germany - AHK - AHKs

germany - AHK - AHKs

germany - AHK - AHKs


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Concept of the Porsche Boxster presented in 1993 in<br />

the Detroit Auto Show<br />

pedestal in a country that prizes technology and<br />

craftsmanship.”<br />

6. Make cars people want. Fortune sums it up<br />

from The Economist: “It’s quite simple, really –<br />

Germany makes things which people in countries<br />

with growing economies want to buy.”<br />

7. Be confident. Or arrogant. Or both. Either way,<br />

believe in your company and its products. Have a<br />

purpose and a mission that set you apart or above,<br />

the rest of the pack. Mercedes’ ads claim “The Best<br />

Or Nothing.” BMW says they build the “Ultimate<br />

Driving Machine.”<br />

8. Be aspirational but affordable (just). The<br />

price point, and being strategic in pricing and<br />

marketing, is very nearly the object – overlapping<br />

with the above point, Fortune says “Sometimes,<br />

how much you pay for something – as opposed to<br />

its function – is the point of the exercise.”<br />

9. Be exclusive and super-exclusive. Anyone with<br />

$50,000 (Dh 183,500) can buy a 5 Series, but it<br />

takes an even larger bank account to afford an M5.<br />

Arguably the world’s most exclusive car brand is<br />

Bugatti. And it’s German.<br />


10. Be number one. And therefore put everyone<br />

else in second place. The tenth reason given for<br />

German car dominance arguably only repeats<br />

number seven. Fortune says Audi, BMW, Mercedes<br />

and Porsche are generally thought of as top<br />

marques because, well, they say they are.<br />

There are even more reasons to consider why<br />

Germany is doing it better than other car makers.<br />

World war two led to rapid industrialisation of its<br />

manufacturing base, including the automotive<br />

industry. German car makers are excellent at<br />

making premium cars for everyone.<br />

Anyone, from customers after affordable to hyperexclusive<br />

cars, and from 4x4, to sedan to supercars,<br />

can own a German car. And the marketing and<br />

advertising created by German carmakers and<br />

their ad agencies is, frankly, brilliant.<br />

The recent global economic downturn has seen a<br />

number of carmakers downsize. But the financial<br />

turbulence has only underlined the durability and<br />

resilience of German car makers.<br />

How, many people have asked, can it be that<br />

Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Audi and VW pay their<br />

workers more than twice the salary that US carmaking<br />

employees receive and produce so many<br />

more and better quality cars?<br />

Until all those non-German car makers who are<br />

clamouring to be number one discover that<br />

answer, they will remain number two and three.<br />

What’s clear is that German car makers covet the<br />

top spot and are going nowhere fast.<br />

There aren’t 10 elements to being a world-beating<br />

car maker, there’s just one: be German.

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