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Hello!<br />

ls Anyone Out There?<br />

This article appeared in the summer 2007 issue of the QCWA lournal and the<br />

response has been less than stellar. Please read this article and respond. lf you<br />

need help, ask someone from a local chapter or the ham next door.<br />

It's become more and more apparent over the past several years that QCWA is losing history right before<br />

our eyes. This was driven home again when I received notice that Dwight, W2ATM had become a Silent<br />

Key. Dwight was QCWA Member # 2117 .<br />

All I received was a copy of his obituary which was very sparse concerning his amateur experience. After a<br />

Google search on W2ATM I was able to pull together more information on Dwight and add it to his<br />

QCWA SK webpage. lve had the honor of posting 176 SK pages thus far and it s time to take the next<br />

step. lt s time we start honoring our members while they are still among us.<br />

lwant biographies and pictures (high school, college, wedding, 1st birthday, and current would be nice) of<br />

QCWA members that have membership numbers lower than 10,000 or are over B0 years old or are in fail-<br />

ing health. You may also include QSL cards, pictures of your station (include an equipment Iist), almost<br />

anything that pertains to your Ham experience. l'd like the bios as a word doc or a text file. lt would be<br />

nice for the pictures and QSL cards to be in digital format but I do have a scanner. Include a SASE if you<br />

want the pictures returned.<br />

In the future, we ll seek out the next group of younger members.<br />

Submit everything to me at broske@hutchtel.net<br />

http ://www. qcwa. orglsi I ent-keys-date. htm<br />

http ://www. q cwa. o rglo u r- | i vi n g - he r i ta g e-q cwa- n u m b e r" htm<br />

tnx es 73,<br />

Bob, NOUF, QCWA Webmaster<br />

QCWA Journal . Winter 2OO7 . w\\w,qcwa org

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