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$v.d by lh.se RETS ns b€en esdmlcd $id8 Eq. (8,2D md (s,22). Tle ucuE ed<br />

UCW delivcEd by eler'ic mtd t'!h9 .nd di.Fl agile pmp for ef@riv. vald hcad<br />

of | 0 e hlvc ale ba 6riMr.d fd dpsiso with pi&l md $ld pv Dus.<br />

Ttbl. 3.16: hDur prnm.(.B rj.d for csr BttD.totr ofna.r pmphg d.rg,<br />

,Nd nt8 PV r.t r{i.hin pndr6<br />

C+nrl @n of ele PvpolD (l lW Mortut.)<br />

Catit.l @sr ofchei bodel wird pMp<br />

capir.l @sr ofR nnlm nodel wind pMp<br />

Amul O&M cosl ol PV pmp<br />

Amud Fpan dd baiftdro 6t of wi.dniu php<br />

$ s fr.clion ofcapilal asl<br />

Usctul lifetin 6f $le PV pMp<br />

Uetul lif€time olpi(tnil pw4'<br />

Mdk r lda otelericiiy<br />

C.,ldi6c rduc oleldicity<br />

Olmll e6ci@y of elerdcmror-ptdp sd<br />

Ovdll cficidcy of dielasin DMp sa<br />

MUt<br />

350,000<br />

150,000<br />

260,000<br />

2000<br />

0,02<br />

20<br />

l5<br />

0.1<br />

3.0<br />

0.52<br />

0.40<br />

T.bl. 8.lt: CGt of q*fol .!erro/ .!d q.t r d.th.nd bt rotrr pv pubpt tr prtdtutr<br />

CUF UCUE<br />

0.18<br />

0.2<br />

0.22<br />

0.25<br />

0.28<br />

0.30<br />

18,55<br />

16.69<br />

15.t7<br />

13.35<br />

1r.97<br />

.l3<br />

t.82<br />

1.64<br />

t.3l<br />

t.l1<br />

t.09<br />

6178.0?<br />

1086.74<br />

1195.42<br />

8858,43<br />

l0610.lt<br />

3638,77<br />

4041,08<br />

5051.85<br />

5660,11<br />

Thc UCW dclivad by $lar PV pulD nB bc! 6tind€d citrg thc Eq. (8.20) for<br />

di|Iml valu6 of CL'F ond drc @lr3 @ 'thlcd h TlbL 8.l7. rtc UCw d.lilccd<br />

by deEic Eotor pup rnd dicel msire mlor puD! h.vc bm 6rinar.d s O.5O Rtnr<br />

od 1.25 Rtnr rcspetively. For 0.25 CUF, rhc cltind.d Ucw tt€livd€d by $l& Pv<br />


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