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Chopter 182, Northeost Tennessee (TN)<br />

Our summer luncheon meeting wos held in Kingsport, Tennessee<br />

on the 9th of June 2007 ot the Fishermon's Dock.<br />

Members ond guests ottending were; Don Jones, N4TN, our<br />

new President; Bill Price, W4CZ Secretory/Treosurer; Chorles<br />

Perry, KAOZX. Post President; ond his guest Willord Condill,<br />

W4WFX; Don Gilbert, W4EHI ond wife Borboro, K4RRN; Bob<br />

Moy, K4SE ond wife Corol; Dick Church, N4ARO; Robert<br />

Simmons, W4UKJ ond wife Sue; Bill Owen, W4VS, ond guest<br />

Jomes Bronson, K2YSR.<br />

Unfortunotely, our new Vice President Dove Rotenberry, K4DR,<br />

could not be with us this doy. He wos therefore gronted on<br />

excused obsence so thot he could be with his new bride on their<br />

wedding doyl<br />

Lively roundtoble discussions were hod ot the luncheon of the<br />

"good old doys" when we operoted rodios now considered to<br />

be ontique equipment.<br />

A brief moment of silence wos held for our most recently<br />

deported Silent Key members.<br />

Wllliam D. Prke W4CZ, Secretory/lreasurer<br />

The line lolks from Chapter 182.<br />

Chqpter 196, Edison (FL)<br />

After toking the summer off, we resumed our normol luncheon<br />

schedule. The membership of Chopter 196 is reody for ihe seosonol<br />

visitors thot come to ioin us during the foll, winler ond spring.<br />

Our lotest lunch wos quite entertoining. QCWA Notionol<br />

Treosurer, Fronk Horris, WA4PAM, got to meei wiih us ond he<br />

spoke obout the position thot he so proudly holds. Fronk told us<br />

obout the yeorly Convention thot he will ottend. He will come bock<br />

ond tell us obout whot hoppened in Denver.<br />

There were o lot of kind words spoken obout one of our chorter<br />

members, Jeff Beols, WA4AW..Jeff used to live in Fort Myers<br />

ond hos decided to run for Notionol Office in the ARRL. We oll<br />

hoped thot others would support Jeff in his continuing efforis to<br />

promote omoteur rodio ond its volues. Good luckJeffl<br />

Tod Bur'ik, K38C President<br />

ChEpter 202, Old Dominion (VA)<br />

During the spring meeting, Ston, K4UK, presented the "Spoon<br />

Aword" to Bill, WA4BKW. This Aword is given ro individuols who<br />

hove mode gloring (stupid) errors due to thot molody known os o<br />

"Senior Moment". Evidently Bill hod o few errors ln his onnounce-<br />

ment io the membership of this upcoming meeting. Then sent out o<br />

connection which only corrected one of the errors; necessitoting o<br />

third notice.<br />

The progrom wos lntroduced by Bill, KC4D. He reloted how<br />

he hod met.Joe ond Jonet Poole (7QZBP ond ZQZYL) while doing<br />

missionory work ln Molowl; ond how they helped his group<br />

reestoblish o rodio link thot wos not functioning. Joe exploined thoi<br />

he got lnto hom rodio when he Joined the Novy (oge 16) ond did<br />

well when he wos tested on his optitude in copying CW. He spent<br />

the next 23 yeors os o rodio operotor, first in oirplones ond ihen<br />

os o Communicotions Officer oboord submorines (o lot of CW<br />

there). He then spent severol yeors working with different orgonizotions<br />

mointoining their communicotions. This is how he come to<br />

be in Molowl. He ond his XYL, Jonet, hove iust finished o home on<br />

o loke, which stretches olmost the whole length of the country. This<br />

Herman Cone, NACH, presenting his program during the September meeting.<br />

Joe and Janet Poole, TQTBP & 7Q7YL, (L) with host, Bill, KC4D (R).<br />

30 QCWA Journa o Winter 2OO7 . w\\w,qcwa,org

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