VII - RoseRed

VII - RoseRed

VII - RoseRed


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in Europe, carefully safeguarding Wyrm’s Nests, had their<br />

hands full stopping battalions of soldiers from stumbling<br />

across these places of power and ruining decades of work.<br />

Kindred throughout Europe and the United States had<br />

to cope with the loss of mortal herds (though of course<br />

those in Europe had much more direct problems), and<br />

scholars within the Ordo Dracul made a special study of<br />

what the Great War and the influenza pandemic that followed<br />

it were likely to do to the world’s Wyrm’s Nests and<br />

mystical energy flow.<br />

What they found was that the worst was yet to come.<br />

✾✶✹✳✫✂✾★✹✂✰✰<br />

The Ordo Dracul sprang from a man years ahead of<br />

his time in terms of psychological warfare. Vlad Tepes<br />

understood all too well that brutality could be used as a<br />

method of control. During his time, he ordered the<br />

deaths of 100,000 people within his principality (the<br />

population of which was about half a million). But<br />

Dracula would have been amazed by the Nazis.<br />

Hitler outlawed Freemasonry during this reign in Germany,<br />

as any secret society was a threat to his rule. The<br />

much-publicized fact that Hitler dabbled in the occult didn’t<br />

do much to help the Ordo Dracul survive those years. A<br />

selection from the journal of a Kogaion from Poland speaks<br />

of the Ordo Dracul’s activities in Nazi Germany:<br />

“We had our chance. Had we ingratiated ourselves with<br />

the Third Reich at the beginning, when Hitler was first made<br />

Chancellor, we might have stood a chance of retaining our<br />

Wyrm’s Nests in Germany and Poland. We might have made<br />

Hitler our puppet as our founder’s diaries say he once did to<br />

his own brother. But we were afraid, or lazy or both. We<br />

had our own balance of power with the Invictus, and if they<br />

did not corrupt leaders with their blood, why should we?<br />

“We had our chance, but when Hitler’s secret police found<br />

our Wyrm’s Nests and scattered our notes to the wind, burned<br />

the ancient writings (which they, of course, could not decipher)<br />

and exposed our havens to the light, we saw that we had lost it.”<br />

Theories in the decades since the war state that Hitler<br />

did indeed have several secret projects dedicated to finding<br />

what the Ordo Dracul calls Wyrm’s Nests, as well as<br />

summoning demons, recruiting ghosts to spy for the<br />

Reich and learning the secrets of magic. Very few of these<br />

rumors bear enough evidence to seriously consider. What<br />

is known, however, is that many of the Wyrm’s Nests in<br />

Germany, Poland and even Romania fell out of the Ordo<br />

Dracul’s hands during the Second World War, and many<br />

of them have not yet been recovered.<br />

✻✯✬✂✶✹✫✶✂✫✹★✪✼✳✂✻✶✵✰✮✯✻<br />

After the war, the Ordo Dracul in Europe took to secrecy<br />

once again; in the United States, it remained as<br />

visible as any of the other covenants. As such, members<br />

of the Ordo Dracul are thought to claim domain in a<br />

a history of the ordo dracul<br />

greater number of cities in the New World than in the<br />

Old, but the overall number of Kindred who claim membership<br />

in the Ordo Dracul is probably larger in Europe.<br />

Some major modern areas of concern for the Ordo<br />

Dracul, both geographic and ideologic, follow.<br />

★✪★✫✬✴✰✪✂✪✶✴✷✬✻✰✻✰✶✵<br />

The Ordo Dracul includes some of the finest Kindred<br />

scholars in the world — but like mortal scholars,<br />

the desire for glory and credit for a find sometimes outweighs<br />

the find itself. A Dragon might share news of a<br />

mystical breakthrough with her fellows, only to discover<br />

that one of her contemporaries claims the accolades.<br />

The ruling bodies in most Ordo Dracul domains<br />

try not to get distracted by this sort of petty politicking,<br />

but when individuals and coteries keep secrets from<br />

the rest of the covenant to make themselves appear<br />

more powerful, the problem grows. Outwardly, Dragon<br />

chapters may claim that mages, werewolves and other<br />

covenants are the primary rivals for the acquisition and<br />

understanding of occult sites and artifacts, but in truth<br />

the Kindred of the Order are often each other’s most<br />

dangerous rivals.<br />

✺✻★✮✵★✻✰✶✵<br />

The Dragons might strive for change, but they are<br />

still vampires. The mortal world around them is changing<br />

faster than ever. Many Dragons see the staggering<br />

pace of technology and cultural shift as a good thing<br />

— it forces them to keep up, to keep changing themselves<br />

and studying their world, or else retreat to a haven<br />

and wait for torpor. Unfortunately, as members of<br />

the covenant strive to keep up with mortal innovations,<br />

they have little time remaining to study the Coils,<br />

which, of course, are the main source of renown within<br />

the Ordo Dracul.<br />

✻✯✬✂✴✰✫✫✳✬✂✬★✺✻<br />

Historically, the Ordo Dracul has been weak in this<br />

region of the world, due to the lingering bias of its<br />

founder. In recent years, however, much of the world’s<br />

attention has been focused on the Middle East, and the<br />

Ordo Dracul has recognized that the area of the world<br />

that birthed the three major monotheistic faiths probably<br />

has secrets still left uncovered. Dragons Embraced<br />

in the 20th century care more about the covenant’s pursuits<br />

than the out-dated bigotry of the Impaler. Although<br />

the region is torn by war, corruption and fanaticism, a<br />

growing number of Dragons are exploring the ancient<br />

mysteries that hide therein.<br />

Rumors circulate, too, that Anoushka, the second<br />

bride of Dracula, walks the Earth again. Some tales place<br />

her in Egypt, some in the Sudan and some in Turkey,<br />

but almost all state that she is somewhere in the Middle<br />

East, and that she is gathering members of her covenant.<br />

27<br />

chapter one<br />


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