Annual Report 2007 - front cover - Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Annual Report 2007 - front cover - Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Annual Report 2007 - front cover - Cerebral Palsy Alliance


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20 THE SPASTIC CENTRE • <strong>2007</strong> ANNUAL REPORT<br />

financial<br />

notes<br />

notes to and forming part of the financial statements for the year ended 30 June <strong>2007</strong><br />


ACCOUNTING POLICIES ... continued<br />

The residual value, the useful life and the depreciation<br />

method applied to an asset are reassessed at the<br />

reporting date.<br />

Land and buildings are independently valued every<br />

three years (see note 12). Where the carrying amount<br />

of an asset or its cash generating unit exceeds the<br />

valuation, the difference is taken as a charge to the<br />

income statement.<br />

j) Trade and other payables<br />

Trade and other payables are stated at their amortised<br />

cost. Trade payables are non-interest bearing and are<br />

normally settled within usual trading terms.<br />

k) Employee benefits<br />

Defined contribution superannuation funds<br />

Obligations for contributions to defined contribution<br />

funds are recognised as an expense in the income<br />

statement as incurred.<br />

Wages, salaries and annual leave<br />

Liabilities for employee benefits for wages, salaries<br />

and annual leave expected to be settled within 12<br />

months of the year-end represent present obligations<br />

resulting from employees' services provided to<br />

reporting date, calculated at undiscounted amounts<br />

based on remuneration wage and salary rates that the<br />

consolidated entity expects to pay as at reporting date<br />

including related on-costs.<br />

Long term service benefits<br />

The consolidated entity's net obligation in respect of<br />

long-term service benefits is the amount of future<br />

benefits that employees have earned in return for their<br />

service in the current and prior periods. The obligation<br />

is calculated using expected future increases in wages<br />

and salary rates including related on-costs and<br />

expected settlement dates.<br />

l) Revenue and Income<br />

Total revenue is recognised at the fair value of the<br />

consideration received net of the amount of goods and<br />

services tax.<br />

Government funding<br />

Government grant revenue is recognised when there is<br />

reasonable assurance that the entity will comply with<br />

the conditions attached to them and the grant will be<br />

received.<br />

Grants received on the condition that specified<br />

services are delivered, or conditions are fulfilled, are<br />

considered reciprocal.<br />

Such grants are initially recognised as a liability and<br />

revenue is recognised as services are performed or<br />

conditions fulfilled.<br />

Revenue from non-reciprocal grants is recognised<br />

when received.<br />

Fundraising and bequests<br />

Donations and legacies are accounted for on a cash<br />

basis. Revenue from legacies comprising bequests of<br />

shares or other property are recognised at fair value,<br />

being the market value of the shares at the date the<br />

company becomes legally entitled to the shares or<br />

property.<br />

Donations received on the condition that specified<br />

services are delivered, or conditions are fulfilled, are<br />

considered reciprocal.<br />

Such donations are initially recognised as a liability<br />

and revenue is recognised as services are performed<br />

or conditions fulfilled.<br />

Revenue from non-reciprocal donations is recognised<br />

when received.<br />

Rendering of services<br />

Revenue from rendering of services is recognised in the<br />

period in which the service is provided having regard<br />

to the stage of completion of the transaction.<br />

Sale of goods<br />

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when<br />

significant risks and rewards of ownership have been<br />

transferred to the buyer.<br />

Assets sales<br />

The gain or loss on disposal of all non-current assets<br />

and listed equity securities available for sale is<br />

determined as the difference between the carrying<br />

amount of the asset at the time of the disposal and the<br />

net proceeds on disposals.<br />

Financial income<br />

Interest income is recognised as it accrues. Dividend<br />

income is recognised on the date the consolidated<br />

entity's right to receive payments is established, which<br />

in the case of equity securities is the ex-dividend date.<br />

Financial income is separately recognised in the<br />

income statement.<br />

Rental income<br />

Rental income is recognised in the income statement on<br />

a straight line basis over the life of the lease.<br />

m) Volunteer workers<br />

No monetary value has been attributed to the valuable<br />

services provided by the many volunteer workers.<br />

n) Goods and services tax<br />

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of<br />

the amount of goods and services tax (GST) except<br />

where the amount of GST incurred is not re<strong>cover</strong>able<br />

from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

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