretory/Treosurer for 7 yeors;<br />

we welcome her ond look forword to the New Yeor wiih her. I<br />

know she will do o fine iob os she did serving os<br />

Secrelory,/Treosurer. Also instolled, os lst Vice President wos<br />

Bryce Jenny's better holf, moking it the firsi husbond ond wife teom<br />

to serve os Officers for the Chopter; ond Don Zupon, W3M|F, wos<br />

instolled os 2nd Vice President.<br />

Receiving Awords were Kenneth Ferguson, K4KXO 50 yeors;<br />

Kenneth Ferguson, K4KX0 (L); receiving S0-Year Certificate lrom President Bill<br />

Pennekamp, WA4WGP<br />

Forrest Romsey, W4MPR, 60 yeors; Peier Redding, 55 yeors, ond<br />

Don Zupon, W3M|F, 50 yeors.<br />

Dr. Jim, N2ZZ, South Corolino Section Monoger, who is o<br />

member of our Chopter, updoted us on the hoppenings in the oreo<br />

with comments on ARRL octivities ond hom groups in South<br />

Corolino in generol.<br />

After lunch there wos o generol eyeboll QSO with members<br />

visiting in person the folks we iolk to on the oir so often.<br />

Rolph Mott, N4RM<br />

Chopler 91, Vic Clqrk (VAl<br />

Since the stories ond photo olbums covering oll of our Chopter's<br />

recent events ore found on our website:<br />

http://homepoge. moc.com,/rrucker/chopter9 1 /,<br />

only o copsule summory of eoch recent event follows.<br />

July is our owords month. "Yeors since Firsllicensed" Awords<br />

went to:<br />

75 yeors: Howord Bullock, W4LBM. Howord now lives in<br />

Arizono ond so received his by moil.<br />

Z0 yeors: Floyd Mortin, W4RW; ond Bill Leoviit, W3AZ; Bill<br />

should hove received his Aword losi yeor. Floyd now lives in<br />

Konsos, but wos in iown ond received his Aword in person. ln the<br />

photos, thot's Floyd seoied ond Bill loughing.<br />

60 yeors: Ken Anderson, W4JAI ond Dove Wiesen, K2VX.<br />

55 yeors: Gene Alword, W4WKB.<br />

50 yeors Coniinuously Licensed: Bud Coron, WA3TNQ; Bill<br />

Scholtz, W3HXF; Ken Pinion, N4KP.<br />

50 yeors: Jim Wilcox, W3WV 50 yeors.<br />

QCWAs Meritorious Aword went to Nelson Seese, W4BHD,<br />

for proposing ond designing the Chopter's Virginio<br />

Quodricentenniol Aword. You, too, con quolify for one of these<br />

hondsome certificotes; for detoils, go here:<br />

http://homepoge. moc.com / rrvcker / chopter9 I /scheduled-events/<br />

Chopier 9l's Ethel Smith, K43LMB, Memoriol Aword weni to<br />

Lew Brodley, W4SWP, for his yeors os on Officer ond odvisor to<br />

the Chopter. This hondsome Aword wos firsi presented io Ethel by<br />

22 QCWA Journal . Wlnter 2Oa7 . w\\\v qcwa.org

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