@ ed !ct* ro it R6e$ inro Hadacnc it ofgr€linto.lse if is io ta plid n.dicd ...

@ ed !ct* ro it R6e$ inro Hadacnc it ofgr€linto.lse if is io ta plid n.dicd ...

@ ed !ct* ro it R6e$ inro Hadacnc it ofgr€linto.lse if is io ta plid n.dicd ...


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pl@bo ltjbuldts @ incjte h..'t dc and blod pBse", (Fruld, Jarpe, Wd &<br />

w6& 1963; Kieh & weix.! 1988).<br />

L.rEtue infom u lhal popl. Bpond to plGbo! bs& of th€ n@ing<br />

@m61cd wirh $?ets ofrhc n dicil qpaiac., ri€ vh<strong>it</strong>c @r1! ofthc dodor.<br />

slelhcop. lhe fid.d d.3r, th. rh@Fllic ..nin& all s.r lh. slagc for posilive<br />

chsgd bru€ of thci. nairSs qp41lt<strong>io</strong>B of hov w.ll a drug d lurgdy worlq ily<br />

acrivatc dE s. n !6i pathw.]s s F*ipt<strong>io</strong>n b.dicic<br />

M.yb€s A $o*l 0 99?) teXde lhal "qp@trti@ ofhow wcll o drus or<br />

sug6y ril vqt my .cnr.lly &riEt llc 6c nar.l p.lhwry 4 F6q'priv.<br />

m<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ed</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>icina. Plac€bo etuly cnegc il,e vay that pain sigr.ld a€ p<strong>ro</strong>c6$d in the bnin".<br />

A.ddinS b Waga (2004) phab$ d@ rh. ba<strong>is</strong> Gpo@ b p.iD ia a6 ih.t<br />

sems to od€ for hagn<strong>it</strong>ud€ ofpah erp6i6e'"Tn<strong>is</strong> $g86ts ihat thc qpsi6@ ofplin<br />

elly <strong>is</strong> .lrard".<br />

Wass <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ed</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> h<strong>is</strong> @ll€asu6 u.d frbcrid.l MRI to 3how tnal p.i. irdlcing clelric<br />

sno4 lc1ivaI.d r '!6ir Datrn" O. rhaldu, $na<strong>ro</strong>, sosry @ qr, in$la @d eIa<strong>io</strong>r<br />

on x in dE hdin ofpdticipei!, the G6r.h @npa.d .ctivily in th6. Eg<strong>io</strong>n h .<br />

pl@bo grcups w<strong>it</strong>b lhat in a @DtDl g<strong>ro</strong>ut th.y obw.d a r€duct<strong>io</strong>n in rcpdt<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ed</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> pain in<br />

the pl.c.6o amu!, vhicb vs .ssill€d wirh d6as.d &liv<strong>it</strong>y in th. p!i. natrn-<br />

Wasd tho n6u€d boin dctivat<strong>io</strong>4 in Gpou. to eticipat<strong>io</strong>n of pain reli.t<br />

Th€ .ff.d of pl...to otr p.jn wd Miar.d eiib .ctivrr<strong>io</strong> in llc d(fuhrqd<br />

prefonlal <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ed</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> orbibto d @ncx s6 ofurc brajn r.ld.d 10 ortrbl oflnado. ard<br />

fl.rd nahd<strong>is</strong>. In the ffind rtudy h. inv6r<strong>is</strong>r,&d that l<strong>if</strong>e ole of dE plac.bo<br />

etr cr they foud thai pla€bo b.diar.d r.duci<strong>io</strong>r in b6<strong>io</strong> activadon of0F pain o.tix<br />

()ffi.d late ir rh. plin r6!oi*. IE othor hr?oi!6i26 th.i tne lcl. d.@ nay<br />

Gflel @g'iliv. @ppniek oIp.iq or olod n .!dim u<strong>is</strong>eptd by prcl@8<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ed</st<strong>ro</strong>ng> p.in,

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