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Proc€dur. for .mrpiou. rilie d.G.ni..do! by .n.lydet mttod<br />

l) Pr.p.nrior ol rtrd|qbr SolutioB<br />

A 0.005M aqueous glr€ol $ln1ioo oi Ba{OH), is pEp@d frcm a sarurat.d aqu@s<br />

$lulion of B4OHL (the slubiliiy of Aa(OH) in ward !t 30'C is 3.89 B/100 nn), uking<br />

!n appropriare volune aft.r lillration (10.s ml of fil&lt€ w6 E*d lo pr€pd.250 ml of<br />

6olution) dd mixing n wnh e aqu@u6 gllreDl solution in which the wltcr to slycerol<br />

ario *6 l:1. Thc reulting $l on nusr b. porarcd fDm .[@sphdic CO:. An<br />

llcoholic solution of phcnolphtnaLih (covering the pH rege 8-9.) wd used a .h<br />

2) Atuu ofrin Eqole.Ltrr to 5 Dl ofcly..rol<br />

A snl volume of glicerol b m6ur.d n a small beols or a porcelain capsule (using a<br />

st{inge) ..d dowly dhted witn lhe !qu6u $lulior ol gltt@l B.(OH):. horn mixcd<br />

widr a ma8ltetic sri@. Becaue $e high vi$osity of glrml th€ derddon ofthe cnd<br />

poim of th. ibrion musr b. clEied out exrmlty of thc riEalion !@epr.cl.. Ite olor<br />

chage oa $s slution n de|.mircd $ follows: fou dsp6 of the indjobr c ple.d on<br />

! por.ehin plale .nd lou drops of rhc slldon b.ine litratcd addcd to it Deps ae nixed<br />

wnh a gls md md this pmedue h Epsred !ftq each ad.Cnion oftitel. Tilrarion is<br />

supposed to be complet€d when the color of th. solutioo ildicaror oh tn€ porceloin plale<br />

cha.s6lo Dse. The mounl of tiftnt used N, n rlkcn inro lccoDt in subs.quenl<br />


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