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encouroged oll to porticipote in the ACWA QSO Porty. The<br />

Treosurer's report wos received. The Chopter will send solicitotion<br />

Ietters to new QCWA members in our oreo. Our webmoster<br />

reported thot our newsletter, the QCWAcker could be ploced on o<br />

link in our website. The Chopter is seeking o volunteer to hondle<br />

the proiect of updoting the history of our Chopter.<br />

The generol meeting begon ot noon. President Chuck olfered<br />

groce, including our thoughts of "Uncle Henry, N4UH' (SK). A<br />

memoriol service will toke ploce ot his church neor Siotesville, NC<br />

on September 17 . We then hod o greot meol either from the buffet<br />

or from the menu. Following lunch, we introduced ourselves.<br />

President Chuck then osked our Chopter member Hom Hicks,<br />

KB4BR to come forword. He reminded oll present how Hom, with<br />

the help of some others, worked successfully to get H-1340, the<br />

Hom Rodio Antennos Bill, unonimously through the legisloture ond<br />

signed by Governor Eosley, in record iime. We, the hom communif,<br />

oll owed Hom o vote of thonks so Chuck presented Hom with<br />

the Notionol aCWA ROLL of HONOR PLAQUE, signed by<br />

Notionol OCWA PresidentJohnjohnson, W3BE. Hom ond his<br />

wife Lindo were surprised ond pleosed with this recognition.<br />

The members of Coostol Corolinos Chopter 1 18 were recognized<br />

os well os severol folks from oround ihe Roleigh ond<br />

Goldsboro oreo who joined us.<br />

The 50/50 drowing wos held ond Corolyn, WA4LPN, won<br />

$,l5 ond John, W4CC, won the door prize of o 2002 ARRL<br />

Hondbook. Mory Jo Littlewood, K4MJL, wos thonked for doing oll<br />

the odministrotive duties ot the meeiing. Vice President Jock<br />

reminded us of the December 1 meeling ond the upcoming<br />

ACWA QSO Porty. He olso gove the 3rd quorier net report. Billy<br />

gove the Treosurer's repori. He olso odvised we hove received o<br />

thonk you note for our donotion on beholf of N4UH. We received<br />

on ocknowledgment for o conhibulion io the ARRL Diomond<br />

Terroce Fund. The Chopier now hos o "brick" for the new<br />

Diomond Terroce in the nome of the Chopter.<br />

The progrom wos o 35-minute video of o tour of the 2002<br />

Doyton Homveniion. Amoieur Rodio Video News, oko Gory<br />

Peorce, KN4AA, of Cory, NC produced the DVD. Mony fovoroble<br />

comments were offered on o iob well done. ln oddition, there<br />

were some old photos of ARRL Leogue Plonning Meetings in<br />

Greensboro, Asheville, ond Myrtle Beoch from 25+ yeors ogo.<br />

Thot wos the ero when Vic Clork, W4KFC, ond Phil Wicker,<br />

W4ACY were octive. You should hove seen W4CC ond K4HF<br />

then. There wos even o Roonoke Division Newsletter when Chuck,<br />

WAWXZ, wos NC Section Communicotions Monoger.<br />

Following the progrom, folks were thonked for the excelleni<br />

ottendonce, ond notified of the next meeting on December I .<br />

Some of ihe members remoined ofterwords for phoios by Woyne,<br />

W4HG. Meeting odiourned ot 2:10 PM.<br />

Chorlie Swindell, WB4DCll+ Secretory<br />

Chqpfer 138, Mqrconi (NJ)<br />

Morconi Chopter 138 held its onnuol picnic on Sundoy,<br />

Seplember 9 ot Firemon's Pork in the Ookhurst sections of Oceon<br />

Township, NJ. Thonks to the combined efforts of Mott Bregoff,<br />

W2AOJ; Bernie Ricciordi, WB2EJI ond Ron Olender, WA2llZI;<br />

for the third yeor in o row, the picnic wos o success. The weother<br />

cooperoted by giving us o beoutiful worm doy. The food wos deli-<br />

cious ond plentiful. All who ottended hod o very enioyoble ofter-<br />

noon.<br />

Bob Buus, W20D, Secretory<br />

Chopter 149, Nutmeg (CT)<br />

The meeting wos colled io order by President, Al Cohen, Wl FXQ.<br />

There were obout 20 people in otiendonce including members &<br />

spouses,/friends. Al exploined thot mony members were unoble to<br />

oitend becouse of o conflict with the memoriol service for Roy Hilt,<br />

KIJNR, who become o Silent Key recenily.<br />

Al then gove o very brief history o[ Chopter 149 ond how its<br />

founder, Milton Chofee, WIEFW wonted ihe Chopter meetings to<br />

be events to which members could toke their, "non-technicol"<br />

wives ond/or friends; hence, todoy's musicol progrom.<br />

The meeting feotured 2 speciol presentotions. ln the lst presentotion<br />

Generol Monoger Chuck Wolbridge, K1lGD, gove o<br />

slide presentotion & tolk entitled, "Whot QCWA ls All About"<br />

which included o history of QCWA, its mission ond its ociivities<br />

worldwide.<br />

Following Chuck's progrom come "A Musicol Wolk Thru<br />

Memory Lone" by semi-retired professionol entertoiner Som Posco,<br />

KAIGHM. He delighted the oudience wiih personol experiences<br />

os o founding member of the occloimed Al Jorvis Orchestros ond<br />

his voried musicol work in supplying the officiol orcheskos for the<br />

Hortford Civic Center. He recounted foscinoting experiences with<br />

numerous college reunions ond public ond privote events for<br />

which his orchestros provided entertoinment.<br />

KAIGHMt encyclopedic knowledge of thousonds of well<br />

known tunes from populor to clossicol delighted those present. He<br />

illusiroied this with his ploying of ihe soxophone. Mony questions<br />

interspersed his presenlotion ond he wos o geniol ond very entertoining<br />

guest.<br />

fony Penone, WlCGl, Setretory<br />

Chqpter I5l, Wild Rose (AB)<br />

The foll meeting of Chopter l5l wos held in the Germon<br />

Conodion Club on September 22, 2A07. Thirty-one members,<br />

friends ond guests signed in. The Treosurer's report indicoted we<br />

hodototol of 52members,of which4l orefull membersond l6<br />

ore friends.<br />

We hod o letter from the Colgory Militory Museums Society<br />

thonking us for ihe $SOO.OO donotion to buy Morse code equip-<br />

ment for lectures to young people. A volunteer (Newby Terry<br />

Poden, VE6TEP) helped set up the six code proctice oscillotors<br />

(eoch con be used by lwo people) ond on September 2lst, volunteer<br />

Lorry Chopple, VE6KC, lectured I2 of the 90 students who<br />

come to tour the Museum.<br />

Chopter l5l elections were held. Ken Oelke, VE6AFO, will<br />

continue os President. The position of Vice-President is vocont. The<br />

new Secretory is Mitch Goodlohn,VE6SM, ond the new Treosurer,<br />

Gerry Linton, VE6PL. Both wer elected by occlomotion.<br />

The September 22nd meeting progrom wos o very interesting<br />

tolk on "High Altitude Bollooning". The weother bolloon, when<br />

infloted, is 5.5 feei in diometer ond burst oi o height of 117,587<br />

QCWA Journal . Wlnter 2aO7 . v\\ wqcwa org

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