VII - RoseRed

VII - RoseRed

VII - RoseRed


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no longer have any need for “fight or flight” instincts.<br />

Some approaches tend to mimic those used for mastering<br />

wildlife. Outright cruelty, Pavlovian techniques and<br />

empathetic bonding are commonplace. The Coil of the<br />

Beast demonstrates the effectiveness of these procedures,<br />

enabling the Dragons to shackle their primitive instincts<br />

in a way that gives the Man the greatest amount of control<br />

possible, even as it benefits from the presence of the<br />

domesticated Beast.<br />


Dracula laid down three primary principles by<br />

which a Kindred would be known to be worthy<br />

of studying the Coils and being a member of the<br />

Ordo Dracul. It is the duty of every Dragon to obey<br />

the following principles above all else:<br />

A Dragon has no loyalty above his studies. Even<br />

the commands of a superior ultimately come<br />

second to the transcendent perfection each<br />

Dragon seeks for herself.<br />

A Dragon must understand, accept and<br />

embrace purposeful change. Those who are<br />

unable to trust change have no hope of ever<br />

transcending their accursed state.<br />

A Dragon is responsible for all she is and all<br />

she does. Because vampires are beyond death and<br />

fear, there remain no excuses for what one does<br />

or becomes. Moreover, not seizing an opportunity<br />

to improve one’s self is unforgivable, for it is a<br />

sign of cowardice and the denial of one’s own<br />

transcendence.<br />

These principles are taken to be as important<br />

to the Ordo Dracul as the Commandments were<br />

to the Canaanites. Dragons who fail to live up to<br />

the Principia Draconis are ostracized by their peers<br />

and can even be dismissed from the ranks of the<br />

covenant if their lapses are significant enough.<br />

✴✬✻✯✶✫✶✳✶✮❀<br />

The majority of Dragons concur that the Great Work<br />

can only be successfully realized if the method by which<br />

it is achieved is as reliable as possible. Adopting an empirical<br />

stance, the results of an experiment are only taken<br />

as trustworthy if they are consistently reproducible under<br />

similar conditions. The knowledge of how to do this<br />

should also be easily recorded and transmitted to anyone<br />

with a basic understanding of the experiment. Assumptions,<br />

faulty materials, flimsy rationale and procedures<br />

reverse engineered in order to produce a certain<br />

outcome are verboten to members of the Ordo Dracul.<br />

Finally, the Dragons demand phenomenal results, something<br />

they can perceive with their natural and Kindred<br />

senses. If they cannot observe, measure, record and examine<br />

it, it remains only theoretical and useful only for<br />

unlife in the ordo dracul<br />

intellectual diversion. In sum, the Dragons apply the<br />

scientific method to all their endeavors.<br />

Because most Dragons come from a scientific or academic<br />

background, this methodology is already ingrained<br />

in the covenant’s members. Accolades are awarded to<br />

those who dedicate themselves to the strictest definition<br />

of the scientific method, double- and triple-checking<br />

all their results, repeatedly testing their procedures<br />

under all possible circumstances, and working tirelessly<br />

to eliminate every subjective or corruptive influence that<br />

might lessen the reliability of their findings. Healthy<br />

skepticism and productive self-criticism do not go unnoticed<br />

in the Order — the best and brightest almost<br />

universally display these virtues.<br />

Not every Dragon obeys the principles of the scientific<br />

method as fully as her peers, of course. Some become lazy<br />

and allow themselves a little flexibility, at times sacrificing<br />

methodology to expediency. Minor flaws and lapses<br />

are usually tolerated, especially when the work is of a<br />

mostly personal nature that is not going to be subject to<br />

the scrutiny of a critical mentor or the review of others.<br />

Flagrant disregard for scientific orthodoxy is another matter<br />

altogether and is seldom tolerated except in domains<br />

where the covenant’s presence is small, or the covenant<br />

is rife with internal strife and ruthless competition. Ignoring<br />

the proper methodological guidelines leads to<br />

irreproducible results and the very real possibility of harm<br />

— not only to the reckless Dragon, but to the Ordo Dracul<br />

overall. A vampire does not play haphazardly with fire,<br />

and some of the things the Dragons subject to experimentation<br />

can be far more dangerous than fire.<br />

The maxim that there are many ways to skin a cat is<br />

one the Ordo Dracul ardently embraces. If the end result<br />

is achieved, the method by which it was obtained is<br />

relatively insignificant, so long as it is rigorous and<br />

proven scientifically reliable. Clinging stubbornly to one<br />

approach and refusing to consider others is not only<br />

short-sighted, but usually detrimental to success. However<br />

speedily progress is being made, a Dragon must always<br />

ask whether there might be a more efficacious way<br />

to pursue her goal.<br />

This concept is an essential one for every fledgling<br />

Dragon to grasp and remember. The straight path may<br />

appear the most direct, but it is often littered with obstacles<br />

that will make further progress difficult if not altogether<br />

impossible. The crooked path, on the other<br />

hand, allows the Dragon to change course whenever<br />

obstacles are encountered, to select an alternative way<br />

to proceed despite any seeming incompatibility with past<br />

methods. This conviction colors everything about the<br />

Dragons and is the ethical touchstone upon which all<br />

other things are judged. To the Ordo Dracul, the ends<br />

always justify the means.<br />

The history of the Ordo Dracul and the variety of<br />

experiences its members bring with them have opened<br />

39<br />

chapter two<br />


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