War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives

War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives

War Memorial's Daniel Clem - Local History Archives


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'''' Twenty-Four<br />

11 'IAL ISTATI<br />

JOI SAI.I<br />

STOP<br />

111I5 E., WWiaIlll Ct. New<br />

oII'riaI. Lar.e brick rueh.<br />

Bedroom u4 full bath up,<br />

lit ftoor lallDdzy room, 2<br />

bedrooIu, 11.\ batlu, ..,tra<br />

lar~ k1teheD. famU)' room,<br />

lIbralT tlreiU~, also .IIlllY.<br />

lq rOom, overabed 2 ear ,ara'l'.<br />

Priced to .. n. OpeD<br />

&aDday. 2.5 for appolJltmeDt,<br />

call "1110.<br />

ANIEL<br />

BY OWNER, 3 bedroom brick,<br />

Jar,. roolU, Groue Po1Dte<br />

Part, $32.800. TUJIU av.lIable.<br />

LA 1.2453.<br />

lJ-1IAL ISTAn<br />

FOA SALI<br />


CIRCLE<br />



3 bedroom 1N'idI: raDdl. N;.<br />

tural fireplace, DeWlT ear.<br />

'j ~.' " , , •• '.. '. • . ..'. • •• -.<br />

lJ-aIAL ESTATI<br />

FOI SALI<br />

743 BERKSHIRE<br />

J:qliah T\&dol', • ta.drooIIII. ••<br />

MllQeh1er k1tcMa. famU1<br />

room, )1"11 eupetecI, Me.<br />

OI'atecl.<br />

peted, 17' kitehea, famIl)' ALGONAC. ST. CLAIIl<br />

room, ll,i batlu. fJn1abed RIVD CIlU18ER OWNERS<br />

ba .. meDt. 2 car ..... ,.. Profeulonal Mea, 1M ID1 ad<br />

Prieecl to 1111. 12 D, Lake ud River froat-<br />

CHOINIERE ale.<br />

T. M. TUCXIJl<br />


m-laa 4IJII7 M 2r .H.y. 'l'M-M81<br />

ST. CLAIR - Four bedroom<br />

TowDhoule, new kite1te.a,<br />

powder room-,.,. ... ..,<br />

fiIwlebll.<br />

JOHNS.<br />

II<br />

.' .,." .. "' '.<br />


llALUTATI<br />

POlIAU<br />


HOME<br />


THINK OF<br />

TAPPANt,<br />

NEW OFFERING .. , .<br />

Will maintained 4. bedroom, 2 bath eolODia1, fami1)'<br />

room, recreation room, Z c.r lat •• e.. Silu4,teet OIl larle<br />

lot Dear an .chools. Priced under $40,000. OPEN SW'l-<br />

DAY 2 to $. . '. .,<br />


Bunt and clellined. by Alber't KaIul, one of oW' outataDd.<br />

in. residence. in th1J eommuaity. a beciroom.s, 4~ bath<br />

Georllan Colonial featuring lpleious foyer w/ltalian<br />

marble l100r and circular stainn" with view of the like<br />

rrorn evfly room. Perfect eonditloD, eltqulalte c*oratiDl.<br />

Kay we arrallJe a perlOM1IIecI appolDtmeftt for you<br />

DOW?<br />

TAPPAN<br />

10 Kercheval<br />

884-6200<br />

,<br />

Cuterbwy, 714, .08 tIM court<br />

elf Monlllllalde, Dlar LIa.<br />

.tit aDCl FelT)' 1eIlooII. .l<br />

,.. r tId 4 bIUoom ~.<br />

eeetral air, iMi baUII, f1rtt<br />

Goor ma.tel' bedroom, .... ,<br />

famiIJ room, ftttt ftoor lau.<br />

dr1 roolll, 2'041ear attaclMcl<br />

prill OIl a larIe, beautiful.<br />

b' ~.ped lot. B, owaer.<br />

",100. Lud eoDtraet availal*.<br />

.<br />

.. ' ~ ' " • .-' .. '._ ' • .1"" .', .• -;.i.~ - ...<br />

1J-a1AL UTAn<br />

FOR SALI<br />

LAXEl'BONT - Spaelow cu•.<br />

tom-built hoa.. a bedroom.,<br />

2 batlu, famUy room, lar.e<br />

aueeDtcl poreb, attached , ••<br />

r.... electric opener. Sea.<br />

waU, boat. boW .•. "55.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

.,. MIDDLESEX.-A maje.Uc<br />

home f« lusury ltvlJl, OD<br />

ODe ol the flDelt .treeta iD<br />

GoP. 4 iledrm •. , S~ b.lbI,<br />

famDy rm. Heated pool aad<br />

c.baaa. Tb.IJ home alllwe,..<br />

yes to all 1OW' dulrl'.<br />

~ NOltTON Ct. -- Charm.<br />

111I S bedrm. eoIoalal with<br />

falll1ly rm. 011 secluded cul.<br />

de-u~. o!f Torrey Road.<br />

HARPER WOODS-2 bedroom OPEN SUNDAY 2:10-1:00 .... 100 ,lCv .......<br />

brick, lira- kitehea. famUy RIVA:IlD.103-lA The aty- 1M NOTtE DAJU: _ I bedroom<br />

~, fireplace, I" .... w.. Uu ._.1. U.. '<br />

rale, Jart. Jot. 1M) AnIta. _II ~ e__ &or.....- room CoIoIUal, a ear pra...<br />

IN THE Farma. 2M Rldle.<br />


1IlOIIt. ~ bedroom rue h. Air<br />

TV "'11. Opea Saturday. bedroom ColoDial. ()ptD SuDda)' W. .... 111<br />

Swlday Zof room aDd diD1q room ear- ,<br />

WAUlINGTON ROAD. Alar,.<br />

eoadiUoDecl, f.mU)' room, , • petiq lik. .... V\'-4ated ~ ... tIaiI tree-u~cIed lot eahuee thJI<br />

Mutschler 1dtebeD, 2 fire.<br />

l'OOIIIl1 S-bedrUl. buIl,.low,<br />

plaeft. Opea 2-5 Sunday. CROSSE PO INTE kitebeD. J ftrep1aees, ~ "_ 10 n91DllO rooe ...<br />

atiOll rooas. Pric!M to leU. IioIl tbt 11 .. with I'Jorida lm., fill. bimt.<br />

Owaer, 1N451.<br />

MID)' FARMS PRESTWICX 1732 _ J:xeltinl come true. IIaQ fIM f . emu.<br />

NEWBERRY PLACE Offeriq-NEW kitehee - buw .Iae~ J ear 'UI" WILCOX 884-3550<br />

Stately Geortiu CoJoalal with the ODe 701l bve al.. ,. .... apartmeat,<br />

fine view of the lake from dreamed about. NEW driY'l' LAlClCSHOJU; DaIVZ - Ex. OPEN SUNDAY z.S -'.<br />

mUJ l'OOlIII.I. Muter bed. WI)', NEW decoratlDl -- qldatw, apedou. aM pIuIb BI owaer. 21011 HuotIDltoG. 3<br />

room .\&1&8 with Iar .. IlttiDI Three bedroollll, 1~ baths. eo.1oDlaI. NiDI roollll .f1ft bedroom" 2 batha, famUy<br />

room (dellped for use u Floe P10rlda room. bednaalI, fl,i 1latbl U4 3 room, 2~ ear garage. Elltra<br />

hedroom, if deI1red), clreu- BY APPOIN'!tfENT ONLY car ,ara.e.I'1nt" utility tar,. Iot....... 5138.<br />

Iq r')()m .ad bath, S addle ST. PAUL _ UDUlIlI1lJ larte room • 5\lperlat1Ye 10<br />

Uoaal bedrooms aDd Z baths, 1'OOIIII.J JII'OvJde INIt famllJ every cSrltaIL WILLOW TREE l)LACE<br />

:~=::.~e:y, Uv1Jll m tbe four bedroom HOL.IDAY-Near Coot Road. OWNER. Spadoua home, .tepl<br />

WOODS LANE, 1002. EleJaDt<br />

ill every detail. Muat be<br />

viewed to 1M an the Ixtr ..<br />

t1WI 4 beclroom euat.om bW1t<br />

lIome Au to oI1er. SpeeJoUl<br />

fOl'mal cl1D1D1 J'OOII!, family<br />

room with f1re1»laoe, flrtt<br />

f1cor laundry 1'0(111II., eouotry<br />

kitcbeD with bu.Ut.iDI. excel.<br />

1eftt tIooJo p!aD. central aireoaditloohlc,<br />

2 ear attaebed<br />

,ua,e. can lor appoint.<br />

mellt today. OpeA SUA. 2.<br />

5;30.<br />


Realtor<br />

20141 lIack Ave.<br />

11I-3210<br />


OFFERS<br />

A FOua STAR FIRST OFFERING on TOIiralDe Road.<br />

'I'hi.t llOl.to-oId CoIODill bas four bedroolllj aDd tbree<br />

.ud a IWt baths pJua • llbl'll:')' with lIreplace IJld<br />

f.mily room. It WOD't Jut, so hurry ud call \&I.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00<br />

320 TOURAINE COURT-FiDe .traditiaaal three bedrclom<br />

CoIODiaI of dlaUnetion in presti,e .rea. Fireplace .Ill<br />

mister bedroom, excellmt ltoN,e areu, two IDd 'a<br />

balf batbl. Be.utifully laDdIcapeel .ullet' .prdea Pd<br />

paneled den are • few of the advulaJe' of tht. qual.<br />

ity home. Priced ill the middle SO's.<br />

27i KERBY ROAD-UDder ffO,OOO will deliver this fer.<br />

rl.fic four bedrooms, two bath. into your bIDdI. It'.<br />

spotless and It jUlt c.n't lut much ICUle~t. .Be .ure<br />

.nd see t!lIJ ODe.<br />

'20 BAllCLAY-Leavill, toft ~litatel the owner to<br />

sell thiI fiDe tech. AMther .,ftll.kept firlt. There are<br />

three bedrooms aad two batb!, plua mauye¥lnl •.<br />


AUDUBON, 1137 .•• lee "dIJpI.y ad" ,500<br />

BUCKINGHAM, 1011 • ; • Five bedtoollU,<br />

aDd three aDd a half baths, Library ",800<br />

COLONIAL ROAD Six bedrooms-family<br />

room .- ".; .,&00<br />

CRESCENT LANE. 930 .•. Three becirooml,<br />

two baths, famUy room : ;, $48.600<br />

LAKEPOINTE, 7'" .. , Five bedrooms,<br />

and library $55,000<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE, 901 .•. Four bedroomJ<br />

and family room : 181,000<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE Four bedrooms I'Ild<br />

libr.ry _ ., Cll11<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE .•. $ix bedrooms,<br />

library and tamUy room -'-..: CAn<br />

LEWISTON, 233 •.• Six bedrooms, library<br />

and family room '119,110O<br />

LINCOLN ROAD. 295 •.. Two bedroomJ , $0,500<br />

P.ENAUD ROAD, 520 Six bedrooms,<br />

f'mBy room, library $165,000<br />

RIVARD, 331 .•. Five bedrooms, and Iibrlry $30,500<br />

RIVARD, 31M•.• Four bedrooms and modem<br />

Jdtchen $53,000<br />

SHOREHAM, 840 Two bedrooms ,,",llOO<br />

SUNNINGDALE, IM7 Three bedroom.<br />

• nd family room $G,5OO<br />

WASHINGTON, 836 .•. Three bedrooms<br />

«nd library _.._ ,500<br />

LAKESHORE DRIVE ..• Seven bedrooms,<br />

library. family room _ C.1l<br />

Mory F. Schloff<br />

Jom.. P. Oonaf\.,<br />

Morlon J. Bode<br />


HARPER WOODS-21617 NewcasUe-A ,em. A reI!<br />

slarter bouse. 3 bedrooms, 2 car ,.r',e and c.rpetln,.<br />

Under $30.000.<br />

DETROIT-I4661 Cedargrove-chsrming Duteh Colo-nial<br />

with three b&drooms, modernized kitehen 'lrith<br />

reeeRsed lighting. The owner has added m'IlY 1l1t"<br />

fe.tures ineluding a new 21,i car garage, Ilew roof,<br />

new furnace, ann much more. A perfeet borne for the<br />

youn, f.mily or retiree because there I. notbl.Dg leU to<br />

do.<br />

MT, CLEMENS - Glaea,Mora - Flah rI,ht out tbe front<br />

door. A fine three bedroom, ll,i bath tri.level on be.utiful<br />

canl! lot. C.1l lor detaUa.<br />

PURDY & ASSOC.<br />

889..0500<br />

Cloyton C. Purdy, Jr.<br />

~1o~<br />

Jllcou. A truly out.taDdJal r.aeb. l"1replaee ill Kuter UD1que I, beclroom brkk from Shore. Park, 4 bed.<br />

realde.Dee with elreu1lr drive. bedroom. CompartmeatiMd rudl priced ta the 30'.. rooma, 2V,a baths, .tudy,<br />

central air f:ODd1ti01l1J1.1, love.. blths. Secluded ,ardft dd ~ area u4 a lovely ~~~:mM~~~~<br />

1)' formal,arden with sprint. exWDaloa ol !1orilIa room. -. ~ Ud G. P. kitebell, carpetIDac .Dd dra.<br />

ler .,stem. 9wlWII. b, aPO ,FAIR ACRES--ArrIUllld fo1' NGIiIl.....' . pea thloUIhout. $11,500. _<br />

po1nt.meDt oaly. ' three IeMratioll liriq or N. BRYS.!1nt oft....,. Beall' 21107.<br />

KARL D ,AV IES pesta. Perfect decor. Pu- Wull badroom llrick raach.<br />

M eUeG Ubtary, IUIlIIJ famiJ1 Formal 'diDJac room plu J'OUR-BE~ROOM Colonial, by<br />

TU 5-3220 room. Six bedroomJ. P1ua 'flllli17 room .. Central air, ) owner. OIl private lake, 25-<br />

,.r.,e apt. ".etJhouse. f1aIJhed bill".. 1111I)' Mile IDe! Shelby area, Ma.-<br />

• ......., ........_ 100.l.m...,.<br />

Oorottly Meek.r<br />

Sue Meoow'" Adelberg<br />

Borbara Davit<br />

WINDMILL POINTE DlUVE .......... .- •...-.<br />

-Just .Ix yeara )'OWl'. De.,WHIl1lElt -.A I'Ielcl built FOUR .BEDROOJlb 0 J11. e .<br />

ligoed with muter'J for qlWltJ. bedrooIa Co1oDIal. ' Jlu,lIebler kitchen, two full,<br />

comlOl'tlb1e liviq IIId ex. 3 fall, .a., famll1 l'OOIII, a~ ba~. Ba~emfJllt reere&citln.<br />

cotertainmellt &real. forma! cIJIaIq room. ee-- t10Il ..room 91th lOCIa bar.<br />

"I bedroo... pleteIJ ftIl!IIMid ba..... -.oM.<br />

DN'WOOD-OutatandiDC 10- ~~~ BARCLAY, 401 - FanM. CelleatiOD<br />

and park-like ~ -,,-. ~ eu traD, air eonditioDed, 3 bed.<br />

provide priv.cy for tbe be made fl'OID .1 to 4 p.m. room, 2 bath ruch with<br />

bU"ODi.1 home. Slat Ooored HAWTHOJlNE.-Larce 1eIIli. briek patio off .mall paDeled<br />

,ucIen room OpeDI to a rue1L JIiIlt eoaditiaD c.. deD.Gu he.t. 2 ear garage.<br />

. bower1. of ~. QuIet tral air eoDd1tioaiq...4 becl. Priced UDder S50,OOO.<br />

, 1ibnrJ!n ~ ~ rooms. J.fuU batlll, l"iDJah. CALVIN, 4e3 :.... Near Maek-<br />

'WOODLAND SHOJli:s _ ,TJi., eel ]).a..... ,., Puml. Cultom built, .'1J;i<br />

leyel dream With outltaDd- r...AXJSHOU; I.AN&-A IIWlY rtory !Jome with 5 bedroom.,<br />

iDa' famn, roOm... T!lree ~. boue. u you zv.. bat h.. ConveDient to<br />

bedrooms •. two 'batha uCI WIDe • run, aD1arIaI home .ehoo1a., EJece ent buy at<br />

TWOpo~ rOoms. that proricIea eftI'1lmaJ1A. .,!IOO. OD land eODtract<br />

ablct ClClDiealeace ~ • • we oaly.<br />

.NEFF ROAD-:La.... comer ha,,' -t h F .<br />

Jot proride ..... 'cceu to 0Wle.. our OI'HOLLYWOOD, !eO - Exeel.<br />

~-# five bec1roomI, famD1I'ClC111.', lelit ruc:h 9D dead eIid<br />

new ,ara,e.Two l.nUI)' cllll, . Z .tIrepj.ac:a!. I batM, • t r e e t. 3 bedroom., 1v..<br />

=.~,~'IlI :: central air, CbanDiDI JteIIh- baths Did extra bath in<br />

"/~"PU'lte d1a. borbood. ' bue~eftt. Llrle kitchen Ie<br />

m, rooDia. Unuaual ttora,e ~Alaume the mort. eat i D• are••. Carpeting<br />

areu. ' PIt .. thlJ1IeI Xlm'broulh throqbout. Paneled reena.<br />


• terehet:1! -.-0 886-4260<br />

ANOTHER NEW OFFERING •. ; " . ",<br />

Splek and span 3 bedroom raaebWttil den or .4th bed~<br />

::~. ~O::e ~n:;~~=:llI!d GJ,'Oue Pointe lfiIh<br />

IN THE PARK ••.<br />

Newly decor-aled 3 bedroom, 1~ bath En,liIh, q1liek pOI.<br />

&e .. lon, priced at .,800. Updated e~ kitdlea, 2car<br />

,.rale. ' ,<br />


Located Mar all ac:hoolI, exeel1eat tarnUy home, with 3<br />

bedroolDl. aDd 2 bl,tlu. down, plus 2 bedrooms aDd bath<br />

up, room,. kltebell with blt-~. PriCe l'edu~. ' "I •<br />


Step iDto another wllt!d, "aetieallJ lIeW a 1lledl'oom~ 2~<br />

bath condominium, THE BERKSHlIlES,wlth Itudy or<br />

4th1ledroom, ~ eoDd1tiolIed, .-I ,offerbl, aU Ute CODveDieneM,<br />

,~ • beautiful h!lme, tro\lbl, free.<br />

UNDER $40,000 •.•<br />

3 bedroom faeebriek ranch with a~ ruaP, -cirpeted<br />

living room, diJWlg "L". beauutul IdteheD Cabin. aDd<br />

ell:tr•• lar&e breakfast are«. Covered terrl~ ud Iarae<br />

reereaUon room.<br />


4 bedroom., 2~ balbi, beautifully c'rPeted' and dr.peel<br />

with .tep-Gown famil, room wlflfeplace. Chatmlni exterior,<br />

sharp mterlor. OWner 'leavin, toWll, prlted ae.<br />

eordiD.ly.<br />

WINJ»IILL POINTE •. \'.<br />

Executive'. 4 bedroom, 3~ bath colonial wlthS u.w1'l1<br />

l!replaed, ricbJy paneled library. Large lot, tIOllveDlent<br />

to everythilll. Immediate posqalon.<br />

" b1Jllt, tJu'eebedroom 2~ bath tioIl. 2 car attached ,arage.<br />

CoIoaial with J. ear au.dJeci KENSINGTON, lCNO - Now<br />

~"door~ :,fami1r room at a reduced price. Delight-<br />

W'IUI ... to. beautlful ful famJl1 room with.5 bedpatio.<br />

A terrific 1MtJ at roo~ S~ batha. Large U-<br />

_.DOG. ' br.ry ,. reereatioDr 0011II.,<br />

larte Itora.e attic::; Large<br />

Silloway & CO.<br />

884-7000<br />

. .. I .<br />

~--- --_._._-_ ...~-_.~- ...__._--_.-.- -~'..;..--:-.-----'-.;-r-~.-..- '---'-- -- --<br />

• ara.e for bikes. Econom.<br />

ical ,as he.t.<br />

ROSLYN, 191 - Iv.. story<br />

briek. 1 bedroom and bath<br />

down, plua 2 bedrooms and<br />

bath up. Library, ree. room,<br />

earpetiag. Enc1ole4 terrace.<br />

2' eu ,ar.,e. 70:d50 lot.<br />

C10Ie to .cboola.<br />

Realtor<br />

U-lIAL mAn<br />

F~ SALI<br />


OPEN DAILY 3.7<br />

1118 DevODlb1re. 3 bedroom<br />

brlek. Z balbJ, family rOOlll.<br />

Centr.l .Ir. Va can t LIC<br />

avanable.<br />


TtJ usse Eve. 821-M08<br />

FLAT-GrosH Pointe Park, S<br />

aftd 5, $21,000. Euu more<br />

thaD 10'!o. 114,3951, _.~.<br />


bedroom CoIoDlaI with provl.<br />

sloOl fOl' fourth. F.mily<br />

room with (uep1ace, new<br />

k1tcbea. reerutioa room, exeellent<br />

pub 11c, parochiaL<br />

•ebools. Prlv.te park facill.<br />

.tie.. 18H028.<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5<br />


20888 HUNT CLUB - 3.bed.<br />

roombriek buncalow, air.<br />

eoaditioned. 2'Cli' garage.<br />

VacaDt.<br />


881-6800<br />


718 MIDDLESEX<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 3-5<br />

Custom En,liIh. 3 large bed.<br />

room., 2V,abaths and smaU<br />

m.ld'. room wIth bath<br />

(eould be 4th famIlY bed.<br />

room). LIr.e paneled fam.<br />

ily room with fireplace, paneled<br />

den. fiDe kitchen with<br />

appliaDCIS and lood br~k.<br />

fast .re•. Ceatral air condi.<br />

tioning.<br />


(ShOWD by .ppointment)<br />

Spaeious older colonial OD lot<br />

1O'x180'. 5 bedrooms, sun.<br />

room, updated kiteheo, first<br />

floor lavatory, side drive.<br />

Ideal for larle family and<br />

only $40,000.<br />


TU 5-3220<br />


FOIl SALE<br />

HOLLYWOOD, aZ3 and 1163<br />

New 4.bedroom Colonials -<br />

.,000 to $58,000.<br />

Model Homes OpeD DaUy<br />

LLOYD MARKS ".7.11<br />


FARMS<br />

KUIR ROAD, ne.r Kercheval.<br />

Short walk to "The Hill"<br />

shops, older but updated 3<br />

bedroom bome. Colored bath<br />

fixtur"., furnace, electrical,<br />

plumbin" sewer. .nd e:ar.<br />

pets III DeW. Jalousied front<br />

porch. FHA OK. PrIce re.<br />

dueed, owaer 'Dxious.<br />


PARK<br />

BARRINGTON, 2 blocks off<br />

JeffersoD. Older, stalely 4<br />

bedroom, Dutch Colonial, 1<br />

bedroom down, 2 full baths,<br />

full dininl room, den, up.<br />

dated kitehen, rec. room,<br />

walk.in closets, very clean<br />

home. Price reduud.<br />


REALTY<br />

On A:11y Listing-Call Us<br />

884-7T33 713-T820<br />

NEW CENTER entrance Colo.<br />

Dial, beautifully paDeled and<br />

carpeted family room. GeD.<br />

eral Eleetric kitchen, library<br />

or 5th bedroom, living room<br />

• nd dinlne room, 2 fire.<br />

places. Second Door hIS 4<br />

large bedrooms with walk.in<br />

closets, 2\o!lbaths, 19t. JlDen<br />

eloset. Tiled b.semeDt and<br />

,ara.e opener. Nr. ae:hoo".<br />

Frank Hayden Builder, 886-<br />

1339.<br />

LAKEFRONT property, St.<br />

CI.ir Shores, with canal in<br />

rear, dr.sUeally reduced for<br />

quick sale. Best offer. }i'or.<br />

more information, call<br />


'771-8906 or 777.2042<br />



SUNDAY 2.5<br />

FOR SALE by owner: Modern. 838 Notre Dame<br />

ized large Colonial. Draper. You must come in to appre.<br />

ies, carpeting. breakf:st eiate the generous size of<br />

room, fullalzed dining room, this 3 bedrOOlft, 2v.. bath, air<br />

enelosed poreh, Ilk baths, conditioned, brick bome.<br />

3 tWIn sized bedroolllS. dust 1620 TORREY _ Center en.<br />

poreb, " .1king distance trance farm C 0 Ion i a I in<br />

Ric:hard, Brownell. Grosse Woods. Large living room<br />

Pointe South and Austen. with wood.burning fireplace,<br />

_Idkinl' $38,000. 451 Me. large formal dining room,<br />

XiDley. TU 1-15M. updated colonial kitchen with<br />

GROSSE POINTE PARK. 1039 eating area. 3 bedrooms,<br />

Devonahlre. 5 bedrooms and bath and half. W'.Jite pine<br />

f.mily room. Lot l00'lLl67'. pan e led recrell.tion room.<br />

Shown by .ppointment ooly. Prieed for quick sale, and<br />

c.n 822.55~. early possession. Open Sunday<br />

2-5 or by appointment.<br />

CHALFONTE 333-1 bedroom 886-2453.<br />

brick rancb. $36,900. Owner. HARVARD, 1002, oU Jeffer.~n.<br />

OpeD afternoons. ....<br />

Colonial f..bedroom plus Ii.<br />

661 WASHINGTON RD. - Ilr.ry and family room.<br />

Center hall ~riek colonial, Spac1oul! well.landscaped lot.<br />

a bedroom" recreation room Private .... 939 or 963-9107 •<br />

and den, 3 b.th, 2 half baths .. 1899 NORWOOD, 4 bedroom<br />

EKeellent loc.tlon, close to<br />

.chools aad sbopping. Pric- colonial with famIlY room,<br />

ed in low $5O's. By owner. built.ilu, 2 car g.rage,<br />

Can 885.5054 for appoint- $41,500. Open Sunday 2-5<br />

ment. p.m. Call 884.59H.<br />

TU. 4-5700<br />

FAIRWAY, DRIVE, 20068 -<br />

.Lar,e ranch, 3 bedrooms,<br />

2'041baths, large family room,<br />

attae:hed 2V,a-cargarage, carpetlDg,<br />

.ir cond1UOIliJIg,pa.<br />

tio, 90x135 lot. Open dally •<br />

c.n B81.N88,<br />


FIRST OFFERING-Storybook Cape Cod, 2 bedroom.,<br />

den, lJ1auecl porch, 3 car gar.ge, belutiful Ylrd.<br />


FIRST OFFERING-IN THE FAliiMS a most desir.ble<br />

ranch, 3 bedrO'Jm., den 0:: 4th bedroom. 2 baths,<br />

. Florida room, centraUy air condiUoned, .ttaehed<br />

I.ra,e, eJetrl nice landscap!nl.<br />

SHYS 880 N.-PRICE REDUCTION on this better th.n<br />

De" 4 bedtoom., 21,i bath colonial. A decorator'.<br />

dre.m kiteb~n that puts pleasure into cooking, with<br />

In adjoining aU purpose family room for informal<br />

entertaining. King .ize walkin closets witb .pace<br />

ior more th'n just your e:lothes.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2"5<br />


POINTE; 3 bedroom, 1~ bath aU brick eolonial.<br />

Neat and tidy describes this house. Immedi.te<br />

oeeupaney.<br />

HAWTHORNE il"7-PRICE REDUCED on tbl. excel.<br />

le1\t 3. bedroom colonl.l, F.mily room with raised<br />

Jiearth, . new earpetlng, centrally alr.eonditloned,<br />

sixty foot lot. Out of tow., owner must .ell.<br />

MEADow LANE 04-Newer 3 bedroom center entrance<br />

colonial on ehanning dead end street. Move In<br />

comiUon, one .nd a half tile baths, breakfast nook,<br />

excellent storage. One bloclc to schools, shopping<br />

and bu••<br />

RIDGEMONT 2M-A surprisingly spacious interior Is<br />

• joy in thl. three bedroom, 1>.tb and a h.lf colo.<br />

m.l. The w.lnut p.nelled family room, large living<br />

room and earpeted modem kitchen, make Hvlng<br />

euy. Ju.t • short walk to Xerby 8ehool for the<br />

young one's. SEE THIS TODAY.<br />


8 un1tt in the beart of Grossl! Pointe, almost new and<br />

III. prime condition. Close to Vill.ge shopping and<br />

pubUc tran8portation. Never I v'caney. This is •<br />

rare opportunity to InVe8t in one of the few Grosse<br />

Pomte buUdJnp of sueh fine quality. ACT NOW,<br />

c.ll u. for .11 finaneial aDd pertinent details.<br />

es. __ crt_<br />

-STOP<br />

1337 Sunningdale Drive, across<br />

from Lochmoor Golf Course.<br />

,As niee of a ranch that you<br />

can find, has 4 nice bedroomi,<br />

2V,a bath, nic~ new<br />

Idtchen and living room, fire.<br />

place, sl!parate dining room,<br />

nlee t err ace overlooking<br />

y.rd, lOOx240 lot, reereation<br />

room, fireplace, 2 Ittaehed<br />

,arage. For appOintment<br />

call 886-1190.<br />

ANIEL<br />


Would you prefer to .spend<br />

this swnmer at Lochmoor,<br />

the Yacht Club or Bayview<br />

rather than cut grass and<br />

paint? Then sleep thru<br />

those hot summer. nights<br />

th.nks to eentralalr condi.<br />

Uorringl And wouMn't It be<br />

nice to combine all the<br />

benefits of a Townhouse<br />

with the many economic ad.<br />

vantages of a home' ... in<br />

a location just a short walk<br />

to the village • • . for less<br />

lban $36,000?<br />


$30,900!<br />

Ideal for the family on a<br />

budget looking for a house<br />

In move.in condition close<br />

to schools and the Village.<br />

Why not see for yourself?<br />



The mint condtition colonial<br />

'h.s everything a bargain-minded<br />

buyer would<br />

dream of:<br />

• 3 bedrooms-Biz balhs-<br />

Ubrary<br />

• Excel1l:nt decor-2~<br />

car garage<br />

• Immediate occupancy<br />

• Possible 10% down<br />

payment<br />

• Two blocks to schools,<br />

parks & shopping<br />

• JUST $28,500.<br />

Strongman l<br />

Kelly<br />

6- associates<br />

889-0800<br />

Thursday, M.y 20. 1971<br />

I U-IEAL ISTAn<br />

FOR SALE<br />

111 BERKSHIRE<br />

ENGLISH Tudor iD prime 10catiOll,<br />

~ bloek (rom lake.<br />

5 large bedrooms, 3 baths.<br />

Paneled breakfast room and<br />

library. Lovel)" leaded gillS<br />

detailing. Plneled reere.Uon<br />

roo m wltb wet bar, sun<br />

porch. Recently redee:or.ted.<br />

Central lir e:onditioD. Lite<br />

sum mer polSessioD. Lo~'<br />

$10's. Call f9lI.0383.<br />


2106 H.mpton. Cbeerful 3<br />

bedroom ColoaJal OD lar.e<br />

tree shaded lot, 8011110. II,i<br />

b.lbI, fully carpeted, family<br />

room with fireplace, ZI,i car<br />

attaebed ,arage with clreular<br />

drive. Move.iD conditioD.<br />

By Ow~er. $29,eOQ. 881•<br />

3115.<br />



High quality raneh I,i blc~k<br />

from Lakeshore Drive. Cus.<br />

tom materiala and ,workmanship.<br />

Interior, exteriol',<br />

earrets, drapes aDd appli.<br />

ances as new. Two !arge<br />

bedrooms and library.<br />

Large rust floor laundry or<br />

extra room. Central air eon.<br />

ditloning. Andersen win.<br />

dows. Beautiful~ldtchea with<br />

integ ... l screened porch.<br />

Price redueed .<br />

5SO ROSLYN 886.8297<br />



Lincoln Road is the letting<br />

for this briek house with<br />

four bedrooms and three<br />

and one half baths. The first<br />

floor plan includes a den<br />

just off the wide center b.all,<br />

a large living room, separate<br />

dining room and completely<br />

new comb~ation<br />

family room and kitchen.<br />

At a price less tban $50,000<br />

thi" one sho~d sell pronto.<br />


2:30 to 5<br />

AT 300 Lincoln Road you'll<br />

ramble about in the luxury<br />

of giganUc rooms with six<br />

natural fireplaces, .nd full<br />

tile baths for eaeh bedroom.<br />

The entire house bas recently<br />

been "redone" by<br />

one of the Pointe's best,<br />

known decorators. Outside<br />

painting of the house and<br />

~arriage house is being<br />

completed this week. Tbere<br />

is a new dr1veway witlt<br />

plenty of parking _ • • So<br />

drive or walk over Sunday<br />

and see hOW new an older<br />

house can be.<br />


BE THE FIRST to see this<br />

new one on. the market at<br />

21 S. Edgewood. You'll find<br />

this three bedroom ranch<br />

house just two doors oft<br />

Lake Shore Drive iD the<br />

Shores. The third bedroom<br />

is paneled, so could be<br />

utilized as a library if only<br />

two bedrooms are your desire.<br />

This one is offered at<br />

$57,500. Low, down pay.<br />

ment, Land Contract possible,<br />

or lelSe with opUon<br />

at $500 per month.<br />

JUST OFF' Outer Drive and<br />

less than a minute Is this<br />

new offering at 13444 Wile<br />

shire. U you require two<br />

,firstl1oor bedrooms and an<br />

enonnous 'dormitory rOC!1l<br />

on the second' floor, also<br />

with a tile bath, then this<br />

is a "must see." Carpeted<br />

throughout and a fine base.<br />

ment with paneled ree room<br />

make this a cut above aU its<br />

eompetition. Copper plumb.<br />

ing, a large corner lot, and<br />

two car garage' contribute<br />

to make this a fine buy at<br />

$2.,500. .<br />

TOWNHOUSE living offers the<br />

adv8ntage of minimum exterior<br />

maintenance, aecurity<br />

of close neighbors and prox.<br />

imity to public transport:!tion<br />

and shol?plng areas.<br />

Combined with these fea.'<br />

tures we will show you a<br />

terrace with spaeious rooms<br />

throulhout, which inelude<br />

fou,' bedrooms'on the see~'<br />

ond Door and two more on<br />

the third. Off the entrance<br />

loyer Is a slhaU library and;<br />

that Important first (Joo~<br />

lavatory. Both kitchen and<br />

buUllr's pantry h.ve been<br />

updated .nd the spaclou<br />

living room has a naturall<br />

fireplace. I<br />

AN ENGLISH MANOR house<br />

Is appearing for perhaps the<br />

last time in this ('olumn. It<br />

sits majestically On Lake.,<br />

land Avenue In the f1rs~<br />

block o~f J efCerson. If fivei<br />

master bedrooms ar~ no~<br />

sufficient, we can show youl<br />

three more on the third!<br />

floor and B complete aparti<br />

ment over the attlche~<br />

three ear garage. ~ ,<br />

VACANT lot between 65-7t(<br />

Roslyn Road, Grosse<br />

Shores. $18,000.<br />

VACANT lot In Grosse<br />

Polnut<br />

_<br />

Point~ -<br />

Park on Trombly. Zoned tot'<br />

two.famlly dweUln,. $17,000$<br />

R.G. EDGAR~<br />


63 Kerchev.l 80ft "010; •,•,.

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